Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 Our warm weather continues.
47 degrees this morning, calm and cloudy at first
but later the sun was shining.

Another enjoyable walk around town,
the ball park, and both cemeteries.

The main road in town.

On the main road a house sits slowly deteriorating for some years.
You may recognize the house from pictures I've taken before.
There was vegetation growing all over it and I noticed that
it is all cut down away from the house now.
Wondering if they are getting ready to tear it down.
OR maybe someone will restore it but it is in pretty bad shape.
I'm sure squirrels and other animals have made homes in it.

Down the road a bit is a business called Firefly Farms who make 
fine cheeses and sell wine and gourmet type foods.
Noticed a sign in the window this morning saying they
will be moving.  Not far though just down the street into a
bigger building and better parking.

Walked a ways up Sale Barn Road

and down again.

Saw Joy out walking around the cemetery and we stopped again
for a chat.

Walked 6 miles

Bench Number 10
At the Post Office

☁️    ⛅️    🌤    ☀️

Got the slow cooker out and put the ingredients in it for Chili.
Ken was helpful and cut up the pepper and onion and celery
for me while I browned the meat.
This takes care of 3 different meals.
Taco Salad
Chili Mac

By afternoon the temperature was 60 degrees, 
too nice to stay inside.
Ken and I went hiking around Happy Trails.
We were up by the cabin when David and Liz came home from work
so we stayed there for a while and had a nice visit.

Nice when we got back to the house to smell the chili 
cooking and even better that supper was already made.

Got a little knitting done and some work on the puzzle.
Hope to read and do some more knitting this evening.

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy Wednesday to you. 🙂
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone  ❤️

Comment Replies:
Deb - Yes, there are quite a few Amish families in the area and also Mennonites.


Tom said...

...we enjoy a beautiful day too, this is great for November. Enjoy your days.

Mari said...

Nice walk and a good day! It was 33 when I left for work this morning.
Sad to see a house left to fall apart.
I love the grasses!

Rose said...

I have already fixed chili once...but am ready for it again. Not sure Roger would be though. It sure is good on a rainy day. The sun never did make it out here...

William Kendall said...

If a place got to the point where vegetation was taking it over, it's probably too late.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. I made homemade chili last week, but this time I did not use the slow cooker. Homemade chili is one of my favorites, and yes, there are always leftovers for another meal. It is fun to see some of the sights in your small town that looks like a wonderful place to call home. :-)

Unknown said...

Maybe someone bought that house and is getting ready to renovate it. Wouldn't that be nice. You can tell it was beautiful in its day. What about chile dogs with all that chile you made. That's one of our favorites. Where I live we spell chile with an "e" and never an "i" We take our chile and our spelling of it very seriously around here.

Hootin Anni said...

Yum, chili. I could eat chili even on the hottest day. Enjoyed the bench & seeing part of your town.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

A nice bench ... at last.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty views of the road and bench. The chili sounds delicious, yum!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Bill said...

Chili meals sound great. I'd go with the chili mac.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Deserted homes like that.... I always wonder why they got that way.... Wonder if it is a case of a will, that has been contested? And thus, nobody get the house, and it sits and decays. Sad!

Nothing like coming back in, to a crock pot meal!!!!!!


Vee said...

Makes me wish that I had chili in the crockpot or anything really. ☺️

There are a number of compromised homes in my town. One is on the end of my street. They painted it midnight blue with silver trim. *shudder.*

Happy@Home said...

Isn't that a great feeling to walk in and smell dinner cooking. Perhaps even better that you will get 3 dinners out of it.
Loved seeing the scenes around your town.

Retired Knitter said...

Don’t know what kind of grass that is (fountain grass??) but it sure is beautiful in the close up picture.

That old house looks sad - not in its lack of care, but more like abandonment after years of faithful service. I hate seeing structures left to just decay. I know it sounds silly but homes that housed people for decades begin to develop a personality-like aura for me - a place where memories were made and a place that sheltered people faithfully.

ellen b. said...

A lovely day. How nice that the business can move to a more convenient spot. I love meals like that which become a couple more meals, too. I'm behind again. Busy with lots of church events right now that I'm in charge of the kitchen for...