Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Cooler than yesterday morning at 44 degrees F but sure nice for walking.
Just a slight breeze and mostly cloudy but did see blue sky
from time to time.

Walked the Hilly Route.
I pass under the high voltage wires and can hear them crackle.
I've been told that bears walk down the power line clearing
but I've never seen one there.
A nice quiet walk and no cars till I reached the highway 3 miles away.
Kind of neat being able to walk down the middle of the road!!
Saw a few deer, Red Winged Black birds, and heard the gobble of a wild turkey.
👟     👟
A nice cool sunny day and we spent most of the day
again outside working out in the back.
Ken still on his bridge and me on clearing and fence building.

This is the progress I've made on the latest baby blanket.
 Not colors you would think of for a baby blanket but I like them.
(Ken picked out the colors)
Got a quite a lot done in less than a week.
That's it for today.
Find the joy in your day and be thankful for it.
happyone 🥰


Tom said...

...when the baby grows up it can be used for a chess board.

Nawm D Gerr said...

Love the blanket. I think bright colors are good for baby.

Rose said...

I like them, too....a lot. It is going to be one your prettiest....in my opinion! Love that view of that barn in the first shot.

Good news at the dermatologist.

ellen b. said...

Fun baby blanket!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love these colors. So bright and cheery.

Adam said...

Cute blanket

Vee said...

Great blanket...good colors!

Granny Marigold said...

Everything is so very green out your way!!

Joyful said...

It's always such beautiful scenery on your walk. I too prefer a cooler day, not too sunny for getting out for a walk. The baby blanket is looking quite lovely.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I love the colours of the blanket.

God bless.

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful baby blanket!!!

Lisa said...

Such peaceful views. Its been in the 90's here but today it's rainy and in the 60's. Feel cold. haha.
I love seeing your blankets. I should try doing the weaveit squares sometime. Looks easy and relaxing. How long does it take you to do one square?

William Kendall said...

Your second shot is my favourite.

Debby Ray said...

Red and white...always a good combo in my book for just about anything!

Retired Knitter said...

I like the colors too.

Connie said...

I love those colors for a baby quilt, it is going to be wonderful and so pretty and cheerful. Guess what? I finally got myself up and out the door for a lovely walk. I was gone 75 minutes, which is amazing for me. It was good to enjoy the country surroundings, breath the air and just forget about cancer for an hour. I've got to start making myself do it more often. It's probably as good for Steve as it was for me. He probably needs a break for me hovering over him so much.
Again thank you for your prayers,
Connie :)

Henny Penny said...

I will tell Poppy you heard a turkey gobble. :) Turkey season is over here, thank goodness. Your hilly walk it so pretty. I sure hope you don't see a bear any time soon. Bet your fence is looking nice.