Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, July 14, 2022


 58 degrees this morning with a mix of sun and clouds
during my walk.
On the way to town I saw 6 deer all before I got 2 blocks from home.
Lots of rabbits too.

Had a nice walk around both cemeteries and the ball park.
Went back up to Sale Barn Rd to see if that cow from yesterday
had the calf.  Couldn't find her in the pasture but didn't
see any tiny calves so guess it wasn't her time yet!!

I saw several HUGE rocks in Kermit's yard as I walked by.
He wasn't out so couldn't ask him what he's doing with them.

The only person I saw out was Roger walking his dog.

Walked 6 miles

🌤    🥾    🙂

Didn't take any walking pictures this morning but yesterday evening
took these of the deer and her growing fawn.

Mom gets a drink of water.

They both like to eat Queen Anne's Lace which we have quite
a lot of out back.

🦌   🦌   🦌

Got home from my walk, we had breakfast, and then left
for Savage River Reservoir for a few hours of kayaking.
Ken put the kayaks in the back of the truck while I was walking.

It was a perfect day to be out on the water.
Sun, clouds, a nice breeze, and temperatures in the low 70's.

I'm standing next to Ken's kayak and mine is already down by the water.

And off we go.
Ken took all the pictures.
I didn't bring my phone because I was afraid I'd drop it in the water!!

Cool looking tree.

A HUGE layered rock which was amazing looking.

We paddled down to the end of the reservoir where run
off water was running in.

Going back.

It was a great day to spend a few hours.


I made the biscuits for strawberry shortcake using the recipe
on the Bisquick box.  Later at snack time we will put together
little strawberry shortcakes. Don't have whipping cream so
we will use Redi Whip instead.

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you.🤗
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

As one goes through life, 
one learns that if you don't paddle your own canoe,
you don't move.
- Katharine Hepburn -

Comment Replies:
Tom - I took a better picture of the leaves from yesterdays pink flower.  They are definitely different than the leaves on the rose spirea salicifolia!  


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a gorgeous and wonderful day you had! And such a sweet fawn and mom.

William Kendall said...

The deer must feel quite safe with you.

Tom said...

...what a beautiful lake! I know what the pink flower isn't, but I don't know what it is!

Dianna said...

Looks like you and Ken had a wonderful day today! The water and scenery are beautiful!

Katharine Hepburn was quite a lady!

Your strawberry shortcakes sound yummy!

Granny Marigold said...

Kayaking looks like such a peaceful enjoyable thing to do. I'm surprised you don't go more often!
What a strange rock and the unusual tree is a curiosity.

Mari said...

Your kayaking pics are so pretty! I love seeing the deer too.
Hope you share some pics of the rocks and what Kermit does with them.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love it - Beautiful pictures. That lake looks so serene. A beautiful day for sure.

Galla Creek said...

I think Kayaking is work. Lol

Hill Top Post said...

I love your last picture! What a refreshing post!

Ann said...

That sounds like a wonderful day. What a beautiful place to go kayaking. That tree is really something and how interesting that rock is.

Hootin Anni said...

That looks like a petrified tree (the layered rock). How fun, and such a lovely lake for kayaking.

You had the company of mama deer & baby PLUS the ones on your walk. Topping it all off at the end of the day with shortcake...perfect day.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Kayaking looks like fun. Pleasant weather too for it.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

The reservoir looks like a beautiful place to kayak. The tree and rock are cool looking. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

KEV. Robertson. said...

Good to see you and Ken enjoying your Kayaks. I made a Kayak many years ago - from Plywood- it was great fun paddling at Menangle River. Best Wishes. KEV.

Retired Knitter said...

What a beautiful place to paddle around!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Pretty in PINK!!!! Love it.

Don't remember you doing this before, but I must have missed it.

Beautiful day for a lovely time.

✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful scenes of the deer and the water. I wish I didn't have so much fear of water. It looks so beautiful and peaceful on the water.

ellen b. said...

Well that looks like a lot of fun! Nice to have a truck to transport the kayaks. Such an interesting tree and what a great rock! Strawberry shortcake sounds delicious.

Lowcarb team member said...

Your kayaking photographs are lovely to see, what a great time you had.

All the best Jan