Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, December 27, 2022


19 degrees and town is still a mess for walking so started off
in the basement once again.

Did some house chores and then we went to the Shop and Save
for grocery shopping.
Checked out the side streets and sidewalks as we drove through
town and it won't be a walking town day tomorrow either.

After lunch the temperature was more normal for this time of
year at 25 degrees but didn't see the sun.

For the other half of my walk I went outside around here.
Good thing I had my ice grippers on my boots because it was very icy yet.
There are layers of ice and snow.

Made a little something for our neighbors Ron and Theresa
for Christmas and walked up the lane to their house to deliver it.
That's their house up the hill which is a mile from our house.

Ron was outside and we chatted awhile.
Picture taken in his driveway.
They have a beautiful view.
When I'm walking around the cemeteries I can see their house.

Coming back down the lane to home.

Back home I had a nice cup of blueberry tea in a pretty Christmas cup.

Finished up the last few weave-it squares for the baby blanket
for January.  Now just have to sew them together.
Tonight I'll go back to knitting on the ripple afghan.

Found some time to read a little also.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Tuesday

Approach the New Year with resolve to find 
the opportunities hidden in each new day.
- Michael Josephson -


Tom said...

...you have a winter wonderland. Watch your step on the ice.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Blueberry tea sounds good! It sure looks cold. So far the “big storm” was not all how it was hyped. Our news here had people scared. Sure it got windy but by this afternoon we had sunshine.

So disappointed. We so, need the rain.

Your area with all the snow looks like a century ago.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your last quote. That looks so slippery!

Taylor said...

The snow was so heavy and looked so cold. But soon to 2023, the new year new breath.

Ann said...

I'm not a fan of snow but I dislike the ice even more.
That is some view from that driveway.

eileeninmd said...


Beautiful landscapes and views! We have not had snow here yet, I am ok with no snow. It does look pretty in your photos. Take care, enjoy the last days of 2022!

Jeanette said...

They do have a beautiful view!

Sandy said...

It's a shame you never show us pictures of your projects, would like to see your blanket and afghan. Agree on too cold and slippery to walk. It's been single digits here for about a week, but might actually warm up to freezing today, but ...it's a mess out there with the stages now of frozen slush from the sorta melting and then freezing again. I've thought about getting those creeper things you mentioned, but haven't yet. We'll soon be heading south so won't need them, but might this time next year for here. Stay warm.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful winter shots.

Sue said...

I love fruit teas, I haven't tried blueberry, but will look for some.
I am happy your weather is improving, pray you get some sun and warm temps going. We are still very cold especially at night,but will be above normal by the weekend, for that we are so thankful, as our ewes are still lambing! so far we have 30+ which most were born during this freeze we had, it was a miracle how they survived.
Your view is always so beautiful no matter the season.
Thank you for visiting and for your sweet comment, Happy New Year to you and your family.

Bill said...

Your winter photos are absolutely beautiful. Blueberry tea sounds great, I'll have to find some.

Vee said...

Blueberry tea after a chilly walk sounds so comforting. Your neighbors really do have a stunning view. We have no snow, but it is chilly. We are expecting a warming trend, which is odd for January. Hope you'll be able to walk again in a few days.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Doing it the smart way... Yesssssssss...

🎄 💞 🎄 💞 🎄

Debi said...

The weather this winter is just plain crazy! After getting almost 20 inches of snow followed by bitter cold it is predicted to be in the mid 40s to 50 degrees over the weekend. That's just unheard of here. I've never heard of blueberry tea. My favorite tea is Teatulia hibiscus.

Lowcarb team member said...

It does look very snowy ... take good care when you are out walking.

All the best Jan

Granny Marigold said...

The snow and ice are inconvenient (* and dangerous for walkers) but sure look pretty in pictures.

ellen b. said...

Those grippers really come in handy this time of year. That was a nice gesture to gift a little something to your neighbors. Stay safe!