Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, January 10, 2022


 Yesterday temperatures went in the 40's and it rained all day long.
With the higher temperature and the rain all of our snow was gone
except for little bits of it here and there.
Last night it got cold again and by morning it was down to 14 degrees.
I walked the first 2 miles down in the basement waiting for it
to get a little light out so I'd be able to see the icy places.

When I tried to open the garage door to drive to town it wouldn't
open because it was frozen!!
Luckily the garage door by the truck opened so I drove the
truck to town.

It was 14 degrees when I walked and windy!
So nice that the sun was out which made walking better.

Came across a few icy places.

Some more frozen ice puddle art.

Wasn't the only one out walking this morning.
Joy was out there too.

Walked up and down some town streets and around the
ball park a few times.
Stayed away from the cemeteries because they are in the open
and with the wind it would have been cold.

Walked 4 miles in town and with the 2 in the basement got all
6 miles walked.

☀️    💨    😊

While walking I thought a nice hot oatmeal breakfast
would be just the thing.
And that's what I had with brown sugar and raisins added to it.

In the morning got busy with the usual housecleaning.

Afternoon was time for working on the puzzle and reading.
Finished 1984.
Not one one my favorite books.
I thought I had read it years ago but after reading it don't think I did.
I found it boring and depressing.
Ken is reading it now.  Will be interesting to see what he thinks of it.

It stayed cold and windy all day and clouded up after lunch
and it's been snowing since then.
Just an inch or so and don't think it will accumulate more than that.

That's all I've got for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope your day was a happy one. 😊
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️


Tom said...

...we had the same weather here, it sure wasn't pleasant.

Mari said...

Those frozen puddles are so cool!
I think I will have oatmeal tomorrow. Sounds good in this cold. It's really cold here too - a high of 12 today. It's supposed to be 3 degrees tonight.

Hootin Anni said...

That frozen ice puddle looks like a greeting.

We have gray gloom but temps are mild.

Hootin Anni said...

Greeting? Nope, that is not what I typed...tree ring

Ruth Hiebert said...

I find the frozen puddle art fascinating .

William Kendall said...

Cold and windy is the order of the day here.

Rose said...

Be sure and tell us what Ken thinks of the book...I have never read it. Just curious to see if you both feel the same way about it. It sounds like you had a cold walk this morning! Good you could do two in the basement.

Happy@Home said...

Now that frozen puddle looks like a bullseye. I think it was just waiting to be stepped on :)

Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad you were able to walk outside even though it was cold and icy. I'm with you on 1984. I read it many years ago and do not recall liking it at all. It is considered a "classic" though. I think we turn many young people off to reading by insisting that they read "classics" that they might find boring. See you again tomorrow.

NanaDiana said...

Love the frozen puddles-they are nature's artwork for sure. 1 think it is wonderful how you walk come rain or shine-one way or the other.
I am back on my daily oatmeal starting tomorrow. Been off it for a while.
Have a wonderful week- xo Diana

Hill Top Post said...

It's always good to get out and soak up some sunshine, even though it was quite cold. We keep having those wide swings in temperatures. Thankfully the next three days are going to be swinging upward.

eileeninmd said...

It is super cold here only in the teens this morning. The puddle art reminds me of rings on a tree. I like oatmeal with brown sugar. Have a great day!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

When I am up to "go pottie," around 6am, I see someone walking. On the road in front of our house. And I don't know how they have not been hit!!!!

Long distance between street lights. This is a short-cut, and people tend to 'fly.' It simply amazes me. -head desk- Why they do this....

Merry Midwinter

Retired Knitter said...

I remember reading 1984 - but it was so long ago, I don’t remember anything about it except that it was predicting things soooo much in the future! Hahaha. Now it is sooo much in the past.

Lowcarb team member said...

Well done on finishing 1984.

All the best Jan

Connie said...

I've been so cold, turned my furnace up to 72 last night. I never have it above 70 and usually it is set at 68. Don't know why I feel so cold, maybe it comes with old age. That puddle art is delightful :)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We're warming up around here - nice sunny day today - I even have daffidills starting to bloom. Crazy

ellen b. said...

Good idea to wait till light to walk in town and to see those icy spots. That's something about the garage door being frozen!