Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, April 06, 2021


 44 degrees this morning with a mix of sun and clouds and no wind
on my morning walk.
Sunrise - 6:51
Each morning gets a little bit brighter earlier.

Walked around both cemeteries when I first got to town
and made a stop to see the bulls.
Only 2 of them were outside and the rest I could see in the barn 
with a gate across so they couldn't get out.
I'm thinking maybe the two left out are sold and are being picked up today.

Next it was a loop around the ball park and then I headed over
to the industrial park and walked around there.
A woman in a car stopped by me and asked where the
place for getting the covid vaccine was.
Her directions led her to this industrial park.
I started to tell her that she was in the wrong place, but did know
where she should be.
Before I finished she said she had the right place but just couldn't find it.
She was very nice though and I did manage to convince her where she should be.
I gave her the directions and with a wave and Thank You off she went.

Saw a couple of young women out walking with strollers but
they were too far away to say hi to.
Maybe they are moving the boots around.
Today the boots made it over to the bench.

A walk back through town and to the pond where I got in the Jeep
and drove back home.

Walked 6 miles

🌤    🙂    🚶‍♀️

In and out of the Shop and Save today - only needed a few things.

Another load of laundry washed and hung out on the line
and a few other house chores got done in the morning.

Afternoon I read and knitted and made a few weave-it squares.
Another nice day for sitting on the porch.

Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️

Comment Replies:
Rose - Have no idea how old the bulls are but don't think they are old.

Ms BB and Eileen - No recipe for the sausages - just cooked the sausages in the slow cooker.  The peppers and onions that go with it were cooked on the stove.  Ken likes to put his on a sub roll with sauce but I like mine plain on a plate.

GrannyM - the bulls seems to be pretty friendly.  They will sniff my hand and sometimes lick it. 

RK - No, not Ken moving the boots around - don't think he's even been to the cemetery more than 2 times since we've lived here.


Lowcarb team member said...

Your first photograph is very nice, I like the silhouette the trees make.

Nice to see the boots moving around :)

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...I think that those boots are a hoot! Someone has a great sense of humor!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

New Icon!!! New Icon!!! New Icon!!!

I love it! I love it! I love it!


You have gorgeous hair, and I am so *jealous* of it, and your hair do. I have bangs ('fringe') but the sides and back, grown out, ...... just don't look *right.* Not thick enough looking, however one defines 'thick.'

Now, aren't you glad I pestered you, into a new and "present" picture???? -grin-


Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ohhhhh, those boots!!!!

I suppose, it is someone, who walks later in the day or evening, who is doing the moving of them. And you see them "new," in the early morning. -grin-

How about if you put a note on them? Saying "Thank you for the fun!" ?????


Hootin Anni said...

The saga of the boots continue!! Fun.

Beautiful sky.

Martha said...

Beautiful sunrise photo! I couldn't wait to see where the boots would be today. I'll be impatiently awaiting tomorrow's boot update lol.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am also enjoying the earlier daylight these days.

Rose said...

I love how the boots are moving around...makes me wonder where they are going to be next. Like you, I don't think the bulls are old...I just did not realize how big they were until you showed them helping get the one up. I am not willing to admit how young I thought they were. I an thinking they are at least a year old...maybe a bit older.

William Kendall said...

That first shot is my favourite.

ellen b. said...

So much fun to see where those boots will end up next. That yellow blooming plant is nice to see.

Granny Marigold said...

How strange that the woman's directions brought her to the industrial park. Good thing you were there to give her proper directions.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What lovely yellow flowers.

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

I will miss the bulls. It is neat to be following those boots. Where will they be Next.
The yellow flowers are pretty, looks like a little forsythia? Thanks for the reply on the sausages. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

Lisa said...

Thats cute about the boots.
Love the flowers.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love that morning sunrise picture. Hope you have a good Wednesday. I love that picture of you and Debbi at the bottom of your blog. See you again soon!

Bill said...

Beautiful sky in your first photo. The boots seem to be on a tour of their own. :)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Crock Pot Sausages....

thank you for the reply but....

Are they whole, or chopped up?

Don't you have to put some liquid in with the sausage, or they would stick to the bottom?

Or not?


R's Rue said...


Happy@Home said...

Hope that lady made it to her destination and was able to get her vaccine.
That forsythia is a cheery sight. It's 85 degrees here today. I think my spring bulbs will be done soon with this heat.