Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, June 24, 2022


A calm sunny morning with a temperature of 55 degrees.

First walked over to the library to drop off a book,
then continued on through and around town.
Next came the cemeteries and then down the main road
toward home a ways before turning around and heading back to the Jeep.

John was walking his dog and Lisa was out walking.

Some Queen Anne's Lace is starting to bloom here and there.
Seems a bit early to me.

The woman with the yard sale yesterday was setting up again for today.
I stopped to talk with her for bit.
Nice to meet another person in town.
Her name is Carrie.
She commented that she sees me walking every day.
Didn't ask how far or how long it takes me but one of these days
she will ask.  Every one does. 😄

Noticed that Kermit got a load of gravel delivered.
Makes me wonder what his newest project is.

The blue birds at the cemetery are just too quick for me to get
a picture, but enjoy seeing them there.

Walking along I saw two pancakes sitting at the edge of the road.
There was no wrapper or container, 
just two perfectly made pancakes.
That was a first!

Walked 6 miles

☀️    🥾    🌸    😊    🌺

When I got home I walked down the driveway to get the mail
from yesterday.
A couple of my neighbor cows were down by the fence.

A new grocery store opened up in Grantsville a month or so ago and today
we went there to check it out.
It's run by Mennonites. 
A lot of the items are cheaper than the Shop and Save and they
have a great produce section.
Though we just went to look we came home with,
Corn, cucumbers, lettuce, red peppers, and a few other items.
(before you ask, no, the horse out front is NOT real) 😀

BUT on the way home we did see a real horse and buggy.

Finished up the last bit of housework this afternoon.
Got some more squares sewn together on the baby blanket.
This evening I'll make some more squares. 
(only 14 more to go)

Sat out on the porch and read for a while too.

Pizza day so got the dough made in the bread machine
and Ken made the actual as usual.

Life is Good
A happy day to you. 🤗
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂

Comment Replies:
Vee - The fire pit will be used on the 4th of July for roasting hotdogs.  This fire pit will get used often!!!

A few people mentioned the rock I took a picture of in mid flight.  No skill in doing that, it was just dumb luck!!


Rose said...

I sat outside and read a bit, but got so sleepy! Just felt lazy. I sit outside some every day...sometimes not reading. But watching birds, or just to be out while I can.

Tom said...

...occasionally I see a trailer behind a buggy here. Near a nearby lake I see boat trailers if the Amish are going fishing.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We are Deacons in the Mennonite Church! There are quite a few Mennonite-run shops here. A grocery store, cheese shop, etc.

William Kendall said...

The cows made me smile.

Lowcarb team member said...

The Queen Anne's Lace looks pretty.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

Queen Anne's lace is pretty. Does seem a little early.
I like seeing the horse and buggy.

Vee said...

What a waste of pancakes. Does make one wonder what the back story is on that. I may have been watching too many murder mysteries.

July 4 sounds like a fun day to use the fire pit.

I love visiting the Mennonite store near Fryeburg. Very much like the store you describe. Such good prices, though one must check carefully for expiration dates. If gas wasn't so pricey, I might get there more often.

Granny Marigold said...

I assume that there are Amish people living nearby? The new store is quite a good size. Do the Mennonites who run the store dress in clothes that are different? The reason I ask is because my background is Mennonite but not the strict (and different )way of life.

Ann said...

Well someone must be hungry if their pancakes ended up on the ground. What a shame.
I would shop at that store. There aren't many options around here. Walmart is one of them and I have gotten to dislike them more and more all the time.

eileeninmd said...

The Queen Anne's lace is pretty and I love the cows. I am not sure but I thought I have eaten at a restaurant called Casselman's. It is weird someone lost their pancakes. Take care, have a happy weekend.

KEV. Robertson. said...

It is always good to visit a new Shop and find out about all the goods on sale- glad you came home with good fresh produce Karen.

HWIT BLOGG said...

I love that flower and it has a beautiful name in english too :)
Nice walk and the last pictures is just lovely...
Have a great day!

Kerin said...

It seems as though someone was trying to entice a critter with those pancakes:)
I can imagine some young person looking for a squirrel ..or birds perhaps.

Nice to have a new store with new options.

Have a great weekend.

Sandy said...

Sounds like a nice walk. About the only place we see Queen Anne's Lace around here is new railroad tracks, but agree it seems a bit earlier. Though it's been warmer than usual, so maybe it's ahead of schedule because of that. Show us pictures of your baby blanket. Pancakes...hum. Wonder if someone's trash can had been there and they got dumped but missed the trash truck? Strange indeed. Bluebirds are such cool birds, maybe someday you'll get a picture. Going to leave you my travel blog link where I managed to get a few snaps of a very strange BlueBird, as well as my regular blog.
Traveling Suitcase

Bill said...

Hopefully the new store will be successful.

Nellie said...

Have the temperatures there been very hot? Hot enough to cook a pancake on the pavement? Someone might have been experimenting. Our glads have bloomed early. I think the heat and lack of rain sent the wrong message. The Crepe Myrtle is also near blossoming, and that is about a month early.

Connie said...

What I loved about this post most was the sign on the grocery store, "Closed Sundays." You don't see that around here and haven't for much to long. When stores where closed we knew to shop on Friday or Saturday and then every family could go to church together or even plan family picnics and Sunday dinners. It was a day for families and that is so needed in this world today. Some children never have a full day with their parents because their parents work and have days off in the middle of the week or rotate weekends where they one have one or two a month. I admire that store for giving their employees a day to count on each week for God, rest and family.

LC said...

Love your slice-of-life posts. I find them very encouraging in this stage of my life!

ellen b. said...

How nice to have another alternative for groceries. Looks like a nice store. Fun to meet new people in town that have been watching you walk! Love seeing the horse and buggy.