We are fine and doing well.
Just taking a bit of a blog break for the next few days or so.
Be back soon.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen.
Keep in the sunlight.
- Benjamin Franklin -
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
We are fine and doing well.
Just taking a bit of a blog break for the next few days or so.
Be back soon.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen.
Keep in the sunlight.
- Benjamin Franklin -
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
This morning brought freezing rain and everything had a coating
of ice on it so it was a day for walking down in the basement.
The back windows were coated in ice.
Another morning not good for a town walk so back down in the basement.
I like to think of all the nice days that will be coming up when I can get back to my town walk. I just have to have patience.
We finished another puzzle. This was a funny and fun one to do.
Some closer looks
Got started on this weeks housework.
The sheets got washed. Can't hang them outside but I have drying
racks that I set up over a couple of heating vents and they dry
pretty quickly.
Making more weave-it squares for the baby blanket for February.
Got a good start on them.
Still reading the second book in the Games of Thrones.
They are all around 800 pages with smallish print so it takes a while.
For supper I made some Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup.
Tastes especially good on a cold winters day.
That's all for today.
A happy Monday to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
A home is a place where a pot of fresh soup simmers gently on the hob,
filling the kitchen with soft aromas and filling your heart
and later your tummy with joy.
- Keith Floyd -
A happy Sunday to you.
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Joseph M. Scriven, 1855
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needles pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in Prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do they friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
In His arms He'll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.
Blessed Savior, Thou has promised
Thou wilt all our burdens bear;
May we ever, Lord, be bringing
All to Thee in earnest prayer.
Soon in glory bright, unclouded,
There will be no need for prayer,
Rapture, praise, and endless worship
Will be our sweet portion there.
π΅ π΅ π΅
So funny to look out back this afternoon and see the neighborhood
cows walking around.
One liked it under the bridge.
Two others were roaming around too. We called Farmer Eugene
and he came over and we helped get the cows back home.
He said they would eventually find their way back home.
A Blessed Sunday to all.
Thanks for visiting.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
Started my morning walk in the basement and went a couple of miles.
Back up stairs and looked out the window to see the sun shining on the tops of the trees.
Took the picture from the front porch.
Got the slow cooker going with chicken in it and then baked some
Chocolate Chippers.
Ken had to pick up some books at the library so I decided to walk to town
and meet him at the library. Wanted to check out the roads and
sidewalks for walking. Some places good others not so good.
It was 24 degrees and windy.
Can you spot all the cows around the tree in the center of the picture?
There were a few snow flurries on the way to town but nothing came of them.
Sky shot on the way to town.
I got to the library just as Ken was getting there. I hopped in the truck
and we waited for his books to be put outside for curbside pickup.
Walked my usual 6 miles counting inside and outside.
In the afternoon I got some housecleaning done and then
read some, made a few weave-its, and did a little on the puzzle.
Hope your Friday was a good one.
Thanks for stopping by.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
We got a break from the snow today.
A cold, windy, but sunny day.
Not a good day for walking in town though so I'm still down
in the basement.
Lunch Time
Then we got out the ATV and had some fun driving around
Happy Trails in the snow. Went up to check the cabin and all is well there.
Put away the puzzle and got out the next one.
As long as there is snow around we'll keep doing puzzles.
I got to thinking about the time when our son David was just
3 years old and we were doing a puzzle.
He wanted to do a puzzle on his own. He had those wooded ones
for little kids but he wanted a 'big people' puzzle.
I told him it would be too hard for him but he insisted.
So when we finished our puzzle I took 100 pieces out of the puzzle
of scene in it and set the pieces out on his own little table and he went
to work on it. It took him 2 days but he did it without any help!!
He must have gotten the puzzle gene from us. ππ§©
Spent the afternoon doing a bit of this and that again around the house,
all my usual things.
I enjoy being at home but once in a while I sure do wish
we could go out and spend all day down in LaVale or Morgantown
like we used to. Would be nice to browse around in all the stores
and stop for lunch somewhere.
Well its something to look forward to. π
Hope your Thursday has been a good one for you.
Thanks for stopping by.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
Once again it snowed over night and into the morning
so had another walk down in the basement with the trains.
A look out the basement doors.
Didn't go out and shovel the snow today because it was very
windy. Didn't have to go anywhere so decided to put off the
shoveling until tomorrow.
I made 2 loaves of English Muffins this morning.
Sliced them up and put one loaf in the freezer.
Another puzzle is completed.
I'd like to live here.
Kept busy this afternoon doing a bit of this around the house
and then getting some reading in before supper.
Hope your Wednesday was a good one.
Thanks for stopping by.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.
- Yiddish -
More snow kept me walking in the basement this morning.
You all must be getting tired of snow pictures so today
here's a train layout one.
When we got back the snow plow had come by and left a pile of snow
across the driveway. Not too big to drive through though.
After putting away the groceries I was back outside again
clearing the end of the driveway.
Ken was nice and made me nachos for lunch which is my favorite lunch.
After all the shoveling and walking 6 miles I was ready to have a
relaxing afternoon.
Haven't been knitting for a while so I got out the pink scarf I've
been working on and sat by the window and knitted.
The sun came out and poured in the window and I sat in the
sunshine and knitted. The scarf is about 30 inches long now.
Here's a picture of the scarf to remind you what it looks like.
We worked on the puzzle a bit this afternoon and I'm sure we will
have it finished this evening.
So that's all for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
More snow this morning so no walk in town.
Walked some in the basement and some outside in the afternoon.
Snowed on and off this morning, mostly on and at times it
looked like a blizzard.
After lunch the snow stopped for a while so I went outside
and shoveled the driveway once again.
Then just walked around making lots of tracks in the snow.
Fun walking in fresh fallen snow.
Ken made me a nice cup of peppermint tea when I came back
inside a couple hours later.
Didn't do much of anything else today.
Read a little and worked on the puzzle and did the latest
home study Bible A - Z lesson. ( L for Lord's Supper)
Happy Monday.
Thanks for visiting.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
A couple more snowy pictures from yesterday.
It's snowing again today.
Psalm 112:7 KJV
He shall not be afraid of evil tidings:
his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.
Proverbs 29:25 KJV
The fear of man bringeth a snare:
but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
Nahum 1:7 KJV
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble;
and he knoweth them that trust in him.
A Blessed Sunday to all.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
Worry is blind and cannot discern the future,
but Jesus sees the end from the beginning.
In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief.
- Ellen White -
Figured town wouldn't be so good for walking this morning so didn't drive to town. Walked three of my miles today down in the basement.
Made pancakes for breakfast.
Had one banana that was a bit too ripe to eat so I smashed it
up and added it to the pancake batter.
Makes delicious banana pancakes.
After breakfast I went outside to shovel the driveway.
It was 20 degrees and mostly cloudy but then the sun came out for a little while.
After shoveling the driveway I didn't feel like going in the house yet
so walked around Happy Trails a bit and then
walked up and down the lane.
Made a tiny little snowman on top of a post.
I was outside all morning and by the time I went inside for lunch
I had walked the rest of my miles for the day for a total of 6 miles.
It was so nice walking around in the snow.
Everything looked beautiful and it was so very quiet and calm.
We may not have been seeing the deer in the yard lately,
but they are still there. I saw LOTS and LOTS of deer tracks.
Afternoon it clouded up again and we got some more snow.
We drove to town to the Dollar General to use the $5 coupon.
For supper tonight I fried up some onions and peppers in a little olive oil.
Put them in a burrito shell with some pasta sauce, mozzarella, and
a bit of sour cream.
Easy and delicious.
That's it for today.
A happy day to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake
it is necessary to stand out in the cold.
- Aristotle -
34 degrees this morning when I walked.
Mostly cloudy and windy too.
My usual walk around town, the cemeteries, ball park,
and to see the bulls.
Saw a few snow plows out there getting ready for the
snow that is expected later today.
(late afternoon it started snowing)
I was the only one out there walking around this morning.
Perhaps others are waiting and going out later in the day.
This morning all the pictures I took walking were of the sky.
It sure was pretty.
Walked 6 miles
πΆ♀️ π ☁️
Finished the rest of my house cleaning for this week.
I have finished making another row of weave-its for the bedspread
I'm working on and have sewn the strip onto the other 16 strips.There are 408 squares done so far with these 17 strips. Just 7 more strips to go - a total of 168 more. When all done the bedspread will contain 576 weave-it squares.
So many people ask me questions about the weave-it squares that
I'm writing up a PAGE all about them and when done it will be
right under the header picture.
Hopefully that will answer all questions.
It will probably take me a few days to finish.
Got some more reading done with afternoon and
also worked on the puzzle.
Spent some time looking out of the window watching the
snow fall. One of those pretty snowfalls, that come down heavy
and straight and peaceful looking. So pretty.
Hamburgers and French fries for supper tonight.
A happy Friday to you.
Thanks for stopping by.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
This morning was the first one in quite a while that it was
above freezing at 33 degrees. It was a cloudy morning and just
a slight breeze.
The cloud cover was light and with the sun coming up
it turned the whole sky orange.
A walk around town, including both cemeteries and the ball park.
Down to see the bulls too.
Took this picture after he sniffed my hand.
Driving home I saw that 'Red' had escaped again from the farm
next to us and was in another neighbors yard.
Stopped to take the picture.
Farmer Eugene was behind me and herded him back home with his car.
No else out about this morning.
Another quiet walk.
Walked 6 miles
Sunrise - 7:36
Sunset - 5:17
☁️ π ☁️
Sun came out again after I got back home from walking.
Since it was above freezing and the sun was out I hung
the sheets outside on the line today.
House cleaning day and got most of it done.
Then time for reading.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy day to you.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
No matter how many house chores you complete,
there are always more to be done.
- African Proverb -
A cloudy morning walk, temperature 27 degrees and
it was windy at times.
A walk all around town, the cemeteries, and the ball park.
No people out again but the cat that lives across
the street from the cemetery is out just about every day now.
He used to run away from me but now runs over to me
and rubs against my leg and purrs loudly.
Hard to get a picture because he keeps moving.
Walked down by the bulls and around the Drane house.
This is the pond behind the Drane house and is part of Farmer
Marvins farm. Took the picture standing in the back yard of the house.
I'm sure I've posted a picture of the outhouse before but here's another one.
Walked 6 miles
Sunrise - 7:36
Sunset - 5:16
☁️ π ☁️
Though it was a cloudy walk the sun came out later in the day.
Took our garbage to the dump, didn't have much but it was
nice to get out of the house for a bit.
Stopped at the Dollar General on the way home.
At the Dollar General if you buy something during the week
you get a coupon to use on Saturday.
($5 off if you spend $20)
We got a Christmas card in the mail today from Ken's
Auntie Wilma - mailed from NJ on Dec 11.
I could have walked faster than that. π
Ken ordered a new play station when his died on Monday.
Today the new came. It arrived by UPS in just two days.
Well another day comes to an end.
Hope it was a sunny day where you are.
Thanks for stopping by.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
Sunrise - 7:36
Sunset - 5:15
Walked around town, then over to the industrial park and walked
around there.
Back around town again and once around the ball park.
Walked a bit more around town than I thought because when I was
about to walk around the cemeteries and realized I had already
walked my 6 miles.
Didn't see any people out and about nor any animals either.
π€ π π€
When I got home before going back in the house I walked around
back to take a picture of our frozen little waterfall.
It is on the side of our house by the bedroom.
A trip to the Shop and Save this morning for food shopping.
Finished reading A Game of Thrones this afternoon.
Was going to read a couple other books before starting
on the second book of the series, but liked the first one so much
that I immediately started the second one in the series.
Took the puzzle apart and yup started another one.
We have the border done.
I think I'm a bit puzzled out so this one may sit here for a while.
We've been eating molasses cookies for our snack in the evening
but it will be back to ice cream tonight.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope your day was a sunny one.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
Sunset Sunday night as seen from my front porch.
Had a nice walk all around town and both the cemeteries and the
ball park as well.
I wasn't the only one out walking this morning, the man with the
little friendly dog was walking around the ball park the same time as me.
I think the house with the tree lined driveway has sold.
Saw lights on in the house and a car in the driveway and
the other day saw a U Haul there.
The for sale sign is still up so not sure.
Haven't seen any deer for a while now, not even out back at the house.
Walked 6 miles
☁️ π ☁️
Another puzzle completed.
Ken's play station died this morning and so he can no longer play
his Snow Runner game. π
Finished cleaning out and organizing my craft closet.
Now if it would only stay that way!
Just the usual day around the house doing a bit of this and that.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope your day was a happy one.
π©π»π¦³ happyone ❤️
We all have exactly the same number of minutes in a day.
The question is, how will we use them?
Most people today are either too busy - or not busy enough.
The Bible tells us that both extremes are wrong.
- Billy Graham -