Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

It just keeps coming

Left the house a little before 7:00 this morning.  
It was 18 degrees and nothing was falling from the sky.
That didn't last long though and before long it was snowing again.
First walked over to public works and dropped 
the water bill down the slot.

Walked all around town up and down all the streets.
Couldn't walk around the cemeteries because the snow was too deep
for my snow sneakers.
The town pond has ice just in the middle of it.
A couple of geese looked like they were doing laps around it.
 Didn't see any people again.
Lots of animal tracks all around.
Walked 5.2 miles
🍀     🍀
A regular morning around the house doing chores.
Then I made some chocolate chip cookies for the neighbors.
The house next door was sold and I thought a batch of cookies
was a nice welcome to the neighborhood thing to do.

Did some reading and a lot of looking out the window
watching the snow come down.
We may be getting tired of the snow now
 but it sure is pretty falling from the sky.

I'll leave you with some daisies from my yard last summer.

Life is Good
Count your blessings and have a happy day.
happyone  💕


Ruta M. said...

Love the daisies, such cheerful flowers. The snow looks exciting too and so pretty. I used to like looking at all the different animal tracks.

Vee said...

Thank you for the daisies! So beautiful, grass so green. We have 20” of the white stuff in this latest storm and I am so worn out from clean-up that I feel as if I could sleep for a week. Actually, wake me when it’s over! (The grandsons did enjoy their time sledding on the luge today so that was the good thing.

Tom said...

...it should end tomorrow her, I'm ready for some of those beautiful daisies.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You've had plenty of snow so the moisture will make some beautiful flowers when it warms up. I have new neighbors too and was thinking of a little welcome gift. The cookies are a good idea! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Oh cool photos, I like the one with the big ice circle floating in it

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love snow, but at this time of year,I have to say the Daisies win the prize.They are so cheery.

Connie said...

I wish I could send you a warm sunny day. I would do it in a minute if I could.

Adam said...

big contrast between your winter and summer

Dianna said...

I am glad to hear that the house next door finally sold. It is so kind of you to take cookies over to welcome the new neighbors to the neighborhood. When you and Ken move to the new house your current home will sell in a heartbeat.

Your daisies are beautiful.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, We keep missing the heavier amounts of snow. I love the shot of the pond and your pretty daisies. Have a happy day!

Kerri Farley said...

Lovely flowers!! Spring will be here before you know it :)

HappyK said...

It wasn't the white house that sold but the one on the other side of us. It sold in just a week.

Christine said...

Surely this must be the last of your snow??!!
Lovely to remind ourselves that summer flowers will soon appear!

Lowcarb team member said...

How lovely to see the daisies at the end of your post - hopefully Spring will arrive soon!

All the best Jan