Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, April 01, 2023

A late walk, a cake, and a tree

A rainy and windy morning when I woke up.
Waited till the rain stopped at 8:30 and went walking then.
Temperature was 48 degrees.
Sunrise 7:02
Walking Steps 12,607

Glad I waited till the rain stopped because the sun came out
and it was a nice sunny walk.

Walked around the upper cemetery first, then around the
ball park, and then the other cemetery.

Went over to the library to pick up a couple of DVD's that Ken
had on hold.
The library opens at 9:00 on Saturdays so I could stop in.

There were a group of women there knitting and I stopped to talk to them. 
 Each Saturday morning they meet there and invited me to join them.
I think I'll start going if nothing else is planned.
Lena is one of the women. 
 I know her from walking and she is also in the book club.

Still had a mile to walk so continued walking around town.

No one else out walking on this beautiful sunny morning. 

 🥾    🌤    🙂

Made a cake - one of the recipes I found yesterday.
The wind started picking up and then we heard and felt a crash.
One of the trees that Ken had planned on taking down came 
down in the wind.
We were lucky - it just clipped the corner edge of the front porch and we just
have a little chip out of the railing and the gutter.

David and Liz came over for game night.
We had the cake I made for dessert - Yummy!!
I'll be saving this recipe and making it again!!
Supper was Tuna Casserole, David's all time favorite.
We had broccoli with it too.
Tastes good with the cheesy casserole.

The game we picked to play today was Scrabble and we played two games.

That's going to be it for today.
Thanks for stopping by.


Tom said...

...is it an ash? I cut all of ours down.

Michelle said...

Glad there wasn't any more damage than that!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I am so glad that tree didn't fall any closer to your home. I think the Saturday morning knitting group sounds very nice. So glad you had such a nice dinner and game night with David and Liz. Scrabble is a fun game. I like playing Scrabble, but Charly doesn't so we rarely play it. My oldest son Alex was a big Scrabble fan. I hope you have a good Sunday.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, what a close call with the tree! It is a wind advisory day here, and some people have already lost power because of falling trees. What a lovely photo of the rising sun!

Granny Marigold said...

I'm thankful that the tree didn't do more damage than it did.
That cake sounds ( and looks) delicious!!

Ann said...

That was lucky with that tree. We had a super windy day with rain yesterday.

eileeninmd said...

The wind yesterday sounded scary. I am glad the tree did not do more damage, it looks close. The cake sounds yummy, I have to bookmark that recipe.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

Anni said...

We had an elm tree come crashing through our bedroom ceiling once...nothing like waking up and seeing branches in the room! Casserole sounds delicious and Scrabble sounds fun!!!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Very lucky with the tree fall. Thank God.

God bless always.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful skies.

What a close call.

Bill said...

Glad there was no one around to get hurt and the damage was minimal

Hill Top Post said...

The wind has been ferocious here. I was almost afraid to walk through the woods for fear a dead tree would fall on me. I am so glad the tree did almost no damage to the house.

sharon said...

Would love the recipe for your tuna casserole.

Jeanette said...

That was a beautiful sunny walk! I'm glad the tree didn't do much damage to your house!

The Happy Whisk said...

Hey Happy One! Games, dessert, all sound great. Trees down here too. Lots of homes out of power last weekend and then more this weekend!

ellen b. said...

Wow...glad you only got a nick from that tree. I'll click over to see that cake recipe now.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Okay, silly question I have wondered about. What is the population of your town and do you have more dead people or living ones? There is a town just south of San Francsico that actually has more dead people than living ones because it is mostly cemeteries. They have cemeteries from every different faith there is - Once a friend has me, "how many dead people do you think are in those cemeteries?" Of course, I fell for it, and said, "I don't know, maybe a few thousand." and to that he answered, No, all of them!" lol

I know dumb but we were teenagers at the time.