Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, November 17, 2023

Yellow or Turquoise?

 Only one deer down my road this morning.
A warm morning at 47 degrees when I got to town and 
started walking at 6:20.
Sunrise was at 7:03.
It was calm and mostly cloudy but the sun did
show itself once in a while.

It is just a bit too dark to walk the cemeteries when I first get
to town now, so walked a little while under the street lights.
Then walked around the ball park loop.
The man was there again running his laps.
I'd ask him his name but he looks like he doesn't want to stop and talk.

From there I went back to the cemeteries and walked around them.
There were a couple of mallard ducks swimming around on the pond.
Didn't even try for a picture because they always fly away too fast.

Continued walking around town and up and down the side streets
to finish up my walk.

The two parts of the module home have been put together
and the concrete slab as been poured for the garage.

Morning Walk Steps were 13,567

🌥         🦃         🥾         😀

This morning was baking time.
Nice recipe because it makes three loaves.
One for us
One for David and Liz
and one for Thanksgiving day.

I'm knitting a couple of wash/dish clothes for someone.
Not sure what color I want to make the next one to go with this one.
What would you pick?

Happy Friday
Make it a good one.
Thanks for stopping by.

I want to thank you, Lord, for life and all that's in it. 
Thank you for the day and for the hour, and the minute.

Maya Angelou

Comment Replies:
John - Thank you very much for those kind words.  All the pictures I take are taken with my cell phone. (Samsung Galaxy A13)


Tom said...

...you enjoy so many gorgeous skies, thanks for sharing them.

susan q said...

turqoise, won't show coffee stains if you need to consider that. Pumpkin bread is delicious this time of the year.

Ann said...

What a gorgeous sunrise that is.
I think I would pick the turquoise for the other dishcloth. I've made crochet cloths before. Haven't done any in a long time. Maybe I should dig out my crochet hooks.

Bill said...

A beautiful sky to start your day.

Mari said...

That's a beautiful sky! Glad they are making progress on the home.
I like your dishcloth. I would say yellow because it's so cheery, but I think the turquoise would hide any stains better.

Dianna said...

Your sunrise picture is stunning, Karen. I often how anyone could view something as beautiful as that and not believe in a Creator God.

Pumpkin bread sounds yummy! My mom always made such good pumpkin bread. I have her recipe but it just never tastes as good as when she made it.

Either the yellow or turquoise would be pretty with the other dish cloth, but I'm partial to turquoise.

Granny Marigold said...

I think both colours of yarn would look good but turquoise might go with the dots in the first dish cloths ( I enlarged the picture and now I see there are also yellow dots. I didn't notice them before). Either way I'm sure the recipient will like them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Either the yellow or turquoise would match this perfectly, and look so pretty. Your sunrise photo is gorgeous!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Wow, that is a gorgeous sunrise picture. I think I would go with the turquoise color, but the yellow is bright and cheerful as well. You are always doing something nice for someone. Your pumpkin bread sounds so delicious. Have a great weekend. See you again soon!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Lovely photo to start with. Thanx.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous sky photo. It is nice you are seeing the deer and the mallards on your walks. I like both the yellow and turquoise colors. Have a great weekend.

Jeanette said...

That first picture is so beautiful! Either one would go good but I think I would go with the turquoise!

ellen b. said...

Since you asked us to choose, I choose turquoise. You can't go wrong with either color.

Prims By The Water said...

Pumpkin bread sounds amazing! Janice

William Kendall said...

A lovely dawn.