Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Another sunny day

 A beautiful sunny morning for walking.
47 degrees and calm
Sunrise 5:55
Morning Walk Steps 13,278

Driving to town I had to stop for a deer crossing the road
and then a rabbit.
There were 3 opossums dead in the road.
Thought it very unusual to see THREE of them.

Another DVD to drop off at the library so went there first.
Walked up and down the right side of town and then
up to the cemetery.  
Even though the cows aren't at the barn anymore I still walk there.
Some geese walking around in the field.
They were at the edge but ran off as I got closer.

Next headed over to the ball park and walked around that loop
a few times.
This is a short trail behind the park.

Walked up and down the roads to the left of town and then
over to the other cemetery.
KitCat came running over to see me.

Noticed in RuthAnn's yard that her old shed has been knocked down
and looks like a new one is about to be built.
Something else to watch around town.

The two-toned iris was blooming this morning in that same yard.
I can't make up my mind which I like better, light purple, dark purple,
white, or this one.  All are so pretty.

☀️    🥾    🙂

Washed another load of clothes and got them drying on the line
and for once I'm all caught up.
Had some house chores to get done and then it was lunch time.

Too nice to stay inside so went outside to putter about the yard for a while.

Ended up sitting on the porch and reading.

That's going to be it for today.
Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.


Vee said...

That iris is stunning! What a color combination. It is still quite chilly here and today it is raining.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Each one of the Iris pictures you post are simply stunning. This two-toned one is beautiful too. Like you, I am having a hard time deciding which is my favorite. It's a nice day here too, but we may get some thunderstorms later. See you again tomorrow.

Rose said...

That iris is gorgeous...like you, I can never pick a favorite.

I have been sitting out with the dogs enjoying the warm sunny weather.

William Kendall said...

The Iris is beautiful.

My Shasta Home said...

I've not ever seen an Iris like that - it's so elegant looking. I think it is strange too, that 3 opossums were dead on the road.

Mari said...

I've never seen a two toned iris. It's so pretty! Your walks are filled with beauty - except the dead opussoms. It is strange you saw 3!

Tom said...

...I love the iris!

Hill Top Post said...

I love the farm scene in the first picture. Has the field been planted yet? All of the irises are beautiful but I like purple best.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This iris is doubly beautiful!

Granny Marigold said...

Laundry is an on-going job. It's surprising how much laundry 2 people make!
I wonder if the 3 possums were traveling together....maybe a family group.

ellen b. said...

I really like that two toned Iris. 3 Opossums dead in the road is unusual. The last time I saw a live one was in Southern California. We don't see them here where we live.

Ann said...

I don't think I've ever seen an iris that color before. It's really pretty

John's Island said...

Neat photos, as always. I do believe this is the first time I've seen a two-toned iris. It is beautiful. Do you know ... will it stay two-toned or is it in the process of changing from one color to another?

eileeninmd said...

The iris is beautiful. We are enjoying some cooler and sunny days.
Take care, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

Debbie said...

I want to putter around my yard, but I have nothing to do out there. I have dreams and visions, but not sure how to put it all together to make it come true.

I love the picture of the geese running from you :)

Bill said...

Very pretty Iris, I love the colour.