Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, January 09, 2024


Lots of snow overnight and during the morning.
In the afternoon is changed to a light misty rain.

Looking out my front door about 7:30 AM.

Steps once again taken inside.

Out the back door mid morning.

 After morning chores did some reading of the book club book, Horse.
Have read just over 100 pages and like it.
May not finish it in time for the book club meeting 
on Thursday but I'll go anyway.

It was a nice day to stay cozy inside.
We didn't even venture out to go food shopping this morning.

Finished the snowman puzzle last night.

In the afternoon we went outside and I cleared the bricks in front of
the garage of snow and Ken was on the tractor getting the driveway
clear and also the big pile of snow that the snow plow leaves at the
end of the driveway.
The snow was very heavy - I got a good work out.

Todays Fiestaware picture is plates.

I have all six colors in plate sizes,
with a few extra plates in blue and yellow.

The big plate is called a chop plate and is 13".
I have that in just 4 colors.

Thanks for popping in for a visit.
Happy Tuesday

Comment Replies:
Deb - No, didn't inherit the Fiestaware.  I've collected it over the years in antique shops, flea markets, and auctions.  Just collect the old original colors.

Dianna - No, haven't been to Flatwood, WV to the outlet.  I haven't bought any Fiestaware for quite a few years.  Don't need anymore and I don't have any new pieces.  Mine are all old.

Kim - I like the 'big book' Demon Copperhead fine.  Still have a little over 100 pages to read yet so don't know how it ends.  You mentioned that it has been compared to Dickens, David Copperfield.  It does remind me of the Dickens book in that it is about a young boy growing up in poverty.  I have read David Copperfield a few times and think it a lot better than Demon. But then Dickens is my favorite author and I've read all of his books.  In my mind you can't get better characters than from Dickens.
All his characters come alive for me.



Tom said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, what gorgeous photos! And the snowmen puzzle is so cute! It is good to see posts again. Growing up, my family had Fiesta Ware. I wonder if the new kind that is manufactured now, is as good as back in the day. I bet the older kind is much more sturdy and made better. My family had them 50 years ago!

Prims By The Water said...

Pretty plates. Do you use them? We had rain all day. If it had been snow who knows how many inches that would have been. Janice

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness! That's a lot of snow!
I do like the snowman puzzle.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

You've really been getting the snow! It snowed here for much of the day and more is expected tomorrow.
You have a great Fiesta Ware collection!
That looks like a fun puzzle.

Jennifer said...

That is a lot of snow! I have to say that I am happy to be just enough south of you to have rain. Granted, lots of rain...but I'm not quite ready for snow:) Pretty appropriate puzzle though:)

Dianna said...

Wow...that snowman puzzle looks hard! It's beautiful though.

Your plates are so pretty. Thank you for sharing them with us. Old is always best, in my opinion. I think that's why I enjoy auctions so much!

Lisa said...

Those plates look so festive.
My husband used to collect Fire King dishes.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. You have a lot of snow. We are having a snowy week too. Tonight we had a snow squall and got about 5 inches in an hour. It is bitter cold out too - in the teens. Must be January. I hope things warm up a bit for us both. It was interesting to find out that Charles Dickens in your favorite author! I love his A Christmas Carol. It is a favorite for sure! Have you seen the movie, The Man Who Invented Christmas? It is about Dickens and I highly recommend it. See you again tomorrow!

Ann said...

Oh you did get a lot of snow. That first picture looks so pretty and peaceful.
Love that puzzle. Your Fiestaware collection is quite impressive.

eileeninmd said...

We had more rain here than snow. You got a lot of snow to plow and shovel.
Your plates look so colorful and pretty, a nice collection.
Take care, have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

So much snow outside and a snowman jigsaw inside.

God bless.

Debbie said...

That first picture is amazing :) You definitely have an eye for photography. The snow is beautiful!

Happy@Home said...

The snowman puzzle is so cute and perfect for your very snowy weather outside.
I am going to have to read David Copperfield now. Thanks for the input.

Granny Marigold said...

You sure did get a lot of snow. We walked this morning but tomorrow and Friday are forecast to be very cold so I think we may skip those days. Or go walk in the Mall but I really don't like to do that.
The snowman puzzle looks like it was a hard one.

Visits With Mary said...

I love dishes, therefore, I really like the picture of your plates. The picture of the front of your home is so pretty, it really shows how cold it must be where you are. Nothing like that on the Texas coast. Stay warm!!