Up and out of the house at 6:30 again this morning for my walk.
65 degrees, cloudy, and just a slight breeze.
Walked straight through town and down toward Happy Trails,
back to town, around the cemeteries, and the ball park loop,
and finished up walking through town.
I know I've taken a picture of James Drane's tombstone before
but here it is again. It is the oldest one in the cemetery up the hill.
Down by town pond I can't tell the baby geese from the parents now
they've grown so big.
As I passed by the geese, one started making quite a racket and
6 of them took a short flight and landed on the pond while
two of them stayed on the bank.
It was like the dad said, "Person coming by, take to the water."
The kids listened and dad and mom stayed on lookout.
Walked 6 miles
🚶🏼♀️ 🚶🏼♀️ 🚶🏼♀️
Ken was already up at the new house when I got back from my walk.
Did my usual morning routine and chores.
Was just about to go outside and do some weeding but it started raining.
So I did a little reading and sewed some more weave-it squares together.
The rain stopped later in the morning and I went out and weeded.
The rain made the soil easy for weeding.
Weeded till 12:30 when the rain came again.
An easy and enjoyable afternoon of sewing squares and reading.
The rain made the soil easy for weeding.
Weeded till 12:30 when the rain came again.
An easy and enjoyable afternoon of sewing squares and reading.
Had supper and now we are off to church.
Hope you had a happy day and smiled often.
Life is Good
happyone 💕
"Life can only be understood backward,
but it must be lived forward."
~ Soren Kierkegaard
"Life can only be understood backward,
but it must be lived forward."
~ Soren Kierkegaard
That is a pretty cool tombstone.
That 'bouquet' of flowers is gorgeous.
Beautiful flowers!!
Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing!
...if you can use some more geese let me know, I can send you a bunch more! 😀
I love seeing the geese but I keep going back to the top to see that photo again. It is gorgeous....I love everything about it! Enjoy your evening!
Hi! Visiting you from Connie's great blog! Six miles! That is a lot. I have fatigue from my parathyroid so the doctor says so by the time I get other things done in the morning I am tired. Would love to take my dog for a little walk. I do garden and play the piano and quilt among other things so that keeps me busy. Maybe if I would get up early like you I would get more done! What a lovely walk! Nancy
Those flowers are beautiful. Geese are fun to watch but can sure leave a mess on a lawn.
That tombstone is amazing...1828...it has lasted a long time!
I like Canada geese. We have them visiting here every year. Lovely flowers.
God bless.
We once had a couple of geese raise a family on our pond, I so enjoyed seeing them daily, they came back the next year but something killed one of them, so sad, the male wondered around for days.
Your days are so productive, I didn't get to walk yesterday as we had so much rain.
Hello, the old tombstone is cool. I love the geese and your pretty views. We've been having too much rain lately. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
Wow...such a cool old tombstone with hand engraving! I love visiting old cemeteries. Speaking of geese, I went to leave my subdivision a few days ago and right off the main road was a flock of geese, not close to the pond down the road at all. Two of them were standing right in the middle of the road and a car was coming. I pulled part way out so he would slow down and thankfully he did!
I haven't seen a goose near my house but I have seen a turkey
Sounds like another great day. You make each of your days count for something and it is inspiring to read about them.
The geese are so pretty. Coming home from tow, I saw a family of half grown turkeys in a field. Guess all the babies of this season are growing up. You always sound happy and content and make like sound so easy. I enjoy that.
Loved seeing all of your photographs, thank you.
All the best Jan
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