Some mornings are not good for walking even for me
and this was one of them.
Woke up to pouring down rain with thunder and lightning.
⛈ ⛈
This is a left over picture from yesterdays walk.
I still got up my regular time and after I read my Bible
got started with the rest of the house chores for this week.
When Ken got up I made us pancakes for breakfast.
Then made another one of those pudding cakes.
This time I used a white cake mix with banana cream pudding.
It was Ken's choice.
Not a one I would choose.
Finished my chores.
The rain stopped late morning but I still didn't go for a walk.
Once I can't walk in the morning I hardly ever go later in the day.
I just get busy doing other things and never get around to going.
Went outside and pulled some weeds out around the
BBQ (Ken made last year) and put plastic down around it.
Put some rocks on it to hold the plastic down and tomorrow we'll put
some gravel down.
Though it stopped raining it felt like more was coming so
we didn't bother with the gravel.
The tractor was up at the cabin by David anyway.
This afternoon I finished reading my latest book,
The Twisted Root by Anne Perry which was very good as expected.
It's Friday and Pizza Day!!
🍕 🍕 🍕
Thanks for stopping by
Happy Friday
Comment Replies:
GrannyM - There are 4 bird houses up by the cemetery and all have birds in them.
Certainly not nice to walk in pouring rain with thunder and lightning.
Hope you enjoyed your pizza :)
All the best Jan
Hi Karen. Good choice not to walk in a thunderstorm. Sounds like you were still productive. I think I will have to try one of the pudding cakes you make. I hope that your rain clears up and you can walk tomorrow. See you then!
I'm enjoying all your little smiley faces on your posts!
Our evening skies here have the look of a storm.
Your leftover photo is awesome! It would have been my favorite if you posted it with the others.
...walking in the rain has never been my thing, keep smiling.
I rarely ever walk later in the day either. It's first thing or it's not happening.
I made Dill bread today. I wonder if that was a recipe that I got from you. It turned out great like it always does.
It sounds like a good choice to skip the walking. You were way more ambitious than I would have been on that kind of day.
No, it is not good to walk in a thunderstorm. Sounds like you were busy for the day. The pudding cake sounds yummy. Take care, have a happy weekend!
Nope, definitely don't want to walk in a thunderstorm! I was driving in one a few days ago and that was scary enough!
Sounds like a full day even without walking. Not sure about a banana pudding cake, either. We really enjoyed the vanilla pudding one with fresh strawberries. Hope Saturday started well for you!
Heavy rain with thunder, a good day not to walk.
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