Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Fleece Blankets

A word of thanks to Ellen and Mari
for pointing out a couple of errors in yesterdays post.
I said happy Tuesday instead of Wednesday
and the link to the Welsh Cookies recipe was to the baby blanket.
Both have been fixed.

✏️         ✏️

The deer were back, saw 5 this morning along the road.
The temperature was 32 degrees when I got to town at 6:25
and started walking.
Sunrise was 7:02 and once again walked in the sunshine
once the sun came over the mountain.

First walked over to the ball park and walked the loop.
The guy that likes to run laps was there.
No hat for him and short sleeves!!!

Next my walk took me around the cemeteries.
In town I made a right turn up this street.
Hardly ever walk up this way because of the hill and the curves
in the road with no sidewalk.

I walked up to the S curve, turned around and walked back to town.

Continued walking up and down some side streets in town till it
was time to go home.

Joy was out this morning and so was Rebecca.

Morning Walk Steps were 13,667

😀         🦃        🚶‍♀️        ☀️ 

Baby blanket work day so headed out to church after breakfast.
There were 10 of us there today and we did more talking than usual
and were quite noisy!
Always enjoy being with these ladies.

Most of you know that I make the weave-it blankets and the
others make tied fleece ones.
Took a few pictures of some of the blankets the others made.
This afternoon I washed some windows.
Kitchen ones and the bedroom.
The insides of the windows I can of course do from in the house
but needed the ladder to do the outside so they don't get
washed as often as I'd like.
I feel good now having them sparkly clean.
Dirty windows are a pet peeve of mine.

Happy Thursday and thanks for popping in for a visit.

As we express our gratitude, 
we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, 
but to live by them.

John F. Kennedy


Dianna said...

The pictures from your morning walk are so pretty with the sun shining through. We didn't see any turkeys today. The back of our property borders a game ranch (Dream Mountain) and that's the direction the 19 from yesterday went in.

The fleece blankets are so cute.

Another great quote on gratitude!

John's Island said...

My comment today is mostly for others who visit Life Is Good. Be sure to click on the images to view the large version. Karen has “the eye” and, apparently, an excellent camera. I like to view her images on my large desktop screen and they are so good … I feel like I’m there.

Tom said...

...I was pleased to read today that China and the US will continue Panda Diplomacy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The line of trees with the sun on them is beautiful! Love the panda blanket!

Bill said...

Such beautiful light in your photos. Love the fleece blankets, they will be nice and warm.

Prims By The Water said...

What precious baby blankets. Janice

Visits With Mary said...

Great quote from JFK! We used to have a lot of deer around here, I would often see them on my way to work. They are such a peaceful animal. Unfortunately 'progress' has driven most of them away. A lot of new industry in my area that I wish would go somewhere else. The baby blankets are lovely, a great thing to do while enjoying fellowship with others.

Ann said...

I like the fleece blankets. My favorite is the one with the pandas.
You would hate my windows. The low ones always have doggy nose print art on them.

eileeninmd said...

The photos are pretty, love the sunshine.
The baby blankets are so cute.
Great quote! Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the first quote on your blog about walking. Wouldn't we have fu walking together! When I walk fast...I can't talk though! lol Hugs!

Jeanette said...

The fleece blankets are so nice! Washing windows is on chore I never mind because it's so nice to have sparkling clean windows!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thanx for the JFK quote.

God bless.

ellen b. said...

Your blanket times sound like a lot of fun. I'm sure those who receive those blankets are grateful...or should be. :)

William Kendall said...

Beautiful light in these shots.