Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, February 19, 2024

Crazy Jeep computer

As I was driving to town this morning I had to come to a complete
stop to let at least 11 deer leisurely cross the road right in front of me.
I got to town and started walking at 6:35.
It was 22 degrees, calm, and sunny once the sun rose at 7:04.
Parked the Jeep in town at the garage.
Driving the Jeep yesterday a block away from home all the idiot lights 
popped on and off and then it just said check engine.
Failed engine, breaks, tires, oil, and a bunch of others though the
Jeep was running fine. 
Drove the Jeep home and we went to church in the truck.
Thought something was wrong with the car computer
because it doesn't even have 27,000 miles on it so nothing should be wrong.

I walked over to the pond 

and around the cemetery up the hill a few times.
Icy around the ball park and on the road to the other
cemetery so didn't walk there.
Walked down the main road toward home and then back to town.
 Continued around town walking where it was clear.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.

Ken drove the truck to town and met me at the garage.
We went in and told them about the Jeep and they took it in right then
to see what was up.
Told us they'd call.
So I went home with Ken in the truck.

Morning Walk Steps 12,771


Here it is Monday again and time to start this weeks housework.

Made Macaroni Salad which will be for supper along with hot dogs.

Been working on the bookstore puzzle and it's coming along pretty good.
No picture yet.

2:00 we got a call from the garage in town telling us we could pick up the Jeep.
It was like we thought, the computer went crazy.

David and Liz stopped by this afternoon.
They left just a bit ago and now off I go to get supper ready.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy Monday



Lowcarb team member said...

Not nice when a cars computer (or any computer) goes crazy!

Your supper sounds good ...

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...computers are a fact of life with cars, unless you drive a vintage one.

Prims By The Water said...

I hate when lights come on in a car. Hopefully they found out your problem. Janice

Jeanette said...

The downside of modern technology! Glad it wasn't anything more serious! Your first picture is beautiful!

ellen b. said...

Glad it was an easy fix and not all those things the lights said! Sounds like a great day all around. Happy Presidents Day!

Billie Jo said...

Yep! Technology is great! Until it isn't! Glad your Jeep is all fixed up. And I hope you enjoyed your dinner! Sounds delicious!

Mari said...

Glad it was just a crazy computer!
I had to stop for 8 deer running in front of me last week on my way to work.
I told my hubby that God put a slow car in front of me to keep me from hitting them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm glad I didn't have to wait for the answer to your Jeep mystery! The macaroni salad recipe looks very good.

Dianna said...

Your macaroni salad sounds delicious. The recipe reminds me of how my mom used to make hers.

Glad that the Jeep problem was the computer going crazy. Can you imagine the cost if it had been a problem with all of those things?

Ann said...

Glad it was just a computer issue with the jeep. Sometimes I think it was way better before all this electronic stuff came along.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad there was nothing seriously wring with the jeep.
I love the first photo of the pond!
Take care, have a great day!

Jennifer said...

Goodness...so much snow still on the ground!! Sometimes, I really feel like my computer goes crazy - lol!!

Happy@Home said...

Oh boy, it would be a bit alarming to see all of those warnings come on at once.
Glad it was just a crazy computer causing the problem. Hopefully that will be the last of that.