Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, June 01, 2023

Another beautiful sunny day

 48 degrees this morning and another sunny one.
I don't think we've had this many sunny days in a row since we lived here!!
Sunrise 5:51
Morning Walk Steps 13,187

Walked through town and over to the Dollar General.
Continued back and forth on the road behind the store 

and then walked around the industrial park.

Made a couple loops around the ball park and then walked up and
down the streets in town.

I guessed wrong about RuthAnn getting a new shed in her yard.
It wasn't a shed at all but a little pool.

Rebecca was out walking Leo and saw John walking his dog Prim.
Haven't seen John in ages.  
He told me he has been walking later than he used to.

Another two toned iris.

This is a few scenes from yesterdays walk taken at Farmer Bill's place.

☀️    🥾    😊

Got hot Italian sausages in the crock pot first thing this morning.

We ran out of English Muffins so baked another couple loaves.

Did a couple of things around the house before lunch
and then I went outside.
Went for a walk and then sat on the porch and knitted.

Ken sliced up a couple of potatoes and we made French fries
in the air fryer to go with the sausages which we put on a hamburger roll
for supper.

That's been my day so far.
Thanks for visiting.
Happy Thursday

Comment Replies:
Ginny - the church in yesterdays picture is Bear Creek Church of the Brethren.


Tom said...

...summer has arrived, it hit 89F. I miss spring already!

My Shasta Home said...

What are your afternoon temps? Do you have a humid climate? Such a pretty area - seems very peaceful.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. You did have a beautiful day! Your dinner sounds so good. I think I need to get an air fryer. I hope you have a good Friday! See you then!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for the answer about the church. I see an alpaca! We used to have an alpaca farm nearby. That is a tiny pool, and I have never seen one made of material like this.

William Kendall said...

The Iris is a beauty.

Debi said...

I would love some of your cooler temperatures! Today it was in the 90s all day with a high of 93... ugh! I live in the mountains in northern NY and these temperatures are virtually unheard of in the middle of summer much less in the spring! Loved your Farmer Bill photos... so peaceful looking.

Granny Marigold said...

The road leading up to trees and everything so green in the first picture makes me want to walk there. It sure is lovely.
That's an unusual pool. I guess you just sit in it because it's not big enough to swim in.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You get to do your walking in a beautiful area.

Titti said...

Oh your beautiful walks...I love every step and the nature is just fantastic! So nice to see and follow you.
Have a hapy day & take care!

Ann said...

Love the barnyard pic with the chickens. It just looks so peaceful

eileeninmd said...

It has been sunny and warm here too, feels like summer.
We could use some rain though.
Love the iris and the cute farm animals. They are adorable.
Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

Bill said...

Hot Italian sausages are my favorite but they are hard to find sometimes.

Visits With Mary said...

Enjoyed your pictures today, you live in a lovely area. Supper sounded so good, hope you enjoyed every bite!!!