Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, April 09, 2021

Black Button

 Rained overnight and was supposed to rain again later in the morning
so thought I'd be walking between the rain and when I left 
it wasn't raining so didn't have any rain gear with me.
It was 47 degrees.
Got out of the Jeep and walked maybe a half a block and it
started raining.  Just a little at first and then it just poured.
Stepped here under cover at Joe's to let the heavy down pour pass.

Stayed just a couple of minutes and the rain did let up but still a
steady rain fell.  I was dripping wet in no time but wasn't cold
so thought I'd just keep walking.  You can only get so wet!!

Going down the main road I got splashed with cars and trucks going
by so walked around the ball park a few times and then
over to one of the cemeteries.
Didn't make it up to the one on top of the hill so don't know about the boots today.

After a while the wind picked up which made me cold so
I ended my walk a bit short.
Walked 3.5 miles

🌧    🌧    🌧

Ken asked if I'd bake some Pumpkin Bread so did that this morning.
I used some of the pumpkin left from the holidays that I froze.
The bread came turned out with a different texture to it,
but still very good.

I saw Ken with the refrigerator door open and heard water running.
When I went to see, I couldn't believe he was filling a water bottle
from inside by pressing a button.
No kidding, I had no idea that we could do that.
Must have looked at the big black button many many times but it never registered.
Have had that refrigerator for 2 1/2 years!!!
Ken had a good laugh over that!!

😃    😃

We had a break in the rain around lunch time and after lunch
I went outside and walked around getting the other 2 1/2 miles walked.
The afternoon brought another rain shower but mostly it was sunny.

Made pizza dough in the bread machine and Ken made a couple
of pizzas for supper when David and Liz came by for game night.
This evening we played Monopoly.
Game night is always fun!!

Hope your day was a happy one.
Thanks for stopping by.
👩🏻‍🦳 happyone ❤️


Rose said...

That is so funny about the black button...I know I have done things like that but can't think of one right now. I bet you did get chilled when the wind picked up....

ellen b. said...

That's nice porch to wait out the rainstorm on. That is too funny about that black button! Happy weekend!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Send some of that rain my please.

Martha said...

I can't even imagine going out walking in 47 degree weather, never mind with rain! Sorry you didn't get to see where the boots went today. That is SO funny about discovering the water in the fridge after such a long time lol! So nice to have some good pizza and a fun game night. :)

Deb J. in Utah said...

Ha - we used to have a fridge with an inside water faucet, but when I would try to get something out of the fridge, the button would get pressed and I could get wet, along with whatever I was trying to get out of the fridge. Yours must work better than the one we had. Wow, you really had a rainy morning. We had a downpour like that Sunday night. Game night with David and Liz sounds like lots of fun. Have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

You would never catch me walking in the rain that early in the morning. Too cold for me. Speaking of rain, we need some desperately, we'll take whatever you don't want. Homemade pizza and game night sounds so nice.

eileeninmd said...


I get goose bumps at the thought of walking in the rain. Yesterday just felt chilly to me.
That is funny about the black button. Game night and pizza sound great! Take care, enjoy your weekend!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Raining here right now ... and now ... and now ... and ...

God bless.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm with Ruth on this...we are under severe drought. Love the photo with the columns...waiting for rain to let up.

Tom said...

...I seen to be always learning about new things that have been right in front me for year. It takes a while.

KEV. Robertson. said...

That is odd about the Fridge -not knowing about the Water Spout. Similarly there are buttons and dials in my car and I've never used them and don't want to know- way too modern for me! have a great weekend Karen.

Vee said...

Funny how things are beyond our notice though right under our noses. Same thing happened to me when an entire new wing on the courthouse sprung up overnight. Highly unlikely. 😏

Nothing like pizza and Monopoly...sounds like great fun.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

What is Joe's, where you took shelter? What lovely columns!

"Brand new" to you, black button!!! -grin-

Was supposed to be gray today, but sun came out! Rain tomorrow I guess.

Pizza here, tonight. Our Sat. Treat!

Oh no, we are missing a 'boots' update!! How ever can we go a day, with out knowing their whereabouts?????? >,-)))))


Jeanette said...

That is so funny about the button in your refrigerator! I tend to notice but not really see things like that too! It's actually a pretty handy feature to have!

Hootin Anni said...

PS...I just saw your new profile picture on someone's comment page. Pretty darned awesome. I like it. And I like your hair style.

Bill said...

What a funny refridgerator story and all you had to do was press a button. :)

Debi said...

My daughter has one of those buttons in her refrigerator but it's grey!

William Kendall said...

I'd vastly prefer not getting caught out in the rain. We have some in the forecast tomorrow.

Granny Marigold said...

Walking in the rain and cold isn't much fun. Twice this week I got thoroughly chilled doing just that and now I have a sore throat. I'm gargling with salt water and hope to get rid of it quickly. Usually I just don't get sick.

Lowcarb team member said...

That is funny about the black button.

Monopoly sounds good with David and Liz.

All the best Jan