Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, February 05, 2022

Over 10,000

 7 degrees and snowing when I got up this morning.
More inside walking.

Left the house at 8:30 for another day of working 
on Fingerprints at church.

Here we are driving there.

A good amount of people turned out to work - never did get a count -
and we got 10,925 Romans books assembled cut and boxed up
during the two days of work. 😊

Got home in the afternoon.
Changed the look at the window over looking the sink.

Read for a while and then finished cleaning and sorting
out my craft closet.  
All set now for the yarn that is supposed to arrive this week.

Thanks for visiting.
A happy Saturday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
RK - It will be years till Ken's 'finished' with his train layout.  Always more detail to add!  If it ever gets completely done, he'll probably rip it down and start over again.

MsBB - We are watching Downton Abby (Christmas gift) and are now watching Season 4.  Every third day we watch another episode.  The other two days we watch an episode of Law and Order and NYPD Blue.


Tom said...

...it was COLD and sunny today, went out taking pictures. I love your old canning jars, I still lots of out ones. They are heavier than the new ones.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like the look of your window over looking the sink, the blue and green glass is very nice together.

All the best Jan

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I love the new look of your window over the sink. Wow, you and the other volunteers really put together a lot of little books Friday and Saturday. Good for you! You have a wonderful, active church congregation that does a lot of good. Refresh my memory - where do the little books go? You sure are cold and snowy there where you are. It is starting to look like early spring around here. We wonder if we will have any more snow at all. See you again tomorrow!

Granny Marigold said...

The road conditions look very wintery and snowy. I'm glad you had a safe trip.

Martha said...

That photo driving to church looks like weather you wouldn't catch me stepping a foot outside in, I can't even imagine! You sure have got a lot of the books put together, great work! Love the look of your kitchen window too. Have a nice Saturday evening and a peaceful and relaxing Sunday. :)

Rose said...

That road looks like it could be slick! We have not been out since Wednesday morn.

We just finished rewatching Downton Abbey a bit back. Enjoyed as much the second time around as when it was first on. I watch Law and order sometimes after Roger goes to bed. I have never watched NYPD Blue but think I would like it.

Ruth Hiebert said...

What a blessing to put together these books and then send them on their way.

Mari said...

Your roads look a lot like ours.
I love the window look. I'm a fan of old bottles, especially blue ones
Downton Abby is so good!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It looks like a winter wonderland there. I know you're glad to have a place to walk inside when you need to. Take care and enjoy your weekend. I love watching Downton over and over again! Who's your favorite character so far? Hugs Diane

Hill Top Post said...

It was a good day to assemble more books. All of you are to be commended for a job well done. I would never have guessed that Dan, a huge fan of old westerns, would enjoy Downton Abbey but he did.

Hootin Anni said...

Exceptional number of complete books! Wow.

Looks downright 🥶 COLD

eileeninmd said...

I am glad you had a safe trip, it is great you had so many volunteer show up and help with all those books. I like the view out your window. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Very brave to drive in all that snow.

God bless.

KEV. Robertson. said...

I like your Window Sill Display - lovely colors of the Jars and Bottles - looks really good. Stay warm with all that snow. Best Wishes. KEV.

Barwitzki said...

Your window looks very nice with the blue and green glasses and the white of the snow outside.
I enjoy the birds coming to the feeder outside the window in the garden.
happy sunday to you
I'm baking Quarkkeulchen now :-)) So good.

Jeanette said...

Ugh! That's pretty much how we looked around here in the beginning of the week! That is a nice window over your sink to decorate! I would have a blast with it!

Bill said...

Nice view from your window. I like the coloured glass, it's pretty.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Such a lovely spot, to have a changing display.

Should have remembered that you now have Downton Abbey. :-)

They took our "Vera" off of Sat. night lineup, and we don't like the replacement. We need to find another Brit. show, we like. And I'll get it out of library. :-)

I am making a list of movies, to get out of library too. Like Judi Dench ones, I have not seen...... For the nights, when he doesn't have any interesting tv things to watch.

tv is pretty bad, as you know, because you don't have it. :-)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Boy, that does look cold.

ellen b. said...

That's a great number of books! I like the look of your window sill looking out to the yard!

William Kendall said...

That view out the front of the car is quite a sight.