Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Sunday, January 14, 2024


The wind and snow continues.
We got in the car to go to church and drove down our road 

thinking the main road would be better.
They were a little better but not much and as we slid through
town decided to turn around and go back home.
So we went to Sunday School and church on line.
What a blessing that we can do that.

This is out our back door.

This months Bible verse we as a church are memorizing is an easy
one this time and I've already learned it.

Proverbs 30:5
Every word of God is pure,
He is a shield to them
that put their trust in Him.

A blessed Sunday to all.

Comment Replies:
Ginny - Ken's HO Railroad layout is in the basement here at our house.



Tom said...

...our storm turned out to be a dusting, but it's cold and windy! Some days are meant to be indoor days.

Ann said...

It started snowing harder after I took my video yesterday and I was worried that I was going to wake up to something like you have there, this morning. Thankfully we didn't even get an inch. Just enough to cover the ground. It's really cold though.
Glad you were able to do the Sunday School and church on line.

Pom Pom said...

Wow! It is very WINTER where you live, Karen. We just have cold, cold, cold! I'm happy for online church, too!

Mari said...

Everything here is closed again and it keeps snowing. 18 inches so far!
Thankfully our Pastor and some sound guys made it to church so we were able to watch online.
Stay warm!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You were brave to even try! We are to get snow later this week. Your basement must be totally amazing!

Dianna said...

Our church services were cancelled today due the high winds and snow. H
It looks like you have had a lot of wind too from looking at the drifts in the picture out your back door. Stay warm and safe.

Lowcarb team member said...

That is a lot of snow!
Pleased you could go to Church online.

Keep safe and warm.

All the best Jan

Inger said...

You get the best snow, here it comes and then it melts the next day. And we are left with a muddy mess. But I still love it when it snows.

Connie said...

Didn't look like weather to be out in if you didn't need to be.
Great verse.

Granny Marigold said...

We've had to turn around and go back home in the past. It's disappointing to get ready and half way there turn around but usually it's a wise decision.

eileeninmd said...

It is nice that the church service is offered online.
It best during these cold snowy days to stay inside.
It does look pretty looking out the windows at the snow.
Stays safe and warm. Take care, have a great week!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Looks very cold out there. Cold here too but as yet no snow.

God bless.

Visits With Mary said...

brrrr, that's cold. It is pretty to look at, I don't know about living in it. I think we all adapt to our circumstances. Yes, I agree, online church services are wonderful when you can't get out. Hope you have a great week.

Melanie said...

Wow! Lots of snow! It's snowing here now and we're supposed to get 5-6 inches. Pretty tame compared to what you have. I am thankful that I can "go to church" online. I imagine you'll be walking in your basement today! Take care.

Linda said...

Glad you were able to stay safe and attend online.

ellen b. said...

Thankfully our roads were driveable and we made it to church which was a good thing since we were bringing the donuts for our Ministry Fair! We would have done the same as you and turned around home when the roads are that bad!

KEV. Robertson. said...

Hi Karen- That is a lot of serious snow- I had seen through the week on TV that America was having Blizzards sweep across the nation- with temperatures at 40deg C....Stay well there. KEV.

Jennifer said...

Our church is learning a memory verse together each month this year. This is the first time we have done that. Rather fun. This month is I Timothy 1:17! Thankfully we are starting off easy:) Online services can be a real blessing!!

Prims By The Water said...

Looks like you got hammered with snow. Us not so much. Janice