Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, December 30, 2023

Third and final work day for the year.

We had a dusting of snow over night and some flurries hanging around
as I walked and throughout the day.
32 degrees and a little breeze.
Started walking in town at 6:30 and sun rise was 7:37.

Walked to the library first thing again and put a DVD down the drop.
Then  walked around town, the ball park loop and one
of the cemeteries. 

LOTS of birds in the field where the corn was and when I came by
they all took off.
You might have to enlarge to picture to see the birds.

Once again it was pretty much a ghost town this morning.
As I was leaving the parking lot to drive home I spotted Lisa.

Morning Walk Steps 10,126

☁️    🙂    🌨

Walk a little short again this morning because it was another Fingerprints
work day at church and had to leave early.
We worked today from 9:00 - 12:30 and a good group of 18
turned out to work.
I worked on the cutter the whole time.
These three days we got 10,206 Romans books put together,
stapled, cut, and boxed up.
The grand total for the year of 2023 was 78,808.
 A pretty good total I'd say.

On the way home we stopped at Taco Bell for a bite to eat.
Also stopped at the Oakland library while we were in the area.
A stop at Shop and Save and another one at DG Market before
getting home.
Nice to be home and sit and read for a little while!!!
I've read 100 pages of Demon Copperhead and lsoo far like it.
Pretty sure I'll like the rest of it too.
It is hard to put down so don't think it will take me that long to read.

Hope your Saturday was a happyone.
Thanks for stopping by.
happyone 👩🏻‍🦳


Granny Marigold said...

That is quite a total of booklets that were put together this year. I forget if you only work on Romans or if you will assemble a different book of the Bible next year.
Your sunrise was at 7:37 while we are still a minute before 8. Each day the daylight lengthens but so far only at the sunset end (of a minute a day).

The Happy Whisk said...

100 pages in and still digging the book sounds good to me.
We had flurries and they left. Cold here though not too cold.
Happy 2024! Cheers, Ivy.

susan q said...

was curious about your book so I went to Amazon to read a snippet of it. Does sound interesting, will have to request it from my library. thanks for the recommendation. no snow in se central pa.

ellen b. said...

That's a great total for the books. Lots of hard work. Well done. Tomorrow is the last Sunday of the year.

Tom said...

...I love the dusting of snow that you have. It rained today, Happy New Year.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I’m afraid we all were spoiled last year when we got snow and now everyone wants it. It was fun and unique for here. We’ll have to see what 2024 brings. Happy New Year!

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased you are enjoying your new book.

Taking the opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.

All the best Jan

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I am glad you are liking that big book, Demon Copperhead, so far. Sounds like you got a lot of little books made during your work day. It makes me cold to look at the pictures from your walk. Have a good Sabbath. See you again soon!

Ann said...

That is a lot of booklets completed. Very impressive.
That kind of snow I don't mind. If it's just a little at a time I can handle it.

eileeninmd said...

The dusting of snow looks pretty! Sounds like you made good progress on the booklets. Take care, happy New Year's Eve. I wish you all the best in 2024, a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

Inger said...

I like the photo of your town in the dark. Congratulations on the almost 79,000 books your church put together. And, as always on all the stops you walk each day. Happy New Year's Eve and best wishes for a great 2024 for you and your family.