Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Another puzzle

 No morning walk in town and once again it was down in the basement for me.
More snow and LOTS of wind.

A bit of housework got done this morning.

Took the snowman puzzle apart.
That was the third time for doing that one too so off it goes to a new home.
Got the next puzzle out and started setting out the pieces.

The book club meeting tomorrow has been cancelled due to the weather.
Didn't think I'd finish the book anyway so not disappointed and we'll
just discuss the book next month.
I put aside Horse and read some of Demon Copperhead. 
When I get done with that I'll go back to Horse.

The Fiestaware today is a few more plates.
These are called compartment plates.
The yellow one is 12" and the others are 10".
These are the only colors I have.

I would have loved to have one of these plates when I was a little girl.
I didn't like the different foods to touch each other and my mom would always
get mad at me.

Supper this evening is meatloaf which is in the oven right now.
We'll be having mashed potatoes and fresh broccoli along with it.

So that's it for today.
Hope you had a great Wednesday
and thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Janice - Yes, we use the Fiestaware every day.  In fact I'll be eating supper on the green compartment plate.🙂

Deb - No, haven't seen The Man Who Invented Christmas.  Checked with the library and they don't have it.  I'll have to talk to Connie at the library so she can get it for me.



Tom said...

...I've never seen the compartment plates., the blue one is my favorite.

Dianna said...

Oh...I like those compartment plates! It brings back memories of the plastic compartment plates that were in my grandma's picnic basket that we took on picnics at Cooper's Rock every summer! Of course, they weren't as sturdy as your Fiestware ones. Yours are lovely!

Supper sounds really good!

The puzzle looks interesting!

Mari said...

Crazy weather here too, with all the schools closed around us.
I was going to ask if you read The Man who invented Christmas too. Bob and I really enjoyed it.
I didn't know Fiesta Ware had divided plates. I like them!

ellen b. said...

Those plates would have been nice to have as little kids! Nice to get some extra time to finish the book before bookclub!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Your dinner sounds so good. Comfort food on a cold day. Like you, I didn't like different things on plate to touch when I was little. Now, I like it all mixed up. I need to start another puzzle. I hope you have a good day and can walk outside tomorrow.

Prims By The Water said...

Good to hear you use the dinnerware. I still use my vintage pyrex. and I love it. Thar puzzle looks pretty. Janice

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the blues in your puzzle. I did not know that fiesta ever had divided plates! I have never seen any. Kids would love them!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I like jigsaw puzzles with just six pieces.

God bless.

Ann said...

You sure are getting hit with the snow. You must be getting our share on top of yours. They keep predicting 1-5" and we only get a dusting.
I like that puzzle. Those plates are really nice.

eileeninmd said...

We had a lot of rain and high winds here. I like the puzzle picture.
The compartment plates are cute, I sure the children love them too.
Take care, have a great day!

Pom Pom said...

We had meatloaf, too! I hope your weather clears so you can go out walking!

Granny Marigold said...

That's a really nice puzzle again.
One of my sons was like that...not wanting his food touching.

Sandi said...

beautiful puzzle!