Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, November 13, 2023


 A Frosty Morning

30 degrees this morning when I went for my walk.
Got to town at 6:30 and sunrise was at 6:59.
It was a beautiful sunny morning.

When I first got to town there were three deer standing by the pond.

First walked around both of the cemeteries.

On the way to the ball park I made a detour over to the library
and put a DVD down the drop.

Then continued on over to the ball park and waked around there.
Lastly walked up and down the side streets.

No one out and about this morning
but quite a few people waved or gave me a toot as they drove by.
Most of the bus drivers give me a wave too.
Bus driver number 46 is the most faithful waver and has been
waving to me for years.
There was a year he didn't drive and I thought he'd retired but
the next year he was back driving.

Morning Walk Steps

😀        🚶‍♀️       ☀️ 

A cool crisp sunny morning and perfect for drying sheets out on the line.
They always smell best on a cold day.
They get washed, dried, and then back on the bed.
Don't want to waste that wonderful smell in the closet!!

Finished the first puzzle of the season.
It is one I've done before so didn't take another picture but
you can see a picture of it 
I did this one alone.
Ken just wasn't in the puzzle mood.
I'll wait until after Thanksgiving to start another one.

Finished the weave-it squares on this months baby blanket
and just have to sew the last three rows together and it will be done.
I'll get that done later this evening.
It just might be my favorite one yet. 😀

Well time to get making supper.

Happy Monday and hope you made yours a good one.
I thank you again for stopping by for a visit.

If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. 
It will change your life mightily.

Gerald Good


Granny Marigold said...

That is such a pretty puzzle but I imagine that the area with all the leaves was challenging.
Did you drop the DVD off at the post office?

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I like that puzzle. I need to get started on a puzzle. It sounds like you had a good day. Chicken-A-La King sounds good. That brings back memories. My mom used to make that. See you again tomorrow!

Tom said...

...we enjoyed a similar day. The frosty view of the barn is fabulous, stay warm.

Dianna said...

That puzzle is absolutely beautiful. Where do you get your puzzles?

Our morning was cold and frosty, too. But that sun made up for the cool temps. This afternoon was just lovely. The tree by the pond in your picture is so pretty...still has most of its vibrant colors.

Billie Jo said...

I love the puzzle! Beautiful photos!

ellen b. said...

That's a lovely fall puzzle and Chicken a la king sounds like a great fall meal. Sounds like a good day. I've got to get crackin and make some progress on our puzzle before Thanksgiving company arrive.

Mari said...

You had another beautiful walk. Glad the bus drivers wave to you!
Seeing deer in the morning is a good start, being thankful and being observant of the things we have to be thankful for, does make a difference!

Hill Top Post said...

It is definitely the time of year for puzzles and frosty morning walks. But here we are having beautiful fall weather and tramping through a carpet of colorful leaves. I love the puzzle.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a gorgeous puzzle. I don't think we could ever finish a 1,000 piece one. The last photo with the sun shining on everything is beautiful.

Ann said...

That's quite a frost you got. Looks like it burned off quickly once the sun came up.
I'm tempted to go out and buy a puzzle. I haven't done one in ages other than online.

eileeninmd said...

Yesterday morning was frosty. Pretty scenes, the first two photos are my favorites. Hubby and I like Chicken-ala-king. Take care, have a great day!

Bill said...

Beautiful photos. I like the light in the second photo. Have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It looks very cold where you are. It's still raining here, before it rains some more.

God bless.

Happy@Home said...

That one tree sporting it's fall colors is so pretty in the frosty setting.
I LOVE the puzzle. What a beautiful fall scene.
Chicken a la King reminds me of my mom and I haven't had it in years. I am going now to check out your recipe.

Pom Pom said...

That's funny that Ken is tired of puzzling. Bill tried it for five seconds (LOL) and decided he didn't like it, but I don't puzzle either - too busy with needlework. Good walking!

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful photographs, especially the second one.

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

I use to put together puzzles when I was little with my paternal gramma... but I dont do them anymore. Janice

William Kendall said...

Terrific shots!