49 degrees this morning when I left on my walk.
It was a cloudy morning with a little sun once in a while and
Another walk to town, around town, once around the ball park
and back home again.
Almost lost my ball cap a few times because of the wind.
Walking with the wind it pushed me along
but it was a workout walking into the wind,
especially up hills!!
The wind had me laughing quite a few times. 🙂
Didn't see anyone else out walking.
Rabbits or deer either.
Was almost home and realized I didn't take any pictures.
So took this picture as I rounded the last curve before home.
Walked 6 miles
☁️ ⛅️ 🙂 🌬
Shopping day at the Shop and Save and we went right after breakfast
like we usually do.
I went inside with Ken this week wearing my new face mask.
It worked great and not once did I complain. 🙂
It did take longer with the both of us going in.
When Ken goes alone he's in and out in no time!
Again only a few people in the store but even in regular
times there is hardly ever anybody in the store early morning.
Once again we we arrived home the little calf was out.
He spends more time by us then in his pasture.
He never wanders far and does go back home on his own!
Much too windy to go out in the woods this afternoon so
stayed in and worked on the cross stitch.
Did a little reading and made a couple of weave-it squares too.
Bill, these tree pictures are for you. 🙂
The tree was like that for many years but this past
year the whole thing finally died.
He spends more time by us then in his pasture.
He never wanders far and does go back home on his own!
Much too windy to go out in the woods this afternoon so
stayed in and worked on the cross stitch.
Did a little reading and made a couple of weave-it squares too.
Bill, these tree pictures are for you. 🙂
The tree was like that for many years but this past
year the whole thing finally died.
That's all for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy and healthy day to you.
happyone ❤️
Thanks for stopping by.
A happy and healthy day to you.
happyone ❤️
...Karen, I have a favorite sugar maple that I have visited for years in Amish country, it has become my friend.
Oh, I love that tree....there is a blog, that photo graphs this one old tree all through the seasons. It is always posted on Thursdays I think, but don't remember if it is every Thursday....and that is what this tree reminds me of.
When I go to Walmart of the grocery here in town, if it is before 9:00 there is seldom much more than 5 or 6 people there. Same is true of the Super Walmart we do to in a nearby town. It is not one of the great big ones, but does have more groceries than our local grocery has. And the county it is in has not had one case of Covid 19.
The photos of that tree are poignant. It held on as long as it could.
Glad that you've stopped complaining. Ha! Did you enjoy being in the store? I haven't seen the inside of a grocery store since the second week of March. I think I miss it, but I also have become quite spoiled by the kids.
Sounds as if your weather today was cooler than our temps in Maine.
Hi Karen. So glad the masks worked well for you. That is an interesting tree. It has been windy here today as well. It is finally raining a bit now. Hope it rains more because we have had a dry spring. Have a good evening and I will see you again very soon!
That tree looks amazing. I'm glad you got the pictures when you did.
That tree is something else. Glad you made it through your walk with your hat intact! It's late in your neck of the woods. Hope you have a good Wednesday!
My hubby does not let me go shopping with him (even before the virus). He says I slow him down too much!
That tree is a great symbol for life. We may lose a limb (or two), but we keep going until the very end. Thanks for sharing this - I love it.
A busy day for you Karen- battling the Windy Conditions too. We Walk each day- only for about 20-25 minutes but it does help general health. All the very best. Cheers. KEV.
God bless.
I love that tree. I had a similar tree, I looked forward to seeing every time we drove by. I can usually shop faster without the hubby along. Enjoy your day and the week ahead.
You did one mile over my walk yesterday. I had no wind (just a slight breeze off the river). I like the curve in the road (leading to?).
Thanks for showing these trees photos. It really stands out in the first photo. All of them are nicely composed, Karen.
Have a wonderful day!
We were at the grocery store at 7:10 and home again well before 8. There were hardly any seniors shopping. It's cool today with rain in the forecast. We were chilly as we went on our walk but came home and had lovely hot coffee.
I like the pictures of that old tree that is no more.
That is a great tree. Beautiful in its bareness.
Nice tree, a survivor!
Love the tree pictures!
Sounds like a great day, wind and all! Sad little tree. :(
Don't know where to begin after catching up with your last few posts. All of them are interesting and fun to read. I can picture you walking in the wind. It has been soooo windy lately! We are in our third day of wind and rain. I love the sweet little calf. I would be tempted to keep him. :) It sure does take longer when both go to the grocery store. We always spend more too.
I love seeing that tree in all the seasons! I have one on the FT that I call the flutterby tree. The leaves flutter but then it looses them all in winter so I watch for the new leaves. Hard to believe you are walking at that temp when I walked this morning and it was around 80 when I finished! Take care and have a good day!
Thank you for sharing the tree pictures, I enjoyed seeing them.
All the best Jan
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