Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

More Sun

37 degrees when I got to town and started walking.
Saw a few deer on my way to town.
Another clear morning like yesterday and sunrise was at 7:36.
About 7:00 the sky gets a glow and then I can see without walking under the street lights in town.

Had my usual walk all around town, the cemeteries and the ball park.

Once again I didn't see any people out walking but KitCat was out and came over to see me.

The tarp is now gone from the lot getting the modular home.
It was just covering up the concrete filled holes.
Guess the tarp kept it from becoming too muddy.
I keep walking by expecting to see the house there or a least part of it.

Morning Walk Steps were 12,849

🙂         🥾         🍁        ☀️

We had to go down to Oakland for an appointment this morning and since we were down that way decided to go shopping at Walmart this week.
Saw a woman from my book club there and a couple minutes later I saw Trish, a friend from church.
Most times we are at Walmart we see someone we know!

These are the colors I'm using for the next baby blanket for November.

A sunny day today and by afternoon the temperature was in the mid 70's!!!
Hard to believe this morning it was 37!!!
I got to sit on the front porch and read for a while.

Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by.

Lighthouse Number Four
North Carolina


Tom said...

...a sunny day is always a gift, particularly in fall.

Dianna said...

We had frost here again this morning. But once it warmed up it was beautiful. I like the colors for the new baby blanket. Blue is my favorite color. 😊

Hill Top Post said...

How wonderful these autumn days are for walking. I can’t help but wonder why the whole wide world of people are not out enjoying it. The blues will make a gorgeous blanket. I love the lighthouses.

Mari said...

You had a pretty walk. I love how things look when the sun is just rising.
Hopefully you will have a part of a home to show us soon!

Prims By The Water said...

Will the baby blanket be for a boy? Love the colors anyway. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

I like the colors of the new baby blanket. We are supposed to be down to 31 in the mornings by the end of the week.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I haven't heard anything about Kitcat for a long time. Your photo of the luminous leaves is gorgeous!!

Ann said...

We had the same kind of weather here yesterday. It was gorgeous. Love those leaves, the colors are so pretty.
The new baby blanket is going to be nice. My favorite color is blue.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty yarn colors. I love that lighthouse, I have visited the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, it is a beautiful lighthouse. Take care, have a great day!

Bill said...

Glad to know that Kitkat is still around.

Inger said...

I just wanted to share this: I have a friend in Sweden who always walks everywhere. She walks long distances, she walks fast through the city, so fast I never could keep up.

She's 87 now and still walks everywhere and still walks fast, according to her sister. Of course you know your walking will pay off and is paying off, I just wanted to share what I just learned as I talked to my Swedish friend recently.

Granny Marigold said...

Pretty yarn for the next baby blanket.
We were at Walmart yesterday meaning to buy cat food but we were disappointed. Just a few bags on the shelf and not the kind Miss Kitty normally eats. It was a trip for nothing.
Looks like you had a fine day. Those leaves sure are lovely.

Lowcarb team member said...

That's a nice looking lighthouse :)

All the best Jan

ellen b. said...

Wow, that was quite the warm-up! Nice. We had a cool down and a little snow today!

Jeanette said...

We have been enjoying this beautiful weather!

William Kendall said...

Good choice for the blanket.