Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, November 11, 2023


To town and walking at 6:25.
Saw a couple rabbits and a bunch of deer on my way to town.
It was 38 degrees and the sun rose at 6:56 but no sunshine on this cloudy morning.
Morning Walk Steps were 13,448.

Started by walking around both of the cemeteries and then around the ball park.

 From there I walked to the industrial park and around there, back through town to the Jeep.

Didn't see anyone else out.

Passing by a couple of houses I smelled breakfast cooking which made me hungry.

The corn still hasn't been cut down.

By the time I got back home the clouds were parting to let the sun shine.

🙂         ☁️         🥾

Got another load of clothes washed and hung outside.
The days are numbered for that,
then I'll be hanging them inside on my drying rack.

No knitting at the library this morning.
The library was closed because of Veteran's Day.

That time of year again when I bake the
Money Cupcakes
for the kids at Sunday School.
I baked 6 dozen cupcakes and hidden in them is money wrapped in tin foil.
$1, $5, $10, and 2 with $20 bills.
I think this is the seventh year I've done this.
I enjoy doing it and the kids really LOVE it.

That took up a good part of the day and I had quite a messy
kitchen to clean up!!

Put some more puzzle pieces in the puzzle.

The baby blanket for November is coming along nicely and just
have 12 more weave-its to make.
I've been sewing the strips together as I make the squares.

Made time to get a little reading done too.

Happy Saturday and thanks for popping in for a visit.

Pride slays thanksgiving, 
but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. 
A proud man is seldom a grateful man, 
for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.

Henry Ward Beecher


Tom said...

...even BIG kids would like to find $$$ inside a cupcake.

Dianna said...

Karen, you have such a special baking ministry for the children in your church. You are a blessing. And I love the quotes that you have been sharing. Do you keep a journal where you record them as you find them in your reading?

Granny Marigold said...

There's one house I walk by and I often smell onions frying. It does make a person hungry.
I wonder why the corn still hasn't been cut down. Maybe this week it will.

Pom Pom said...

You're getting lots of steps every morning!

jack69 said...

i MISS SEEING THE CORN FIELDS Not much on big corn fields in Florida. But they always fascinated me because we always had about 2 rows of corn not thousands.....
I have no doubt the SS kids love your cup cakes, it must be the biggie of gthe year....
Love from down this way (I also miss seeing kids in SS, we are falling short on that end.
Love from here
Sherry and jack

John's Island said...

I love the closing thought by Henry Ward Beecher. It underscores the idea that humility is a fertile ground for gratitude, while pride can inhibit one's ability to be thankful. The older I get, the more I realize gratitude is one of the keys to enjoying life and finding happiness.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am interested in how the money cupcakes work. Do people buy them; are they auctioned off or something? Are they for a charity?

HWIT BLOGG said...

Another lovely walk! bBeautiful pictures...

Ann said...

I've never heard of money cupcakes. Who wouldn't like a little cake with some money baked inside. What a neat idea.

eileeninmd said...

I am still seeing some corn fields that have not been cut yet.
I am sure the kiddies will love those cupcakes.
Take care, happy Sunday! Have a great week.

ellen b. said...

Yes, I can imagine what a fun surprise that would be to have the cupcake with money inside. Sweet! Enjoy your day with your body of believers!

Henny Penny said...

Your days sound full of fun things to do...even hanging out the wash. Six dozen cup cakes! That's a lot of baking and a lot of mess to clean up but what a nice thing to do. You asked me lately, and I forgot to answer, if I still worked on the natural fence. Well, not really. I got slack. I was so happy with how it looked but finding less and less good size limbs. The fence is still there but rotted and lower to the ground. In your last post...the wooly worm...I saw only 2 this fall and both were solid black and both were dead. Isn't that odd.

Inger said...

You are a busy woman and it's fun to read about your daily life. Today, I loved the idea of the money cupcakes. That must be so much fun for the kids.

Bill said...

I bet lots of kids just love those money cupcakes. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

I am sure the kids will love those cupcakes :)

All the best Jan

Antonio said...

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Dr Jekawo told me he can cure the following disease.Cancer,Hiv/Aids,Herpes,Diabetes,Parkison,Copd,Hepatitis.. Here Is His Contact Info......[drjekawo@gmail.com] thank you so much for this great opportunity.

Prims By The Water said...

What a fantastic idea. Kudos to you for doing this. Janice