Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, October 02, 2023

Sure are some nice people around!


52 degrees this morning when I started walking.
Started out with some patchy fog and then it was sunny.
Sunrise this morning was 7:14
Morning Walk Steps were 13,582

Walked up and down the main road in town with a detour to the library to drop off another DVD.

The library parking lot didn't get repaved or relined, just a quick patch job.

Then up and down the road to the left of the main road.
Continued up and down the road to the right of the main road with a detour around the ball park loop a couple of times.

Then it was around the lower cemetery.

And finally up to the cemetery on the hill.

Lisa was out walking as well as John and Prim.  
Saw someone else walking but they were at a distance and didn't look like anyone I know.

🙂         🥾         ☀️

Made us some French toast for breakfast, washed the sheets and got them hung out on the line and then we went out to do a few errands.

We went to a local floor store to pick up some vinyl flooring for David and Liz.
There is a special kind of glue that is used where you can put it on with a roller!!
It comes in a huge container and we only needed a little bit.
So what the store owner did was let us take the big container that they had used some out of.
Told us to use what we needed and bring the rest back!! NO CHARGE!!
Wow!  Wasn't that NICE!!
You won't find Lowe's doing something like that!!!

While we were out we stopped at a fast food place and got a couple of hamburgers and fries.
Pulled in by the lake and ate overlooking the water.

Happy Monday and thanks for stopping by.
Thanks too to the people who take the time to leave a comment.😀

These buttons are some more that look more like earrings.

I have one more button picture for tomorrow and that will end the button series.


Happy@Home said...

Yes, that was VERY nice.
I like the house in your first photo.
I am seeing little pops of fall color on your walking route.

Tom said...

...he made a customer for life.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Yes, local businesses can be very good and customer service oriented. You are right - Home Depot and Lowes would never do that. Burgers and fries by the lake sounds like a very nice lunch. Have a great Tuesday! See you then. :-)

Granny Marigold said...

Today's buttons are so cute and, like you said, look like they could be earrings.

How kind of the store owner to let you use the small amount of glue you needed
instead of having to buy a big container that you'd never use.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They DO look like earrings. My favorite pic is the cemetery on the hill. And I love the wraparound porch on that house. You have an awesome local flooring store!

Mari said...

Oooh, such beautiful pics today. The misty one in the cemetery is gorgeous. And that house is really pretty.
That's the right way to do business!

Lowcarb team member said...

That was so kind of the store owner ...
I do like those buttons, they do look like earrings.

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

How awesome for that store to let you take it for free. Yes the big stores would not do that. It was a foggy morning here too Janice

Pom Pom said...

Hi Karen! You got lots of steps this morning! I'm glad you met up with some kind merchants!

Ann said...

Wow, that was nice of them to let you have the floor glue.
Those are cute little buttons.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful landscapes and photos. The fall colors are looking beautiful. The store owner was very nice! Take care, have a great day!

Debbie said...

That's small town service for you! Can't get that in the big city!

ellen b. said...

That really was a nice gesture by that store owner! Love that. Your button series has been fun.

Billie Jo said...

Hello! That was very nice indeed! And you are correct. No big box store would offer that. I often wish we could return to all local stores. A hardware store, a local grocery, a shoe store, a five and dime...Those were the days!

Bill said...

What a wonderful store owner to do business with.

susan q said...

Great first house pic! like from a movie♥ There are nice people and sometimes you come across them, glad you did!

Debby said...

That house is pretty. Nice store owner who does business the old fashion way.

William Kendall said...

I should really have some French toast soon.