Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, February 09, 2024


It was cloudy this morning but a warm 44 degrees.
A bit of a breeze which felt nice.
Started out with one less layer of clothing on and took another one off 
after walking a block.
Got to town and started walking at 6:30.
Sunrise 7:16
Morning Walk Steps 13,017

Made a stop at the library and put a DVD down the drop.
Continued through town and over to the industrial park and
walked all around there.

Back to town and around the ball park loop.
The chickens live next to where I walk and today one of the chickens had escaped.
On my second turn around there were 4 more escapees.

I went up to the house and knocked on the door and told them their
chickens had escaped.
She laughed, thanked me, and said she'd go and fix the hole in the fence.

Next I walked up to the cemetery on the hill.
The fields by the cemetery had the left over stubs of the corn stalks
rolled into bales.
They are quite big up close.
I walked up to one and they are taller than I am at 5'5".

A couple times around the cemetery and my walk was done.

Saw Sheila out running.
She told me she as been running in the afternoons lately.
That explains why I haven't seen her in a while.

☁️    ❤️    😀

I made us French toast for breakfast and soon after
David and Liz came by.
They stayed to visit for a while and then left to get some errands done.

We finished watching the last episode of the of Doc Martin last night.
which we enjoyed very much.
We bought all ten seasons so we could watch them at our leisure.
Liz had never seen any of the shows so we gave her ours to watch.

The sun came out later in the day and this afternoon I went out
and washed the Jeep.
I'm so glad I did that!!
I was just getting done when Liz drove up in her Jeep.
She had seen me washing mine and decided to wash hers too.
Together we got hers washed in no time.

Todays measuring cups are the ones I've had since we first got 
married 52 years ago.
I'm pretty sure they were a present but can't remember who from.
They are copper and I've kept them nice a shiny all these years.

Happy Friday
I'm happy today - it's pizza day.
Thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...it looks like they baled corn stubble. Have a great weekend.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Those measuring cups are the best kind!

Dianna said...

Karen, that was so kind of you to let the people know that their chickens were escaping. I'm sure they appreciated it.

Today would definitely had been a good day to wash vehicles. Glad that you and Liz were able to get both of your vehicles all sparkly.

I love copper! But the only thing I own that is copper is a hanging planter that belonged to my grandmother. Your measuring cups are so pretty! One would never know that they are 52 years old. But then no one would know that you and Ken have been married 52 years either. Neither of you look your age.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Those copper measuring cups are great! You have really taken good care of the cups. I washed my vehicle today too, but I ran it through the car wash. We had a very snowy day into the afternoon, but now it is just very cold.

ellen b. said...

Those copper measuring cups are nice. They look new. How wonderful to have a fine weather day for walking. Those chickens decided to be more free range than usual.

Mari said...

It was nice of you to let the people know their chickens were getting out, who knows how many more would have escaped!
I've never seen Doc Martin. We'll have to put it on our list.
Your copper measuring cups are so pretty and they look brand new.

Connie said...

You're 52-year-old measuring cups look brand new.
I'm a fan of Doc Martin also :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are really beautiful measuring cups. I have never seen copper ones. I think you have captured how large the hay is quite nicely!

Ann said...

Sounds like a beautiful day. It was in the 60s here yesterday. So nice. Those measuring cups look like they're brand new.

Jeanette said...

I have a set of measuring cups like that only they are stainless steel.

Hill Top Post said...

It has been a great week for walking here also, but it is getting colder as I write. Those chickens! They always seem to find a way to escape.

Lowcarb team member said...

Doc Martin is an enjoyable series.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

French toast would be welcome right now.