24 degrees this morning with a mix of sun and clouds
and it was a bit windy too when I walked around town.
Sunrise 7:16
Walked around the cemetery on top of the hill a few times
and then walked where ever it was clear of ice and snow around town.
Was nice to see Roger out walking his dog Andy.
Finally someone to say good morning too. 🙂
The building that was started a few weeks ago is
definitely a house and a second one has started being built next to it.
Picture not that great because it was still a bit dark
when I took the picture.
Wanted to take a picture before the workers started arriving.
Was just getting back to the car to go home when I decided to
to take one loop around the parking lot.
Glad I did because look what a found scattered around.
💰 $1.89 in quarters, dimes, a nickel, and pennies. 💰
(first coins I've found this year)
Walked 6 miles
🌤 😊 💰 🥾
While walking I was thinking it was a good oatmeal kind of
morning for breakfast but when I got home Ken had made us
raspberry tarts for breakfast.
There was a store bought pie crust in the refrigerator
and he spread raspberry jam on it, folded it over, sprinkled sugar on it
and baked it.
It was very good!!
Food shopping day so first thing after breakfast
we went to the Dollar General.
Then continued on to the Shop and Save.
Now all stocked up again.
My yarn came in the mail.
The hanks of Caron yarn are one pounders.
I love the Bernet Pop ones because they make their own patterns.
This should keep me busy for a while.
This afternoon when I should have been dusting
I read, knitted, and worked on the puzzle. 😁
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.
A happy Tuesday to you. 😊
👩🏻🦳 happyone ❤️
Comment Replies:
Anita - Thank you for those kind words. I live in western Maryland in Garrett county in the small town of Accident. It is in the corner of the most north western part of the state with West Virginia to the west and Pennsylvania to the north.
...the light in the first image is magical!
Beautiful scene to begin your day.
Love the yarns received and look forward to your projects.
Wow, you can buy a pack of gum with your findings (I know you save them in jars tho).
Oh, my you hit the jackpot two ways...first with finding the changing. Finding anyting like that is so much fun. but then your yarn came....I see colors I LOVE.
Did Ken clear out the change tray? 😁 That's a lot of coins to be just lying around.
I haven't had any tarts since before the pandemic. I had a fondness for butter tarts.
That Ken is handy in the kitchen! I'm amazed at the coinage you come across! Wow! Happy Tuesday!
I never thought of making my own breakfast tarts... they sound good! You sure hit it lucky with the change this morning! The yarn will certainly keep you busy... can't wait to see what you make.
Hi Karen. That breakfast tart sounds good. I may try something like that! I love your fun, colorful yarn. You really found a lot of change in one place this morning! Hope you have a good one. See you again tomorrow!
That sure was a lot of change to be scattered around. Me thinks someone has a hole in their pocket! All that yarn should definitely keep you busy, and don't worry, the dust will still be there waiting tomorrow ;)
Dusting can always wait!!
All that yarn looks like a
Some fun projects ahead.
Pretty scenery with the early morning sun shining!
You have some good supplies now for your projects.
I wonder if someone reached into his pocket to take out ,keys?, and didn't notice the coins fell out. On the snow they wouldn't make any noise . I say 'his' because mostly it's men that keep loose change in their pockets.
That is so cool about the spare change.
I admire your dedication to walking in such cold weather!
At last, you found some coins. I'm so happy.
God bless.
Beautiful photos, the first one is lovely! The yarns look pretty, I love all the different colors. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.
Hi Happyone, Thank you for mentioning all those coins you found. Going back to the beginning, when I first found Life Is Good, and your walking inspired me, one of the interesting aspects was the way you kept an eye out for coins. You will probably smile to know that when I’m on my daily walks I often think of that and remind myself to check for coins in likely places … for example, on my walks … around the benches. That is a pretty amazing find around the parking lot … $1.89. I wonder, what is the most you’ve ever found on one day? As always, I love your photography … especially the first ones on this post and on yesterday’s too. Isn’t it great to be out walking when the sun rises? John
What a beautiful place to get to walk! Congrats on the loot find. What a dear Ken was for making breakfast. Good idea about the pie crust. Sounds like a good day overall!
That's quite a nice coin find. Love the first photo, it's a beauty.
Love these winter scenes! Walking sure cures all ills! So good for the mind and body and you are an inspiration! I'm 80 and try to walk two miles a day!
It's been a long time, since you have found coins, if I remember rightly!!!!!!
You 'blew off' the dusting!!!!! GOOD for you!!!!!! We all need to play hookey! :-) And no, I don't know how to spell that!!!!!! >,-)
Can't wait to see what you create with the Bernat pop yarn. Still a bit cold for me to walk in the morning. Enjoy your snow pics! Glad the ice has melted so you won't fall♥
Your happy mornings make me happy too.
Wow! Someone dropped a whole pocket full of change! Bad for them, good for you! Your first picture is stunning and you have lots of yarn to have fun with!
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