Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Another Sunny Walk


A sunny walk this morning.
65 degrees
Sunrise 6:00
Morning Walk Steps 12,505

Walked around both cemeteries, the ball park and all around town.

Since the Dollar General in town was remodeled and added produce 
it got new colors and a name change.
Yellow and green and is now called DG market.

Saw a few people out walking and they all were walking dogs.
Rebecca and Leo
Eric and Sparky
and a man I see often but don't know is name
His dog always barks at me when I walk past their house.

There were lots of rabbits out running around on my drive home.
Across the road, along the edge, and right up the middle.
Glad I was able to dodge them all.

☀️    🚶‍♀️    🙂    🐇

This morning was book club meeting day.
Since we the weather was so nice we met out at the park again.
We each brought our own chairs.
I noticed when we have the meeting outside we tend to stay longer.
The book for discussion was The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner.
Everyone liked it, I liked it to but not as much as the others.

When I got home Ken made us nachos for lunch.
Isn't he nice?!

I baked a yellow cake (box) in two square pans.
Put one in the freezer and the other we are going
to have a piece of it for our snack tonight.
No icing on this but will add lots of strawberries and 
a Redi Whip like topping.

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Thursday 

There are a lot of grave stones in the shape of hearts.
I'll just post this one with the double hearts.
Sadly the graves of a young couple.
Since they both died on the same day I'm thinking it was 
probably a car accident.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. That is a sad headstone. I hope those two young people are together in heaven. I love that your book club meets in the park. Too hot to do that here today. It's nice that your Dollar General expanded and added more produce. That gives you more shopping options. Glad you had another sunny day. See you again soon.

Debby said...

I would imagine that the way rabbits proliferate, there would be a lot of bunnies around your area. We don't get those cute bunnies here. Maybe it's too hot plus they would be food for rattlesnakes.
Sad about the young couple.

ellen b. said...

That's a great idea making the cake in two smaller pans and freezing one. I also like the idea of no frosting but strawberries and whipped topping. Enjoy your evening!

Tom said...

...I have never seen a Dollar General sign like that. We went to the market in the city today and bought the last picking of local strawberries. I'm try to keep up with Ken, I make strawberry shortcakes.

Mari said...

I've never seen a Dollar General with produce. Nice! I see you also have a True Value. That's who my husband works for in our town.
We had nachos for lunch Sunday after church. :)
I like the idea of your cake with fruit. Yum!
That couple was young, sad to see.

William Kendall said...

A car accident or something along those lines is likely.

Granny Marigold said...

It was a lovely day for a walk here too. We did some grocery shopping and I puttered outside for a while. Tomorrow I am going to bake a cake from a mix.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love how the sun is shining on the tall grass in the first photo, so beautiful. I did not know about the Dollar General name change! I did hear that all the dollar stores are going to get way more groceries, because right now that is where they are making most of their money.

Meta/roses. said...

That is odd for the Dollar General to change its name like that.
Are they disassociating themselves from the "dollar" way of doing business?

Ann said...

Interesting that the Dollar General changed it's name. I wonder if this is going to be a new thing for more rural areas. Did you go in to check out their new selections?
That headstone is rather sad.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You take wonderful photos.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

The first scene is lovely. The nachos sounds yummy!
It is nice Dollar General has expanded with the produce.
It is sad to see the two names on the grave stones, they were so young.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Bill said...

I like the new name DG market, it sounds alot better than Dollar General. Sad about the young couple.

Lowcarb team member said...

Nice to enjoy a walk in the sunshine.
Very sad about the young couple.

All the best Jan

Jeanette said...

Very pretty pictures. A pretty but sad grave marker.