Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Sunday, January 08, 2023

Skies and a prayer request

A Sunrise

A Sunset

🎢    🎢    🎢

I've posted this hymn before but it is one of my favorites and we sang it at church this morning so thought I'd post it again.

The Old Fashioned Way
Civilla D. Martin

1. They call me old-fashioned because I believe
That the Bible is God’s holy Word,
That Jesus, who lived among men long ago,
Is divine, and the Christ of God.

My sin was old-fashioned,
My guilt was old-fashioned,
God’s love was old-fashioned, I know;
And the way I was saved was the old-fashioned way,
Thro' the blood that makes whiter than snow.

2. Old-fashioned, because I believe and accept
Only what has been spoken from heav’n;
Old-fashioned because at the cross I was saved,
At the cross had my sins forgiv’n.

3. Old-fashioned, because I am bound to do right,
To walk in the straight narrow way;
Because I have given my whole life to God,
Old-fashioned, because I pray.

4. Old-fashioned, because I am looking above
To Jesus, my glorified Lord;
Because I believe He is coming again,
Fulfilling His holy Word.

A Blessed Sunday to all.
Jesus Loves You❤️
Prayer Request πŸ™πŸ»
I've written about my good friend Bettye once in a while.
She has had a stroke and I ask you to please pray for her. 
It would mean so much to me and her.  
Thank You. πŸ™πŸ»


Tom said...

...these skies are fabulous. Strokes can be horrible, my father had one when he was 65 and lived 7 years. My best to Bettye.

Debi said...

Sending up prayers for your friend Bettye.

Sandi said...

Lord, heal Bettye...❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness! Orange, pink, and blue! STUNNING! I am so sorry about your friend, I will pray for her. Please keep us updated. We never heard of this hymn!

Mari said...

Beautiful skies!
I've never heard that song, good words!
Praying for Bettye.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful skies.

Vee said...

Yes, praying for Bettye...for comfort and healing.

ellen b. said...

Yes, Karen, I will pray for dear Bettye. That hits close to home...

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I pray that she recovers with minimal damage. Please keep us updated.

Hootin Anni said...

Your friend is in our thoughts and prayers.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sky photos. Sending prayers for Bettye!
Take care, have a great week ahead.

Ann said...

The sky pictures are absolutely beautiful.
Sending healing thoughts and prayers for your friend Bettye.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying as requested.

God bless.

Debbie said...

I love the words to that hymn :)

And I've prayed for Bettye, as well as family and friends, and will continue to do so as the Lord lays her on my mind and heart today.

R's Rue said...

Just prayed.

Bill said...

The skies are absolutely beautiful. Sending prayers for Bettye!

Visits With Mary said...

Beautiful skies, beautiful pictures! Saying a prayer for your dear friend Bettye.

Happy@Home said...

Stunning photos of the sunrise and sunset.
Very sorry to hear about your friend, Bettye. I will be praying for her.

Lowcarb team member said...

Fabulous skies.
Saying a prayer for your friend Bettye.

All the best Jan

Rose said...

I will add my prayers for Bettye...I am so glad she is doing good.