Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, June 27, 2022


 64 degrees and raining this morning when I started walking.
It had rained during the night (1 1/2 inches) and was supposed 
to be stopping any time.  
Took my umbrella and only had to use it for the first mile before the rain stopped.
 Then went to the Jeep and dropped off the umbrella and picked up
a card and a flyer. Had left them in the Jeep till it stopped raining.

Walked over to the post office and mailed the card and then
continued over to the laundromat where I hung up a flyer for
Bible Time on the bulletin board.

Next place to walk to was the industrial park and walked around there.

Back through town and a couple times around the ball park loop.
The stream there was very muddy from all the rain.

Also walked around the upper cemetery.
By this time the sun was shining.

Right across the street from the lower cemetery is a vacant lot.
A house was there when we first moved here but it was demolished
a while back. 

You many remember me mentioning this lot a little while ago 
saying that is was being cleaned up.
So I wasn't surprised today to see a For Sale Sign.

Didn't see any people out walking.

Walked 6 miles

🌧    ☁️    🌤     🌸

First thing after breakfast I put some pork chops in the
slow cooker with some BBQ sauce to let them cook all day.

Baked some more chocolate chip cookies for Bible Time.
5 dozen this time so now 15 dozen are done and I just have to
bake another 5 dozen.

Finished the baby blanket for July.
If you care to see how it turned out you can find it 

We had the swing on the deck and decided to move it
where the old BBQ was.

Made mashed potatoes and corn on the cob to go with the
pork chops for supper.
It's been a good day and it isn't over yet.
There is ice cream to look forward too.

Life is Good
A happy day to you. 🤗
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
🙂Be the reason someone smiles today.🙂


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Ice Cream is a good dessert. With all the flavors of ice cream - I still prefer a good Chocolate ice cream. The husband, not so much. So I usually get the whole container. (not at one sitting)

Tom said...

...overnight we got 1/10th of an inch of rain, it barely settled the dust! Our dinner is in the slow cooker too.

Vee said...

Oh supper sounds so good. I had a hot dog. Is that lot large enough for a home in your town? It wouldn't be here.

Debi said...

I love BBQ pork in the crockpot. It's always so nice and tender. We got almost 2 inches of rain... that's a lot for us. The garden was happy! Your blanket turned out very nice. Enjoy your week!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Your dinner sounds so good. Glad you had a good day. See you again tomorrow. :-)

Rose said...

We got a sprinkle of rain this weekend but that is it. And we could use more.

Sounds like you had a nice walk.

Dianna said...

Hi Karen! You had a bit more rain than we did last night. Carroll said our gauge read 8/10 of an inch this morning. We certainly needed the rain for our garden...thankful to the Lord for it.

The baby blanket is so pretty. The colors are so cheerful.

Hill Top Post said...

We could sure use some of your rain here. The swing looks nice in its new location. I am guessing you'll be having your ice cream on the porch, though.

Mari said...

You had another productive day, even accomplishing putting out flyers on your walk! I really like your baby blanket. The woven squares are a different twist than the normal crochet or knit. The swing looks good out there!

LC said...

love your energy and sharing blessings through your many talents and interests!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have a beautiful house. The blanket is so pretty,and soft looking.

Ann said...

Wow, you even walk in the rain. That probably would have kept me at home. I like your blanket, very nice.

Hootin Anni said...

A tasty meal prepared for your evening. And I've cream to top it all off. Glorious morning...wish I could say the same about muddy waters here...we get no rain.

Hootin Anni said...

I've =ice

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Nice poster for Bible time.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty images from your walk. I like using my slow cooker. Ice cream would be my favorite dessert. Take care, have a great day!

Kerin said...

How nice to have a summer rainstorm.
It will be interesting to see when that lot sells, and to see what is built there.
Slow cookers are such a help in the kitchen, and I use mine often.
I recently learned how to bake bread in the slow cooker, which really helps the house stay cool in the summertime.

Have a great rest of your week.

KEV. Robertson. said...

No rain here this week- we're in Winter and the days are cold and the nights are freezing. Very much looking forward to Spring and the return of the warmth. Stay well there Karen and Ken. Cheers. KEV.

Melanie said...

We had a couple wimpy rain showers yesterday from a weak cold front. We could use more but at least the temps are now down in the 80s from the 90s last week. Your Neighborhood Bible Time sounds like a VBS? I imagine your cookies will be very much appreciated!

ellen b. said...

I was just looking at the sign up for homemade cookies for Vacation Bible School. 20 dozen is a great contribution! That's a pretty looking lot for sale. Hope you are having a good day!

Happy@Home said...

Your dinner sounds really good. I gave up making pork chops years ago as they always seemed to come out tough. I'll bet they turned out more tender with your crock pot method.
You are really going to town with your cookie baking. Bible Time is sure to be a memorable time.

Bill said...

It's rainig here right now and the sun is trying to come out. Your swing looks good in its new spot.

Henny Penny said...

I like your swing. We had one like it but ours was painted green. It sat down by the pond. Sure hated to see it get old and fall apart. You sound like me...once supper is over I think aw, it's not quite over, we still have ice cream to look forward to.

William Kendall said...

I do like that swing.