Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The first jigsaw puzzle

Woke up to a little bit of snow on the ground.
I got to town and started to walk at 7:00.
It was 24 degrees with a breeze, wore layers and stayed warm.

In places it was pretty slippery for walking so my walking places were limited.
Ended up walking up and down part of the main street through town and turned around when it was slippery.
Walked up and down the road heading toward home two times because the shoulders of the road were not slippery.
It started snowing again while I was walking.

Ended up cutting my walk short and only walking 9,284 steps.

Some pictures along my way.

🙂         🥾         ☁️         🌧

The first snow fall for us means getting started on the first jigsaw puzzle for the season.
We have started one with a fall scene and one which we have done before.
This year we aren't going to buy any new puzzles but just do the ones we have.
After we do it we will decide to keep it or give it away.

Unfortunately it was time for me to go back to the dentist today to get that back molar repaired.  
It was a breeze though and I was in and out in 10 minutes.
I chose not to have it numbed since it was just a little thing so didn't have to wait for that awful numb feeling to go away.

Ken went in right after me to get his repaired and I walked over to the library to wait for him.
He had the same thing as me done and he too was in and out in 10 minutes.
I had just gotten to the library, started talking to a woman there and in popped Ken.

I finished knitting the scarf I've been knitting for Donna, the cashier at Casselman's. Just have to put the fringe on it.

Lighthouse Number Eleven
Located in New Hampshire

Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Dianna - Casselman's is one of the places we go shopping and it is my favorite place to shop.  Other weeks we go to the Shop and Save and once in a while to Walmart.
Saturdays we usually make a stop at the DG Market.  Maybe we'll see you in Casselmans one of these days!!😀

GrannyM - Yes, we do go shopping with a list but always look for good deals that aren't on the list too.  I make a loosely meal plan for the week but rarely follow it.  Sometimes I just don't feel like eating what I had planned. 🙂

Ellen - No, haven't visited the lighthouses that I've pictured but have visited a couple of lighthouses in Maine.


Tom said...

...we woke up to snow this morning but most of it melted. The red barn in the snow looks wonderful.

Aritha V. said...

O the first snow. What nice to see.

The Furry Gnome said...

Looks similar here!

Jeanette said...

We had a dusting of snow last night too. Up north of us they had to cancel Halloween because the wet heavy snow was causing power lines to fall! Not ready for this at all!

Michelle said...

An easy dental visit is a blessing, I think! Glad yours was quick!

Debby said...

Beautiful snow.

Wow, no Novocain? I'm impressed. Hey give me a rotator cuff surgery or knee replacement recovery but I'm a big baby when it comes to my teeth. The novocaine doesn't bother me. I just hate going to the dentist. I'd rather give birth to 3 10lb babies...

Mari said...

We also had our first snow of the season yesterday and instead of just a flurry it came and stuck.
When I was a kid, our dentist used no Novocaine and I developed a huge dislike of going to the dentist. So I am impressed that you do this voluntarily!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Snow already? It's cold here; but no snow.

God bless.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a breeze these dentist appointments were! I don't like to be numbed if it is just a small filling.

Pam said...

I am in awe of your amazing-ness for getting out and walking when the temps are that low and with snow to boot!

I wish I had your dentist! It takes forever to get anything done at mine.

Grace & Peace,

ellen b. said...

I think first snow is a great time to pull out a puzzle! My kids signed me up for a puzzle club for one year as a birthday present so I'll be getting a few more puzzles that are new to me in the next couple of months. If we lived closer I'd swap you a few! So wise to be careful on slippery walkways!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. We haven't had much snow down here in the valleys, but our mountains got some last week. Your walk does look icy, so it is understandable that you cut it short. I am wondering about your lighthouse collection. Do you have all of your lighthouses displayed in one place or are they placed around the house. I hope you have a great Thursday. See you then!

Granny Marigold said...

The snow looks pretty.
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who had a procedure done at the dentist office and was done in ten minutes. I'm impressed with your dentist.

Visits With Mary said...

We don't have snow, but I do have some new puzzles! Yeah. I love to work them and I have one on the table now. I tried to finish it tonight, but I just got too tired. Oh well, now I'll have something to do in the morning.

Ann said...

We had snow on the ground here yesterday morning too.
That's awesome when you can get in and out of the dentist in 10 minutes.

eileeninmd said...

Your first snow looks pretty, the last scene and photo is my favorite.
We had a little bit of flurries yesterday morning.
A ten minute dentist visit, that sounds awesome.
Take care, have a great day!

Bill said...

We hardly ever get snow and I don't miss it but it's nice to see.

Hill Top Post said...

The first snow is such a special thing. I love the pictures. I am just not ready for winter this year. I think my astronomical clock is all messed up!

Prims By The Water said...

We had snow on Halloween but thankfully it did not stick. In fact it is suppose to get into the 60's again tomorrow. YAY Glad your tooth situation went well. Janice

Dianna said...

I heard that I-68 was closed for a bit Wednesday morning due to ice and I know there was ice under the snow when Carroll cleaned the truck off. So I am not surprised that your walk was a bit of a challenge. Thank you for answering my question. Maybe we will see you at the Casselman Market one day.

William Kendall said...

We got snow, but it doesn't stay on the ground long, until the ground really freezes up.