Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, August 21, 2023

Drane House

On my way to town saw deer and rabbits.
Got to town and started walking at 6:20 just as the street lights were turning off.
Sunrise was at 6:35.
It was 60 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds.
Didn't find any coins today but yesterday I found a quarter.

Walked over to the ball park and walked around there first.
Then through town and back toward home for a ways and then back to town again.
Continued around the cemeteries, around the block and back to the Jeep.

I ran into Lisa up at the cemetery on the hill and we walked around one time together.
We saw that Bill and his helper were down by the Drane House and the door was open.
I said I'm going to go down there and see what they're doing.
Lisa left and I went down to the house.

I've known Bill for quite a while now but just today I met his helper Greg.
Poked my head in the door and said I was just being nosy but wondered what you were doing.
Bill said come on in and told me they were cleaning up inside getting it ready for a meeting of the town historic society that was going to be held there this afternoon.
He then told me some very good news.
The Drane House is going to be fixed up and inside made to look like it did in the 1800's.
It is the oldest structure in the county built by James Drane in 1800 and they want to get it looking good and then open it up a few days a week for the public to see.
I'm excited about it and look forward to watching it happen.

Morning Walk Steps were 13,133

🌤         🚶‍♀️         🙂

Sheets washed and hung out on the line first thing, then it was time to get the living room windows and the front door windows washed.

I don't have curtains so I have to clean the windows pretty often because I hate to see dirty windows when the sun shines on them! 

I use Norwex clothes for washing windows because with them it is quick and easy and you don't have to use any product, just water.  
The two clothes are a bit expensive but I've been using my same clothes for about 8 years now and they are still just like new.

This afternoon I sat on the porch while knitting and watched a deer walk around sampling the different weeds and getting a drink in our little water feature.
Then she walked over to my deadfall fence, made herself comfortable and took a nap.

Happy Monday and thanks for popping in for a visit.

These two anchor buttons are off Ken's peacoat from when he was in the Navy.


Tom said...

...someone sure enjoys flower. The Drane house is lovely with natures garden in the foreground.

Billie Jo said...

Those buttons!! Love!

Happy@Home said...

That is good news about the Drane House. Something that old should be preserved and shared with the public. I think that you will probably update us on the progress and, if so, I look forward to hearing about it.
I ordered the Norwex cloths from Mary's sister (White Cottage Co.) after seeing Mary clean with them. They do work well and I love not having to buy more bottles of cleaning products.

Mari said...

You had a good find in the quarter yesterday.
I love the Drane House and it's very exciting to hear that it's going to be restored.
Those are special buttons.

Deb J. in Utah said...

That's so cool that the Drane house is going to be fixed up and restored to the way it used to be. I hope you will post pictures of what it looks like if you ever get the opportunity. I like today's buttons. Reminds me of my oldest daughter who serves as an officer in the Navy. See you again tomorrow.

Granny Marigold said...

That assortment of flowers is so pretty.

Ann said...

That's great news about the Drane house. I love hearing about old places being taken care of like that.
My windows never stay clean around here. They always seem to have doggy nose print art on them.

eileeninmd said...

I love all the flowers in the first photo. it is great news about the Drane House. The deer are always a cute sight to see. Take care, have a great day and week ahead.

Debbie said...

So many good things today! I'm so glad they are fixing the Drane House! And the flowers in the first picture are absolutely gorgeous ! Also, the deer laying down in the shade is something I would never tire of. How peaceful to watch.

ellen b. said...

Lovely photos you shared in this post. The corn stalks, the potted flowers and the setting of the Drane house are all looking nice. That is good news about the house and how it will be fixed and used. Love the Peacoat buttons! We got rain this morning and what a welcomed sound it is for our fires in the region!

R's Rue said...

So pretty

Bill said...

The flowers in the first photo are very beautiful. Good news for the Drane House.

William Kendall said...

A deer must be comfortable indeed if they sleep on your property.