58 degrees this morning when I left on my walk.
It was a mostly cloudy morning with some low clouds hanging
close to the ground.
Not long after though the sun came through the clouds and it
was a pretty morning.
Walked the Farm Loop.
Fun to watch as two deer went 'springing' across the soy bean field.
Lisa was running around the Farm Loop and we stopped for a little chat.
Once I got back to town I saw Kathy and walked with her
around one of the cemeteries a couple of times.
Then I headed back home.
Look what's left of the old house they are taking down.
before you know, no one will ever know a house was there.
Walked 6 miles
Another money day, found 3 pennies this time.
💰 💵 💰
Got a load of laundry hung out on the line and then went up
to the new house with Ken.
Brought a few more boxes of books and some more dishes up with us.
Got all those put away.
While we were there the Fire Marshal and the sprinkler system
inspectors came and gave us a thumbs up.
Plumbing and electric inspector comes tomorrow.
We did some work outside.
Had to put up a fence on the other side by the basement doors.
The day past quickly, we came home, got cleaned up,
ate, and now are off to church.
Hope your day was a good one and you smiled often.
Life is Good
happyone 💕
One house is finished, and another is no more. Such is life.
...3 pennies, good for you!
Always nice to get the laundry done and hanging out to dry - it smells so good when you bring it indoors.
All the best Jan
The low clouds make for a lovely picture.
Moving stuff and being able to put it in its new spot right away makes moving so much less hassle. I'm glad that's working for you.
58 degrees sounds wonderful!! It's amazing how often you find money while you're walking. Can't wait to see more of your new house.
I admire your energy! Love that first picture with the mist.
I am intrigues at how many pennies you find in your walks. Over here, if a penny is found on the ground there soon is a riot with a crowd of people trying to pick it up first. I bet one of your Blog readers is going round your walk leaving pennies around so that you may find them and write about them.
God bless.
Hello, love the view of the field and cattle. I am glad the inspection passed. Having a sprinkler system is great when you are in a rural area. The fire stations are usually a distance away. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.
That first photo is one of the most beautiful you've ever taken! WOW!
You may be right. 😊 I save all the coins I find in old glass banks. Over the years I've found a few hundred dollars.
It sure would be nice to have a choice in the matter of sprinkler systems though. It was an extra $10,000 added to the house. The fire house is only 2 miles away from our house. By MD code all new structures have to have a sprinkler system.
It sounds like inspections are progressing nicely! Before you know it.... When I was saying with my son and DIL in Knoxville for 3 months I watched as an old house was being demolished. Actually, someone started the demolition and then just let the thing deteriorate on its own. It must have been a lovely house at one time.
That first picture is beautiful. I'm tired of my hot, dry summer and that picture looks just like summer should look to me.
It's always good to get the thumbs up from an inspector! Congrats.
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