Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Noisy Cows

I got to town and started walking at 6:25.
A clear crisp morning and a sky with LOTS of bright stars, and 39 degrees.
Sunrise was at 7:31.

Walked through town and back and kept going down the road towards home and then back to town again.
Then continued around both cemeteries and the ball park.

Didn't see anyone else, which surprised me because it was such a good morning for walking.

Not a colorful sky but thought the unusual clouds made for a good picture.

Walked over to the big barn because I heard the cattle and wanted to see how many were back in the barn.

These greeted me as I walked behind the barn.

They were sure making a lot of noise.
Took a short video so you could hear how loud they were.

Morning Walk Steps were 13,442

🌤         🥾         🍁         🙂

Gathered up the Coffee Cake, fruit and my baby blanket stuff and headed out the door again to get to church by 9:30.

There were 10 of us working today.
The Coffee Cake was a big hit and there was just a little piece left which I took home for Ken.
Pastor stopped by and had some and someone else took a piece home.
I will for sure be baking it again.
I told them about the cookie disaster and it got a good laugh.
Caroline took a turn this week to tell us a bit about her life.
There is just a couple more people left to tell their story and then we will go back to our regular devotionals.

The baby blanket I started for next months blanket will be blue, white, and black.

Didn't feel much like cleaning this afternoon when I got home.
I'll leave that for tomorrow and it should be a very busy day, haven't done much all week.

Happy Thursday and thanks for stopping by.

To make a difference in someone's life, 
you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. 
You just have to care.

Mandy Hale


Lowcarb team member said...

They are unusual looking clouds in your second photograph - I like them.

... and yes, the cows were very noisy :)

All the best Jan


I love to take walks too. I also took walks as the cemetery here in Glasgow. It is a popular sight for tourists.
Kindly check out my new post and give your insight: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2023/10/retirement-dilemma-selling-your-home-for-care-costs.html

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. That quote at the end reminds me of YOU! I bet that coffee cake was delicious. Have a good evening and I will see you again tomorrow!

Tom said...

...yep, I've found cows to be noisy!

Bill said...

I had the volume up on my computer after listening to some videos and then I played the cows, WOW, they were very loud. :)

Mari said...

Look at that beautiful tree and the blue sky!
Yes, those cows are loud!
Hope you enjoy that sheet pan dinner. :)

jack69 said...

Smiling here. Liked the photos. Hope the rest of your day was a nice as the walk.
from Florida
Sherry & jack
PS I could smell the cows. ;-)

William Kendall said...

Gorgeous skies.

Dianna said...

Karen, your pictures are so lovely! Enjoyed hearing the cows! Thanks for the video.

It sounds like you had a good group of ladies out this morning.

Enjoy your day of cleaning tomorrow.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The cemetery tree is so pretty. But your shot of the sky is the star of today's post. The clouds are like giant brushstrokes!!

John's Island said...

“Not a colorful sky but thought the unusual clouds made for a good picture.” You are so right! Good photo indeed.

Ann said...

I like those clouds. They look like feathers.
Those cows sure were noisy. Nice welcome they gave you all standing there to greet you.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty photos, I like the colorful tree and lovely sky.
I think the cows are saying hello to you. Cute video.
Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I like the quote at the end.

God bless.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love your walking posts. I feel as if I am there with you. It's lovely to read about your little adventures.

Debbie said...

Your group at church sounds like a nice place to be. I love to hear other people's stories! I'm glad your coffee cake was a hit.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Beautiful morning photos. Cows can be noisy the moo

ellen b. said...

That is a lot of noise those cows are making for sure. Glad your coffee cake was a hit! Blessings!

R's Rue said...

Have a beautiful day.

Granny Marigold said...

Years ago when we used to travel and stay in free (and safe) spots for night we happened to stop at a lovely country church across from a big cattle farm. All night we heard those cows bawling. It didn't make for a good sleep. We came to the conclusion that the cows had recently been separated from their calves and were in distress. Poor things.