Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Outside work day

We had a fun time last evening when our friends came over
and we played Mexican Train.
It was the first time we had people over at the new house.
I had no idea that our friends would bring us gifts.
Thank you my friends, you are so very kind. 😊
Mums - Debbie and Ron
Happy Place - Bettye
Puzzle - Trish and Randy
The puzzle will be the first one we do this winter.
When the first snow falls we get out the puzzles and have one
going all winter.  We go through all our puzzles.
This morning I walked under cloudy skies again and it was 50 degrees.
I walked to town, around both cemeteries, the ball park loop and
up and down all the streets.
Got all my walking in and then met Ken at the old house
and he drove me home.

We had a busy day working outside.
There was a mix of sun and clouds with temperatures in the 60's
so it was a perfect work day.

There are two retaining walls of cinder block out the back 
by the basement doors.
Those blocks have to be filled with concrete so during the winter they don't
fill with water and freeze.
This morning we started pouring the concrete into the cinder block holes.
We started with 12 bags of concrete and two at a time put them in 
the cement mixer, added water, mixed it up and poured 
the concrete down the holes.
It was kind of fun.
When we got done with those 12 bags we bought 15 more
and continued filling in holes.
We finished 2/3 of the wall on the right side. 
Then it was lunch time though a bit later than we usually eat lunch.
That was all we wanted to do for one day and will take a few
more days to finish up.

In the afternoon we cleared some dead fall and brush away from
one side of the driveway and brought it up to the burn pile.
Ken is making a low wall of rocks along the edge of the driveway
and worked on that for the rest of the afternoon.
I helped a bit too by collecting small rocks in buckets to fill in some
of the gaps.
It is just amazing how many rocks of all sizes we have here.
We will NEVER run out of rocks.

So that's been my day.
I always feel good after a good days work.

A happy day to you.
Life is Good
happyone  😊


William Kendall said...

That sounds like you had a lot of work!

Lowcarb team member said...

Some lovely gifts for you - and a busy day working!

All the best Jan

Tom said...

...some people hate to come empty handed.

Granny Marigold said...

That train puzzle looks like a challenging one!

Adam said...

I've never messed with concrete before myself, I imagine it's messy.

Anonymous said...

hey hey hey, Dropping by to see how things are going... Can you believe tomorrow well in 2 and 1/2 hours it will be the last day of September. It flew by so fast..

Joyful said...

Sounds like you had a full day of work after a nice night of fun with friends.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The puzzle looks like a fun one to do.I will likely do a couple this winter again.

Onneli Winter said...

Kirjoitan nyt Suomeksi vastauksen koska Englantini ei ole niin hyvää :) Kirjoituksiasi on ihana lukea, näet elämän kauneuden ympärilläsi ja olet onnellinen päivistä sekä mitä ne tuo tullessaan <3 Palapelejä en olekaan pitkään aikaan tehnyt... täytyypä tehdä samoin kun ensi lumi saapuu. Valoa päivääsi <3

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Confused ... what is Mexican train?

God bless.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the concrete and rock wall sounds like a real work out. Your gifts are lovely, the mums are beautiful. I like the train puzzle. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

HappyK said...

Mexican Train is a Dominos game played with up to 8 players.

Lisa said...

What sweet gifts from precious friends. I like the train puzzle. Me and my husband used to keep a puzzle going on a table all the time. I was great for relaxing and talking.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Ah ... Dominos. I like playing Dominos. Love their pizzas too.

God bless.

Vee said...

Those are the perfect gifts! Sweet friends.

So you enjoyed working with cement...why am I not surprised?😁

Michelle said...

You have been busy! Sounds like things are settling in at your new place.

Melanie said...

I'm still doing online puzzles. I haven't attempted any from the box! Love your mushroom photo. There is a spot near the dog walk that has a bunch of them growing right now that look just like the one in your photo. Have a blessed day.