Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, December 09, 2023



I was at town and walking at 6:40.
The temperature was 39 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds
once it rose at 7:25.

Had to stop the car to let a deer cross the road just as I got to town.
I barely saw her in the dark.

Walked through town, past the DG Market to the curve in the road
and up the farm road here for a bit and then turned around.

Back in town I walked around the ball park,
then down the main road toward home,
turned around and made my way back to the Jeep.

Shiela was out running and John out walking Prim.
Both too far away to talk to so just waved.

Morning Walk Steps 12,324

πŸŽ„    πŸ˜€    🌀    πŸŽ…πŸ»

Went to the library this morning to meet up with the stitching group.
Just three of us this morning.
I finished knitting the purple boa scarf for Kinsley yesterday
and this morning started the pink one.

Did more Christmas baking, this time a YumYum Cake.
It is the only recipe that I have from my grandmother. (Mom's Mom)

More reading and knitting this afternoon.

Making roasted Italian sausage and veggies for supper this evening and
in fact it is in the oven right now.
David and Liz will be joining us.
(Your recipe Mari)
We all LOVE it!!

Happy Saturday and thanks for visiting.


Happy@Home said...

It looks like your snow has all melted. It's been a dark, dreary day here so I enjoyed seeing your bright, sunny photos.
Sounds like you will be having a nice evening with yummy food. Enjoy!

Tom said...

...YumYum Cake, what a great name!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I always love to bake when the weather cools. It makes the whole house smell wonderful and feel warmer! Enjoy your weekend! YumYum!

The Happy Whisk said...

Love that you're making your gram's recipe.
Here's to a wonderful rest of your week.
Cheers and Happy Walking, Ivy.

Debby said...

Wow how special to have your Grandmother’s recipe. I can’t say I have any from mine although my mom’s recipes could have been her mom’s. Only God knows at this point.

Glad you didn’t hit that deer!
Hope you have a nice evening and dinner.

Bill said...

Your grandmother wil smile down at you when you making the YumYum cake. :)

Prims By The Water said...

So glad you did not hit the deer. My mom almost hit one a few weeks ago. Janice

Lowcarb team member said...

Love the name YumYum cake :)

Enjoy your evening with David and Liz.

All the best Jan

Dianna said...

That Mari has some wonderful recipes! I checked out your recipe for the Yum Yum cake. Sounds really good.

Mari said...

What a pretty morning! It doesn't look like December. We had high winds today, and our power went out for several hours. Tomorrow snow is predicted.
You'll have to show us the purple boa scarf. I bet Kinsley will be thrilled.
I made fudge today that is Bob's grandma's recipe. It's fun to make those old recipes.
Glad you are like the sausage and veggies. I need to make that again!

ellen b. said...

By now you've had a nice meal with Dave and Liz. Sounds delicious. I'll have to click over to the Yum Yum cake. Enjoy your Sunday!

Granny Marigold said...

I'm glad you were careful and noticed the deer. Could have been bad for the deer and not great for your vehicle. We had the misfortune of hitting a deer once. It was sad.

Ann said...

Yum Yum cake, what a cute name for it. The roasted sausage and veggies sound pretty good.

eileeninmd said...

I am sure Kinsley will love her new scarf.
Your dinner and the Yum Yum cake sound delicious.
Happy Sunday, have a great day and happy week!

Jeanette said...

I love making recipes from my mom and my grandma!