Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

One fine day

45 degrees this morning and kind of looked like rain so once again
threw my rain gear in the car when I left.

Cloudy at first but then the sun came out so didn't need it.

Walked around town, both cemeteries, and the ball park as usual.

Saw a couple of deer run across one of the fields near the cemetery.
Some rabbits about too and of course the geese.

The boots in the cemetery are still on top of the garbage can.

There is a car dealer right in town which I walk by just about every day.
This blue Jeep Rubicon has been sitting there for quite a while.
Son David dreams about owning it but at over $52,000 
it might have to stay just a dream.
That seems a crazy amount of money for that.

No other people out walking.

Walked 6 miles

☁️    🌤    🚶‍♀️

Tuesday again so we did some food shopping at the Shop and Save.

Got a bit more housework done and then in the afternoon I went outside for a
walk around Happy Trails. 
You can see a bit or green here and there.

Stopped at the cabin to see how Ken was getting on with the
shower room.  David helps when he can but has to go to work.
I help once in a while but I've helped with SO MANY building projects 
during the past years, I think I'm burned out with building projects!!

When I got back to the house I puttered around outside.
The rhubarb has started growing.
I look forward to the Rhubarb Cobbler I will be making.

Sat outside on the front porch and read for a little while before supper.
An easy to make supper this evening.
Caesar Salad with shredded chicken on top.

Haven't had any ice cream the last few days for my evening snack.
I've been eating pretzel crisps with spinach dip - really good.
I had never heard of pretzel crisps. 
Liz brought them over for Game Night with the dip but
we never ate any because we were all too full after eating the pizza. 
She left crisps and dip here for us to try and we ate the 
whole bag up and the dip too. 
We bought more at the Shop and Save today so I'll be having
that again for my snack.

A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Rose - Yes, the boots still look new in spite of being outside through the rain, snow, and sunshine!! They are Men's Interceptor size 8 boots.  I googled the boots and they are sold at Walmart. 


Tom said...

...if they are waiting for me to buy it for $52,000.oo they will have to wait a long time. My rhubarb is up. That Lenton Rose is beautiful with the blush on the white petals.

Rose said...

I love your first and last shot...and would love to have a truck again. But I told Roger our little Rav has been perfect for us. Both for him right after the stroke and for me when I leg was not healed. So easy to get in and out of!

Hootin Anni said...

The color of the rose petals is so delicate! And enjoyed the walk in the woods.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love pretzel crisps and I am sure they would be delicious with spinach dip. Great snack idea. That blue jeep is nice, but I agree with you, $52,000 is A LOT for a car. Geez, I remember when houses cost that much. Our first house was $62,000. Wow, times have changed. That same little house would now sell for between $300,000 and $400,000! Hope you have a good evening and I will see you tomorrow!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yum! Anything made with fresh rhubarb is so good.

William Kendall said...

A moody sky in that first shot.

Martha said...

Sounds like another great day. I love Jeeps too but they are crazy expensive, never going to happen in my world! I love pretzel crisps too and your dinner is right up my alley. Have a great evening! :)

ellen b. said...

Our rhubarb is coming up here, too. Hope those boots don't end up in the trash! It's fun seeing them move around. The Lenten Rose is so pretty!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Lovely blue car.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...


The chips and dip sound yummy! I love the pretty Lenten Roses. That seems like a high price for the Jeep. Take care, have a great day!

Vee said...

Those boots! Maybe someone is having trouble throwing them away and hopes someone else will do it for them. 😏

I see some baking in your future. Do you mix rhubarb with strawberries or take it straight?

Beside a babbling brook... said...

With all the trouble car makers are having, with the shortage of computer chips, needed to make vehicles...... you'd think the car dealership, might be cutting that price... To make some sales... Just a thought...

"THE BOOTS"!!! Ohhhh, now I am really worried. Leaving them on that garbage can. -sigh-

If it was me, if they were still there, tomorrow morning, I would place them, a bit far from that can. Just to let the boot mover know, that someone is watching, and enjoying this. And does not want the Boot Saga, to stop. >,-))))

Just sayin'...


Bill said...

I never heard of pretzel crisps either but they along with the dip sounds great. The vehicle will probably be sitting there for awhile at that price.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a nice Jeep! I hope your son finds something he likes! We all need to have dreams...and some of them come true! Enjoy your day! Save me some pretzel chips!

The Furry Gnome said...

I'd enjoy your rhubarb cobbler!

Lowcarb team member said...

Your supper sounds nice, and I do like the flowers, they are so pretty.

All the best Jan