Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, May 24, 2021

Abandoned House

This morning it was 61 degrees and calm.
It rained before I walked and after but while I walked
it was just cloudy.


Walked around both the cemeteries, the ball park and all around town too.

Saw the same young woman from the other day back out walking and
another woman who I see from time to time.
Sometimes I see people out walking for a few weeks and then
they disappear for a while and one day they are back again.

No sign of the horse from the other day but this tiny white horse
 came to see me this time. 

This is a big old house along the main road in town that is abandoned 
and it is sad to see it get a bit worse every year.
Windows are broken, the porch roof is falling down and the trees
and bushes are finding their way into the house.

 Walked 6 miles

☁️    🚢‍♀️    πŸ™‚    ☁️

This morning we put our trash in the back of the truck and took
a ride to the dump and threw it in the bin.
(the trash not the truck)
Stopped at the store on the way home.

Ken spent some time in the garage cleaning up a bit.
Buried under a bunch of stuff was a small round table that I
thought I didn't want anymore and had put it out in the garage.
Well when I saw it again I wanted it, so cleaned it up and
brought it back inside.  

Having a nice gentle rain today which is very good for all the plants.

Hope your Monday was a happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.
πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🦳 happyone ❤️


Tom said...

...your pictures make the house look pretty good, I always wonder why houses are abandoned. Oh how I'd love a rain!

Martha said...

The views on your walks are always so beautiful. That abandoned house is so sad, looks like it was a beautiful home at one time. Abandoned places always make me wonder what could possibly be the reason they aren't for sale and just left to deteriorate instead. Glad you found a new/old table you now like again. Have a great evening! :)

William Kendall said...

The horse looks friendly.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. You will have to show us where you put that little table that your brought in. Cleaning the garage is always a big job, but it sure makes you feel good to have a nice clean garage. That looks like a nice old house that someone could buy cheap and fix up. Probably there is no real estate anywhere that is "cheap" right now. Glad you had a nice day. See you again tomorrow. :-)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That little horse is so cute! And I love your photos with the clouds down low on the hills. It's a beautiful time of year! Enjoy your evening!

ellen b. said...

Spring is greening up in your neck of the woods. It's a shame someone doesn't want that house to restore. Hope you have a good evening!

Unknown said...

That white horse is too cute. You need to start carrying some baby carrots with you so the horses you see along the way aren't disappointed. I would love some of that rain, if you wouldn't mind sharing ;-)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Shame about the house. It looks so good and welcoming.

God bless.

Vee said...

Such a nice house to be abandoned. Hope that somehow it can be rescued.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

"Dragon's Breath"!!!

A cute white horse...

How sad about the abandoned house. Always wonder what happened...? The land/house tried up, for some legal reason? It's a shame, that some family could not have bought it, a long time ago, and it could be a lovely family home....

Speaking of the dump.... I love how the British call it, "the tip." -smile- At least, I think, that's what they are referring to.

A found little table! -grin-

🌱 πŸ˜‹ 🌱 πŸ˜‹ 🌱

Bill said...

It's a pity the house is abandoned. Looks like a little TLC will bring back its beauty. Nice looking horse! Enjoy your day.

Nellie said...

Abandoned house....how sad! Think of all the voices those walls have heard! Does the owner live anywhere in the area? Cute little horse!

Debi said...

Abandoned houses are so sad. With so many homeless people it's hard to believe someone wouldn't love it. I've put stuff away that I think I don't want and then when I rediscover it I have just the perfect purpose for it... that is fun!

Granny Marigold said...

Poor Old abandoned house. There's a great poem about an abandoned house if you like poems, It's by Joyce Kilmer and I believe it's called Whenever I go to Suffern.

Jeanette said...

Isn't it great when we realize a new purpose for things we had that we didn't think we wanted anymore? I have that one old chair that I almost threw away and instead made into a stool. It's come in so handy for different things!

R's Rue said...


Rose said...

I am commenting down here...I am still reading a few blogs...just have to comment. First, saw this house when you first posted it. Is this not just so sad? It looks like it was so well made. I just so hate homes falling apart right before our eyes. I would love to know the story behind this one.

That deer and fawn are so, so cute. I bet it is the same one you saw the other day.

And the memory garden for that lady. I share your feelings with that. Just a few years ago probably the first person I met when I moved up here passed away. It was just the strangest feeling. And he was like the lady of the memory garden...involved in a lot in town. He had a little corner grocery store. Knew everyone. When I first moved here, and started working, I would stop in his store and get penny candy to take to work...and would share with people.

anyway, when he passed, it was just such a strange but deep feeling. I had wondered why I had not seen him cause we always ran into each other. He was what you think of when you think of a grandpa...