Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The running geese

Woke up a bit early this morning and was out and walking
at 6:15.  It was 64 degrees with a little breeze, cloudy and felt like rain.
Walked around town, the cemeteries and the ball park.
The man who runs around and around the ball park was there today.
He must get dizzy running around so many times. 😊

Watched a cute thing walking down the hill from the cemetery.
The road is between two fields and all the geese families were walking
up the field going from one pond to the other.
When they saw me coming down the hill they all turned and ran
back to the pond.  It was so funny to watch them all running.
One of the little ones got left behind and was quite a distance
from all the rest of them.  He was running for all he was worth and 
crying along the way.  He must have been saying, "Hey, wait for me."
Mama Geese finally realized he wasn't with the rest of the kids
and came running to the rescue and the two of them got back to the pond.

I mentioned that one of the old houses in town was getting torn down.
Took a couple of pictures of it today.
It is being taken down slowly by a man and a woman, just the two of them.

 At four miles I felt the first raindrops.  They only lasted for about
a quarter of a mile though.  Then at 5 miles the raindrops came again
only this time more of them came and I was pretty wet when I got
back home at 6 miles.
Didn't mind the rain though, it felt nice and cooled me off.
🌧     🌧     🌧
Rain stopped after breakfast and Ken went back to the house
to work on the driveway again.

Ended up being a nice sunny day with a breeze to chase the
white clouds across the sky.
I was going to wash my car and then take a ride this afternoon but when I went to start it, the battery was dead again.
Didn't hold the charge so I guess that means time for a new battery.

Walked around the front yard and took a couple pictures of the
flowers along the front walkway.
I did know the name of these pink and red flowers at one time
but forgot what it is.

Late in the afternoon a thunderstorm rolled by and boy did it rain.
 It is just ending now.

Hope your day was bright and sunny.
Life is Good
happyone  💕

This is such a sad quote it brings tears to my eyes.
What an awful testimony some Christians give to the world.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Lord, help me to be more like Jesus.
Showing Mercy


Tom said...

...if you have a bit of rain to spare, send it my way!

Granny Marigold said...

I believe your flowers are Sweet William and are they ever pretty!

A Casa Madeira said...

Fine the photos.
The flowers are beautiful!

Silver in AZ said...

I don't know what the flowers are, but they are pretty! And yes, we here in southern California could use some rain, too. And yes, what 'passes' for Christian today, in so many cases, couldn't be much further away from true Christianity. :(

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

Your flowers are lovely. It seems the newer batteries no longer give you a clue that they are getting ready to die. Both our cars had batteries that just flat died and had to be replaced. The old ones gave an indication by being hard to start, but did eventually start. Progress? Nope.

Pom Pom said...

It is funny that the runner likes to travel in circles. He must be thinking about something completely different or listening to something and maybe he likes to be on automatic pilot.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, love the view. Cute story about the geese running away. Your flowers are beautiful. The quote seems fitting for some people today. Enjoy your day!

HappyK said...

Yes, they are. Thanks. I'll try not to forget this time. : )

Happy@Home said...

I can imagine how sweet it was to observe the geese family running away.
I wonder if that couple will tear the house down from start to finish. Sounds like a big job.
Your flowers are such beautiful colors.

ellen b. said...

I love it when fellow bloggers come to the rescue and remind us of names of plants, etc. The story of the geese made me smile. That is a sad quote. Hope you have a good first day of summer!

M.K. said...

I'm amazed they're tearing down that old house all by themselves. That's dangerous, hard work. I wonder what they'll do with the lot? Build a new house?

HappyK said...

It is right next to a church and I think it is going to be a parking lot. The house was in bad shape and really not worth saving. It was made into rental apartments and there was a fire in one.

Vee said...

That is a sad quote, but the fact is that Christians will always fail. Jesus Himself is the One we look to. Looking at Christians makes no sense whatsoever. We live the Christian life in Him and not of ourselves. If we could live the Christian life on our own, we would not need a Savior. Oh how we need Him! Poor Ghandi...he missed the boat with false thinking like that. That is the truly sad thing.

I am glad that you are getting some rain...wish it would come north. We are getting crunchy.

That’s wild about the house being taken down by a couple alone. What a lot of work!

Sandi said...

and Misty

Lowcarb team member said...

Your Sweet William flowers along the front walkway look lovely.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Yes, you are right!