Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Sale Barn Raod

A few snow flurries around this morning but they soon stopped
and it was just cloudy when I walked.
Got to town at 6:35 and sunrise was at 7:26.
28 degrees and just a bit of a breeze.

Walked over to the library first thing and dropped a DVD down the book drop.
Continued over to the DG Market and turned around and went
back through town.

Walked down the main road toward home a ways and on the way back
went up Sale Barn.

Walked all the way up to the end of the road this time.
Quite a trek up the hill but worth it when you get to the top.
Turned around at the end of the road.

 A nice easy walk down back to the main road.

Didn't see anyone else out again.

Morning Walk Steps 12632

I've forgotten who but someone asked if I knew how Sale Barn Road
got its name.
I didn't know but asked Farmer Marvin and he told me.

Years ago there was a barn on the road that was an auction barn
where cattle were sold.
The farm was sold and a new auction barn was built about 7 miles up Rte 219.
It is still there and the cattle auction still goes on every Monday afternoon.

๐ŸŒจ    ☁️    ๐Ÿ˜€

I changed the dishes on my hutch.
Took the yellow and red Fiestaware dishes down and put up
the ivory and green ones.
Always nice to have a change.

A few other house chores got done and then I read and knitted.

Started another puzzle.
This one is the inside of a diner.

This evening supper is pasta (rigatoni) and garlic bread.

❤️Today is our anniversary.❤️
Hard to believe we've been married for 52 years!

Hope your Tuesday was a good one.
Thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...Happy Anniversary!

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Anniversary Wishes.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Ken!

Ivy Green said...

Happy Anniversary!

Our 49th was on the 26th.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! Happy Anniversary to you and Ken! May you have 52 more years and an eternity of happiness together. God bless you both! See you again tomorrow!

Connie said...

I can just imagine how beautiful your green and ivory dishes look. I do hope you post a photo. That view from the top of the hill is amazing. Be safe and God bless.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy anniversary! We have been married 53 years. Did you do anything special together? I would like to see photos of your new dishes arrangement and the puzzle.

Mari said...

Happy Anniversary! We are 10 years behind you.
Your roads are so pretty! And I appreciated your history on how Sale Barn Road got its name..

doodles n daydreams said...

Happy anniversary, we just celebrated our 53rd yesterday.
The snow photos are great, I admire you for venturing out in it. Diana

Dianna said...

Happy Anniversary! We will catch up with you in March! I tried your whole wheat bread recipe for the bread machine today. It was yummy! ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

Debby said...

Happy Anniversary!

Ann said...

Happy Anniversary. That's quite a trek up Sale Barn Rd.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Anniversary! Love the landscape photos, you do have a pretty view on your walks. Take care, have a great day!

Barwitzki said...

Happy wedding anniversary.
The snow is gone for us, but I'm happy to see snow in the blogs.
With me I already see if I can discover snowdrops ... they bloom in February ... the first messengers of spring.
Well, there is still some time until then.

Happy@Home said...

I hope you had a very Happy Anniversary yesterday. 52 years is a wonderful milestone to celebrate.

Prims By The Water said...

I do love the snow, just not driving in it. Such pretty pics you took. Janice

ellen b. said...

Sorry I missed wishing you a happy anniversary on your actual day! Congratulations on 52 years! God is good!

Jeanette said...

Belated Happy Anniversary!