Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, August 11, 2023


📷         📷         📷         📷

Sunrise another minute later than yesterday at 6:25.
A nice cool breeze on this cloudy morning and the temperature was 62 degrees.
Got to town and started walking at 6:22.

Walked the Farm Loop for a change.
I can walk down the middle of the road for 2 miles without a car ever passing me.

I pass another church down this way which has a small cemetery along the side.
Walked among the gravestones today.
Sad to see the graves of infants.
These two especially from the same family a year apart.

 On a happier note Farmer Bill's son will be getting married this month and the wedding is being held outside at their house.
The fence as been given a fresh coat of paint.

When I was just about to the school, I saw three escaped cows walking along, but didn't know which farm they were from.
Saw George driving by when I was down passed the school almost to town.
He stopped to say hi and I told him about the cows.
He was going to ask around to see whose they were.

Finished up my walk around town.

As I was getting in the Jeep for home, Sheila was just pulling in.

Morning Walk Steps 12,622

☁️         🐄         🥾         🙂

Made two batches of brownies this morning and will bake the third batch tomorrow.
They are for the kids at Sunday School.
The kids will be going back to school in a few weeks and the brownies are a special treat for them.

Finished sewing the baby blanket for August.

My next series is BUTTONS.

Got a mess of buttons at an auction years ago in a box lot and put them in a large glass jar with a lid.
Have added some more buttons to the jar over the years.
It was Ken's idea to post a sampling of the buttons for the next series.
Some are tiny, some are large, some are unusual, and some ugly ones too.
By the end of this series you will probably have your fill of buttons! 

Happy Friday

Comment Replies:
Ann - The hearts from yesterday are in a 16 x 15 quilt square that Ken's mom made for me years ago.


Lowcarb team member said...

That's a lovely rainbow in your first photograph.

I have wonderful memories of my dear mums button box, it was full of different shapes, colours and sizes ...

Enjoy the remainder of Friday and have a happy weekend.

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...I can't remember the last time that I saw a rainbow! Gravestones interest me, without knowing the birth year it's hard to imagine the story here. I wonder if they were twins and died a year apart? I did a search and Speicher is a common surname in Accident. The white fences look sharp.

Granny Marigold said...

The grave markers for those 2 babies has a sad story behind it no doubt. In those days losing an infant wasn't unusual but TWO is so sad.
That newly painted fence sure is dazzling!!
I hope those cows were claimed before the day was over.
Granny M

Mari said...

Pretty rainbow!
So sad to lose two babies, it had to be heartbreaking.
That's going to be a pretty setting for the wedding.
Lost cows! Hope they were found.
I think buttons are so fun. My mom had a button jar that we loved to look through as kids.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have good memories of going through my Mom's button box when I was a kid. It was full of glittery wonders and treasures. How awesome for you to make brownies for the kids!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Who invented buttons? Was it before or after they invented the button hole?

God bless.

Ann said...

What a great series. I remember having so much fun going through button boxes when I was little. We had a big box and my aunt had one that I would dig through whenever we visited.

eileeninmd said...


A great variety of photos, I love the rainbow and the pretty white fenced in yard. It is sad to think of loosing 2 infants just a year apart. The button jar is a cute idea, I like that bright green button. I hope the cows made it back to their home. Take care, have a happy weekend.

Jeanette said...

Those graves are so sad. The infant mortality rate was high back in those days. Looks like a nice place for a wedding. I hope the weather cooperates for them!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the rainbow in the first photograph. Those infant graves are very sad, indeed, and so many babies died are were stillborn back then. That will be a beautiful place for a wedding. I will look forward to seeing your collection of buttons. I have quite a few in an old can and it is handy to have them when Charly or I lose a button. I can usually find one that will work to sew back on. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

Things are looking nice for the wedding. An event on your property is a great motivator to clean things up! :) That's a nice color for a button. It will be fun to see all the varieties. Happy Saturday to you. I'm most always a day behind your posts.

Bill said...

Beautiful rainbow. I hope the cows got back to where they're supposed to be.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love how many steps you get in. Pretty rainbow.

William Kendall said...

Quite a beautiful rainbow.