Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Chirping birds

Since I missed my walk yesterday it was extra nice to be out walking.
On the drive to town I didn't see any deer but 
a rabbit and a raccoon crossed the street in front of me.
Got to town and started walking at 6:30.
It was warm at 44 degrees with sun and clouds.
Sunrise 6:53
Morning Walk Steps 13,053 

Started my walk going around the cemetery on the hill.
Then stopped at the Jeep to pick up a library book and went to the
library and dropped it down the slot.

From there I walked down the main and went to the ball park.
Took a couple more photos of the chickens.
One hopped up on the little trailer and was getting a drink.

Some others hopped up on a pile of lumber when I started talking to them.

I continued back down the main road and ended my walk going around
the other cemetery.

I didn't see anyone but I did see Sheila's car in the parking lot but
never saw her.

So nice to have the birds back and to hear their happy chirping.
This was the first morning I heard them.


Yesterday Liz brought us over some chicken noodle soup that she made 
for our supper.❤️
As you can imagine that was very much appreciated and delicious.

I was making us some scrambled eggs for breakfast when David
came by and he stayed and had some with us.

Got the sheets washed and hung out on the line and then it clouded up
and we had rain and a few claps of thunder.
I got the sheets in just in time and they dried the rest of the way inside.
By afternoon the sun had come out again.

This morning I made brownies.
They were quick and easy because I just used a box mix.
They are almost as good as the ones I make.
I'll be having a brownie instead of ice cream for my snack this evening.
Then again maybe I'll add a little vanilla ice cream with it.

I know I have a crochet hook somewhere but I looked high and low
and can't find it.  
Maybe I can borrow one from one of the stitching ladies
for learning how to make granny squares on Saturday.

That's going to be it for today.
Thanks for visiting and a happy Tuesday to you.


Tom said...

...those Plymouth Rock chickens are beauties!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those chickens are so pretty! I love how you snapped the birds flying into the sun! Now I want a brownie.

Dianna said...

I always enjoy the pictures of the chickens. How thoughtful of Liz to make you chicken noodle soup. Brownies and ice cream sounds delicious.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love chocolate, chocolate chip brownies! That’s what I plan on having for my birthday on Saturday. The brownies and chocolate ice cream! Yum.
Those chickens are beautiful. I’d love to have some as pretty as them. I like that red one, too.

Jeanette said...

So fun to visit the chickens! Brownies sound pretty good right now!

Granny Marigold said...

Our sunrise today is at 6:53 same as yours! We didn't see the sun though because it was cloudy. I find that box Brownies taste as good as what I make from scratch and since I'm not of a fan of them I rarely make any.

ellen b. said...

How nice of Liz to bring over that soup. I always use a box mix for brownies. I've enjoyed others' homemade ones, too. I wonder if that crochet hook will turn up when you least expect to find it. That's what happens to me more and more lately! Have a good evening.

Lowcarb team member said...

That was nice of Liz to make you chicken noodle soup, and good that David dropped in to see you both.

I do like your chicken pictures.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

I like those black and white chickens!
Your geese shot is so pretty!

Ann said...

Love those chickens. They sure are friendly. If only they knew you were going to be eating chicken noodle soup...lol
Too bad I didn't live closer I would give you a crochet hook. I have just about every size and doubles of a few of them.

eileeninmd said...

I love an early morning walk while listening to the birds singing.
Great photo of the geese flying over and I love all the cute chickens.
The brownies sound yummy! Take care, have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What wonderful chickens.

God bless.

Faith said...

Love the chicken pics!! Will have to show my sister Hope as she has many free range chickens on her little "Farm" in the woods of central NY. :)

You're motivating me to go for a walk today even though we are getting some much needed rain here in eastern NY. but..i have a rain coat. I did do a quick hike after an appt yesterday afternoon and it was an unusual for our area 64!!! But temps are dropping tonight and it IS still Winter, climate change or not!!

The Furry Gnome said...

I used to love it when I could be outside early and hear the birds chirping. Weather's really crazy here today, so blowing horizontally! And loud thunder and lightning yesterday!

Prims By The Water said...

Yes it is nice to hear the birds chirping again. The sweet sound of cardinal caught my ear today and he was a brilliant red. Janice