Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Home all day

What a mess outside today. 
Woke up to freezing rain so decided not to walk.
It warmed up some and rained which turned everything into a slushy wet mess.
Then it turned cold again and everything is freezing and it is now snowing.
I never went outside today at all.

I got lots of housework done and feel really good about that.
Kept putting it off and the house needed a good cleaning.

Worked on and finished the next puzzle.
This one was pretty hard with no distinct different colors  because 
it was like a painting.  
We are glad that this one is done and decided not to save this one
even though it is a pretty picture.
Did a little reading too.

The only walk I got today was some laps around the house.
Not much to blog about today but still it was a good day.
Life is Good
Count your blessings and have a happy day.
happyone 💕


Ruth Hiebert said...

An ordinary day at home can be the best thing.That puzzle does look hard.

Pom Pom said...

Hi sweet Karen! Maybe God felt you needed a little rest. I'm sorry the weather is so dismal. I was just thinking yesterday as I walked that I'm thankful that it hasn't snowed much because people don't shovel their walks always. Grrrrrr.
I get lots of steps when I clean because I'm so inefficient (LOL!)

Terra said...

I like to stay home occasionally too, ideal for me is once a week. The painting on your puzzle is quite a beauty. What do you do with the puzzles you don't keep?

Adam said...

neat puzzle

Tom said...

...sounds as though, if you don't like the weather, wait and it will change.

The Furry Gnome said...

Some days the weather's just agin you.

Dianna said...

It sounds as though you were able to get a lot accomplished inside even though you weren't able to go out.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, we had the freezing rain here too. I have been reading a lot more on these cold wet winter days. Love the puzzle. Have a happy day!

HappyK said...

If there is a piece missing we throw them out.
We will give the puzzle away if we don't want to do it again and if no one wants it we just throw it away. Would you like it? I'd be happy to mail it to you.

Lisa said...

Sometimes its good to just stay in and get other things done. Im hoping to get back to walking next week or so since its finally staying daylight longer.

ellen b said...

Freezing rain...a good day to stay inside and work on a puzzle. It's a pretty one.