Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Another sunny day

All the deer were in hiding this morning - didn't see any.
I did see a rabbit though.

31 degrees this morning when I got to town and started walking
at 6:25 and sunrise was at 7:01.

The town put up the Christmas decorations along the main road.
There is a different decoration on all the poles.
Here is one of them.

 I walked around the cemetery on the hill and then made my way over
to the industrial park and walked around there.

Also walked up and down the road behind the DG Market.

Then walked back through town and over to the pond where
I park the Jeep.
It was a calm morning with lots of sunshine which made for a lovely walk.

No other people about.

Morning Walk Steps were 13439

🌤         🥾         😀

Another good day for getting the laundry outside to dry.

Then I got busy making the first batch of 
for the Drane House Cookie Sale which which will be on December 2.
 I'll have to make 3 batches and then freeze them.

Was tempted to go walking around Happy Trails again this
afternoon but really had to get some chores done.

Then I got to knit and read a little before supper time.

Happy Wednesday and thanks so much for stopping by.

The more we express thanks, 
the more gratitude we feel. 
The more gratitude we feel, the more we express thanks. 
It’s circular, and it leads to a happier life.

Steve Goodier


Tom said...

...it looks like we each had similar weather. It was frosty early and then warmed up.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, thankfulness brings joy! I once taught a bible lesson on this.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Not much smells better than homemade cookies. Except maybe bread baking. Surely you will save some for yourselves...

ellen b. said...

You had me going when you said Happy Tuesday cuz I was already thinking today was Tuesday but my calendar assures me it is Wednesday. :) sounds like a very good day!

Debby said...

It sure looks nippy outside.

jack69 said...

Looks to me if you hang out the clothes they are gonna freeze! LOL Just stopped by to check on your day's walk. Sorta looks like when we lived in Missouri. LOL
On the road
Sherry & jack
PS Can't wait to stop and fill this monster up with gas. :-O

Mari said...

We also had sunshine, but not as cold as it was for you.
The deer were in hiding here - first day of hunting.
The cookie link goes to your baby blanket - which is so pretty but not edible. :)
Good quote!

Dianna said...

That sunrise is absolutely gorgeous! Oh my! We saw one deer this afternoon...it was in the same field to the right of our house, along with 19 turkeys! It was fascinating to watch the turkeys especially.

Welsh cookies are SO good and fun to make. I have a baking book by the British baker Paul Hollywood. It's divided up into the different sections of the UK and what they each have as their specialty bakes. In the section on Wales he has a recipe for Welsh cookies.

Great quote on gratitude and giving thanks!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I know the cookies you bake will all be good sellers at the bake sale. I love that quote at the end of your post. See you again tomorrow!

Ann said...

Beautiful photos from your morning walk.

eileeninmd said...

Love the sky and frosty images.
I hope the cookies sale goes well, everyone loves homemade cookies.
Take care, have a great day!

Inger said...

I'm so glad you wrote about gratitude. When I pray it is prayers of gratitude.

Bill said...

Nice photos of your walk. I love the frosted branches in the last photo.

Connie said...

Frosty images against the golden leaves still on the trees . . . beautiful.
I love that you get out and walk . . . you must have the healthy heart of a thirty year old :)

Mari said...

The cookies you made look good. I've never had cookies with currents in them. My grandpa had current bushes and my mom made jelly with them. I bet your substitutions are good.
It looks like a cold but pretty walk. Nice blankets!

Granny Marigold said...

It was clear and frosty here this morning too. Wonderful time to walk and plan one's day first thing. We didn't have a beautiful sunrise though. Yours was spectacular.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful skies.