Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 20, 2023

A smokey walk

Doesn't feel much like the first day of spring with it being
18 degrees this morning, but at least the sun was out. ☀️
Sunrise 7:19
Walking Steps 12,722

First walked over to the library and dropped off a book and a DVD.
Continued through town, behind our old house in town, and 
around the ball park loop.
Then headed over to the cemeteries. 
Workers are taking down the last few trees on the lots
and started another burning pile.

Walking around the cemetery on the hill I could see all the smoke
from the fire.  Not much fire just smoke.

Here I am down by the Jeep.

I could even see the smoke as I walked a little ways down
the road towards home.

Turned around came back to town and walked around the
other cemetery a couple of times.

Philip was out in front of the car dealership making
his Wiggle Man video for the day.

Saw Karen in her yard and stopped to say hi.
We commented on it being the first day of spring.

Didn't see anyone out walking.
They are probably waiting till later when it warms up.

🥾    ☀️    🙂    🌷

I usually take the sheets off the bed and wash them on Mondays.
But had the bed already made when I realized it was Monday!
So I'll do that tomorrow.

I had mentioned to Ken that I wanted to get some glass containers
with lids for left overs instead of the plastic ones we use.
Without him telling me he ordered four 4 cup glass Pyrex
bowls with lids.
They came in the mail today.

I have one 2 cup bowl just like these and would like to get a few more.

Did a little knitting on the pillow this afternoon
and started another book.
The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny.
This is a good one.
I made myself put it down after the first 100 pages or I'd still be reading it.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Monday and First Day of Spring.
Maybe it felt like spring in your area?

🌷    🌷    🌷

Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.
- Doug Larson -


Tom said...

...haven't they heard of chippers in your neck of the woods!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. We are switching from plastic to glass as well. Those containers are nice. Good of Ken to order them. I have heard good things about that book you are reading, but I am not sure that I have it, although I have several Louise Penny books. Lots of smoke on the your walk today. I hope things are clearer tomorrow.

Vee said...

The glass containers for leftovers will be preferable, I'm sure. At least, I like them best.

Looks like a pretty first day of spring. It was a pretty cold one here as well...not a lot of melting.

Did I tell you that I looked up the WiggleMan so got to see him in action. ☺️ He gets a workout
that way! I don't know how he remembers what he's talking about.

Happy Spring!

Granny Marigold said...

I like the glass bowls that you got. Mine are different and I like ( and use) them a lot but now the lids, which are sort of plastic, are starting to crack. I don't have a dishwasher so that's not why they cracked. I guess when all the lids have cracks I'll still use the containers but I'll cover them with Saran Wrap.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Those Pyrex covered bowls are so nice! I love your second photo, it is so beautiful.

Terra said...

Those glass bowls for leftovers are a healthy choice and they look pretty too. What is happening with trees being removed? I love trees and they love us, they give us oxygen.

Mari said...

Happy Spring! It's so nice to see the sun shining.
I have some pyrex bowls like that, perfect for leftovers and so sweet of Ken to order them.
I love the quote!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Even the smoke looks good against that blue sky. I have several glass containers like that and really like them. Yes, I am back to blogging, so I hope to visit here more often.

Debby said...

I have similar glass containers. My mom always used glass to store leftovers. They are much better. We had a dry day - still colder than our normal but then again this whole winter season has been not normal. Spring will come when the good Lord says.

Hill Top Post said...

Happy spring to you! No, it did not feel like spring here either. We were a cool 22 degrees this morning, but at least we had sunshine.

Hootin Anni said...

Happy Spring Karen!!

Ann said...

That sure is a lot of smoke.
How nice of Ken to order those bowls.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Spring! That is a lot of smoke. Your new glass bowl look nice.
I have read all Louise Penny's books, I love that series. Take care, have a happy day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I like those glass containers.

God bless.

John's Island said...

Hi Karen, Thanks for the link to Farmer Marvin’s Farm. A much bigger operation than I imagined and an interesting website too! John

Jeanette said...

I started picking up glass containers a while ago and got rid of all my plastic, including Tupperware. I do want to get some glass Mason Jars. I hear they are good for storing cut up vegetables.

R's Rue said...

Great quote.

ellen b. said...

Happy Spring to you. 18 degrees is very unspring like. :)
Soon we'll need to cause a little smoke before we get burn bans.

HWIT BLOGG said...

Some lovely pictures! Lots of smoke on your walk though...
Happy Springtime & take care!

Bill said...

Glass containers are great.

Rose said...

I have bowls like those...a small, a medium, and a larger one.

William Kendall said...

Looks like you had a good day.