Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Another foggy walk


In town and walking at 6:15.
Same weather as yesterday, 62 degrees and foggy.
Sunrise - 6:50
Morning Walk Steps 13,254

Walked the same route as yesterday.
To the library to drop a DVD down the slot.
Up and down the main street and side roads.
First one cemetery, then over to the ball park, and back to the other cemetery.

The only person I saw out walking was Lisa.  
She got to the cemetery first so left a mirror message again.
Today it said Happy Day with a smily face.

The soffit has been put up on the first new house and today I saw the windows getting installed.

A couple of foggy pictures along my walk.

Someone took the corner too short and smashed up the stop sign and the street sign.

By the time my walk was done the sun was shining.

🌫         🙂         🥾         ☀️

Got another load of clothes out on the line first thing.

We then went to the dump to get rid of our garbage.
Went to Grantsville dump this time because we had to go to Rite-Aid in Grantsville.

Spent some time of the beautiful sunny day out on the front porch.

Happy Wednesday and thanks for visiting.

Sara-Jane, it you're reading this 


Tom said...

...perhaps in the fog?

Hill Top Post said...

Those foggy morning walks are beginning to have the look and feel of fall. I love the messages on the mirror.

Jeanette said...

I love foggy mornings and especially walking in them!

Granny Marigold said...

Whoever hit the street/stop sign was very lucky not to hit the utility pole!! As it is he/she probably got a few scratches on their vehicle.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I also wonder if the smashed stop sign had something to do with the fog. We really only get fog around here in the winter. Sounds like you had another good and productive day. See you again soon.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Those foggy photos are beautiful. Reminds me of the fog in San Francisco which I do miss. It was always so surreal, walking in the fog at night with the fog horns in the background.

I hope that stop sign wasn't a hit-and-run? Of course I would think that, because here in California, we have so many hit and runs on property and people. Why? Because they can get away with it.

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased the sun came out for you and you were able to spend time on the front porch.

All the best Jan

Ginny Hartzler said...

Beautiful and spooky misty photos. I find black buttons depressing!

Ann said...

Love the foggy pictures. It makes things look a bit mysterious.
Oops on that stop sign. Whenever I see things like that I think either drunk or texting.

eileeninmd said...

I do love the foggy scenes and photos.
It is nice to sit out on your porch, a peaceful and relaxing time.
Take care, have a great day!

Mari said...

I love that you are now finding messages. I'm sure it makes you smile.
Such a pretty foggy morning.
I like that button!

Bill said...

Foggy mornings are nice.

ellen b. said...

They took that corner wrong for sure! Glad you are getting some porch weather to enjoy!

Debi said...

I put clothes out on the line the other day but it was so humid that I had to put them in the dryer to finish drying them. So until the humidity leaves us I've given up hanging them out.

William Kendall said...

You seem to see more mist then we do.