Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Sunday, April 30, 2017


This week is Missions week at church and some of the missionaries 
we support will be visiting our church.  
I thought this bouquet with all the flags looked so nice.
Matthew 28:18-20
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, 
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them 
in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: 
and, lo, I am with you alway even unto the end of the world.

Mark 16:15
And He said unto them,
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Matthew 9:37,38
Then saith he unto his disciples, 
The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.

Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, 
that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
but have everlasting life.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, 
I am the way, the truth, and the life,
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

A Blessed Sunday to you all.
Jesus Loves You.
happyone 😊

Saturday, April 29, 2017


Linking up today with Eileen for Saturday's Critters.
 🌻     🌻
Woke up this morning to a thunder storm and that is one of the times 
I don't go walking.

By 8:00 though the storm passed so I left then.  It was 60 degrees
and cloudy, though I did get caught in a shower half way through my walk
 for about a mile.  A bit windy so I dried off by the time I got home.

 Walked around town, the ball park loop and the cemeteries but didn't see
anyone else out today.

A few bunnies were hopping about at the one cemetery.

Walked 6 miles
Found a nickel and a penny

🌻     🌻
Enjoyed our time at the auction last night with Dianna and Carroll.
She surprised me with a couple more bars of her homemade soap
which I REALLY LIKE.  
Thanks Dianna!
The only thing we bid on and got was a few garden tools.
🌻     🌻
Ken went up to Happy Trails in the morning  and I stayed home doing
the usual morning house chores.
Then I headed outside and got the other front garden all weeded.
That was done by 1:30 just as Ken got back home.

Had a late lunch and then we got in the car and went
to Morgantown to do a few errands there and stopped at an
Asian restaurant, the Asian Bistro for supper.
I think it was our Pastor who recommended it.
I ordered Cashew Chicken and it was very good.  It came with a salad
and a spring roll.  Reasonably priced and I'm sure we will go again.
Nice to be home now for a nice relaxing evening.

A happy day to you.
happyone 🍭

"Always be a little kinder than necessary."
~ James M Barrie
Comment Replies:
Kim - Just want to clear up that the phlox in yesterdays post was NOT in my yard though I wish it was.  Just snapped the picture along my walk.

Rose - The book I picked up at the library for the book club was A Man Called Ove by Fredrik  Backman.

Friday, April 28, 2017

One more summer like day

🌻     🌻    
Left a little early this morning on my walk at 6:15.  It was 48 degrees and the sun 
was just coming up.  There were a few low hanging clouds about and I walked
in and out of a couple.

Since it was a bit early and the buses wouldn't be coming down the hill
I walked the Farm Loop.
 George came driving by and rolled down the window and we talked while
I walked and he drove.

Spear Road is off the farm loop and every once in a while I walk up that way
 to check out this tree.
Before we even bought our Happy Trails land we checked out lots of property
to buy in Garrett county.  One of the places we looked at was on Spear Road.
I first spotted this tree then and we stopped and I took a picture.
Didn't think much more about it until a couple of years later
after we bought Happy Trails and had moved into the house in town back
in 2013.   I was out walking one morning exploring the area and was surprised to
come upon this tree again. 

Walked back to the farm loop and headed to town.
Passed by this driveway and thought that the phlox was looking 
so pretty.
 Walked 6.3 miles
🌻     🌻
Another beautiful sunny summer like day.
After lunch I walked over to the library to pick up the next book
for my book club which meets the second Wednesday of the month.
While there I picked up 2 other books as well.
When I got home I sat out on the swing in the yard and read for a little while.

Posting a little earlier than usual today because we
 are headed out to an auction in just a bit and will be meeting
our friends Dianna and her husband Carroll there.
Dianna and I started out as blog friends. 😊

A happy day to you.
happyone 🎈

"How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world."
~ William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice

Thursday, April 27, 2017


This is another picture from yesterdays walk.
🌻     🌻     🌻
54 degrees this morning and sunny during my walk.  
Beautiful walking weather.

The lilacs in town have bloomed and there are quite a few of them.
Smells heavenly walking past them.
Walked through town again this morning and up Barn Sale a ways and then toward
HT and back to town and the cemeteries and ball park loop.

Gail was out walking again.  She has become a regular. 
I stopped to talk to George for a bit.  I met him when we first moved here
and I usually see him driving by but today he was getting out of his car
by the Garage.  He asked my if I would mail a letter for him so I walked 
to the post office .

Don't usually see geese walking along the road but I did today.
Walked 6.3 miles
🌻     🌻     🌻
Ken had already left when I got back from my walk to go to 
church.  It was Fingerprint Day.  We usually start working at 10:00 but
were starting earlier today at 9:00.  I wanted to get my full walk in so
I just drove my car and went a little later.
I had mentioned that Ken was making some stapler stands.
Well they are done now and here they are set up.
There are 3 separate pieces and each has sides that fold down.
They are on wheels for easy moving to put away when they are not in use.  
I should have taken a picture to show how compact they are when not in use.
I'll do that next time.

There were about a dozen of us working on the Romans books today.
I left early at 2:00 because I had to get the lawn mowed.  It was supposed to 
rain in the afternoon and I wanted to get it done.  AND I had clothes drying
on the line.  It sure looked like rain in the afternoon but it held off till suppertime.

A Cardinal at the feeder in the back yard.
The grass is long there because that is the part of the yard that I don't
mow anymore and it is my little meadow.
I hope the wild flower seeds take root!!
The rhubarb in my garden has taken off already.

Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone 🎈

"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves."
~ James Matthew Barrie
Comment Replies:
Kerin - The header picture was taken last summer and it is a field of Sunflowers.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A foggy start

🐝     🐝     🐝
The morning started off quite foggy with a temperature of 50 degrees.

Walked the roads behind my house and then straight through town and up
Barn Sale a ways.  
Down toward Happy Trails and then back to town.
Around both cemeteries and the ball park loop.

Gail was out walking but our paths didn't cross.  Saw her far away 
from where I was.

Coming back to town the fog was burning off.
And by the time I got home the sun was full out.
Walked 6.3 miles
🐝     🐝     🐝
Finished the set of dish cloths for Tricia and will give them to her
tonight at church.
Ken went up to Happy Trails first thing this morning and I stayed home.
Did a couple loads of laundry and got them out on the line,
did a couple of things around the house and then went outside.

Ken came home for lunch and we took a break and then he went
back to HT and I continued weeding one of the front gardens.
I am happy to say I finished it.
Then marked out with the rake where I want the paths in the garden.
 I am taking pictures and will post them when it is finished.

It was like a summers day, lots of bright sunshine and in the 70's.
My clothes were dried in to time.  I bet faster than if I had a dryer.

Have supper cooking in the oven and it should be done soon so
that's it for today.

Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone  🎈

"Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something,
loves somethings and has lost something."
~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr
Comment replies:
Rose - Yes, the barn from the previous post was a barn along my walk.  There are many barns I pass. : )

Monday, April 24, 2017

Barn Collective

Linking up with the Barn Collective series over at Tom's blog.
🚜     🚜     🚜
This morning the temperature was 42 degrees and there was a drizzly
rain during all of my walk and the last couple of miles a gusty wind kicked up.

Not much going on around town this morning and I didn't see anyone
else out walking or running.

Walked behind my house and all over town up and down all the streets.

Walked 6.2 miles
Found a penny 😊
🌻     🌻     🌻
Home in the morning and then after lunch we went and had the
oil changed in the truck.
Thought about staying home but went to keep Ken company.
Afterward we stopped in at Walmart to pick up a couple of things.

Knitted when we got back home.
I'm knitting some more dish cloths - a set of 4 for my friend Tricia.
And no, Tricia you may NOT pay me for them. 😊
I've finished 2 of them and will make another one tonight.

Took chicken out of the freezer for supper but it was still frozen
so it I thought it was a good idea to go to Brenda's for
half price pizza and a salad.
Guess who was there?  Gail who walks in the mornings too.
She stopped at our table and we met her husband Mel.  He's been waving to
me for a couple of years on his way to work when he passes me walking
in the morning.  Nice to meet him.

I'll be reading some more of my book a little later.
Glad to hear you like Louise Penny Kim.

That's been my Monday.
It's been a rainy dreary day but still it was a good one.
A happy day to you.
happyone 🍭

"If today you can't be anything else to anybody,
you can be the passing stranger who nodded hello."
~ Robert Brault
Comment Replies:
Patti - I have no idea what is moving into the bakery but I sure am curious and will keep you posted.  Yes, I sleep 😊.  Bedtime is about 11:30 and I'm usually up by 6:30 and out the door walking.  Morning walks really do give you energy!!

Dianna - Yes, the house in Saturday's post is the Drane House and it is here in town just a mile from my house.  If you click on the DraneHouse link below the posts you can read about it.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


🌺     🌺     🌺
It was 49 degrees and cloudy when I left the house.
When I got to the end of the driveway it started raining so I went back
inside and put on my rain pants and yellow slicker and started out again.
A mile later it stopped raining and didn't rain for the rest of my walk.
(Did rain later in the day)

Walked over to the post office and mailed a letter down the slot.
Then walked all over town, the cemeteries and the ball park loop.

Once in a while I see a blue bird by the cemetery, today was one of those days.

Work continues on the old bakery.  It now has a new door and windows 
and the inside is just an empty shell.  
They only people I saw out this early Saturday morning were 5
men fishing at the town pond.

Walked 6 miles
🌺     🌺     🌺
Couldn't get outside to work in the garden because of the rain so we decided
to get in the car and go over to Uniontown.
 Stopped and had lunch while were there too.

In the afternoon when we were home again I made some
Welsh Cookies.

Did some reading and also knitted a bit.  Just about
finished with a dish/wash cloth for a friend with the new yarn
I bought the other day.  Will finish it later and start on the second one
with another color that I bought today.

Hope your day has been a happy one.
happyone  🍭

"Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud."
~ Maya Angelou
Comment Replies:
Adam - The actual stone doesn't cost all that much.  It is the delivery charge that costs the money.

Aritha -  The book I'm reading now is Bury Your Dead by Louise Penny.

Friday, April 21, 2017

It Works

🌼     🌼     🌼
It was 60 degrees this morning and cloudy when I left on my walk.
I got rained on a few times and got a bit wet but it was 60 degrees
so didn't get cold.

Walked to the library first and dropped a book down the slot,
then continued my walk all around town, the cemeteries
and the ball park loop.  
Gail was walking and we stopped for a little chat.
She IS the one who we see at Brenda's!!  
The forsythias around town have started to turn green already.
Sure wish they bloomed longer, they are so pretty.
Everything is so nice and green, we've been getting a lot of rain
but lots of sunshine too.

  Got a call from the Dentist about changing our appointment next month 
and stopped in before coming home to tell Sandy that it was 
fine with us.

Walked 6.2 miles
Found a quarter and a dime
🌼     🌼     🌼
We had rain and sun all throughout the day.
While it rained in the morning I did a few things around the house
and then read a while.

In the afternoon Ken hooked up our other trailer to the truck
and the brakes worked fine.
Then when he tried the new dump trailer they were fine too.
So the problem now is no problem.
Must be a God Thing. 😊
So we went to the stone place and got a ton and a half of gravel
for the driveway at Happy Trails.
Here is the trailer with its very first load.
Doesn't look like much gravel in there does it.
Dumped the stone up at HT.  So nice just being able to dump it instead
of shoveling it out.  It worked great.

Back at the house I did a bit more weeding in the front garden.
It was easy weeding because of all the rain.

So that's been my day.
Looking forward to a nice relaxing evening.
Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone  🍭

"The everyday kindness of the back roads
more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines."
~ Charles Kuralt

Thursday, April 20, 2017


     🐠     🐟     🐬     🐳     🐋
55 degrees this morning when I left the house on my walk.
It was another cloudy morning and a few sprinkles of rain but then it
cleared up and the sun came out.
Did have a couple of showers during the day but it was mostly sunny.

Walked around behind my house and all the roads in town and around
the ball park loop and the cemeteries.
The Phlox, which my mom always calls Mountain Pink has started
blooming around some of the tombstones.
No people walking or running but work continues on the church roof
and I peeked in the old bakery window.  Floor tile and old cabinets now sit on
a trailer out front ready for the dump, and lots of wires hanging from the
ceiling.  Walls have come down and now it is one big open space but
the bakery display cases are still there, at least for now.

There is another project going on in town too.  The car dealer 
is building another building across the street.  I've been taking pictures
of the progress every few days.

Walked 6.2 miles
🌻     🌻     🌻
It was Baby Blanket day at church and I brought the two weave-it blankets 
I had made and started a new one today with the yarn I bought the
other day.  I got 8 squares done.
This afternoon we went to pick up the new dump trailer but after getting
it hooked up to the truck and on the way home with it Ken realized that the trailer brakes weren't working so we went back.  Couldn't find anything wrong with the trailer.  So we took the truck up the road to the dealer and they couldn't find anything wrong on the truck end either.  Ended up making an appointment to have the truck
looked at more closely on Monday.  

Got home late in the afternoon and I mowed the lawn. 
No time to do any work in the garden.  
Hopefully it will be another nice day tomorrow.

A happy day to you.
happyone  🍭

"Don't wait for people to be friendly,
show them how."
~ Unknown
Comment replies:
PomPom - No, we don't ski.  Used to when we were younger but haven't in years and years.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Home today

🌸     🌸     🌸
50 degrees this morning and cloudy for my walk.  
For about 5 minutes there were a few rain drops but that was it.

Walked all over town up and down all the roads and around the cemeteries
and ball park loop.

The other day I found out that the kitty that lives at the Day Care Center
in town is named Milo.  Here he is taking a stretch before jumping off the
fence and coming over by me to get a pet.
The man that runs around the ball park loop 5 times was there today
and I saw Lisa off in the distance.

A while back I mentioned that the old bakery shop in town was for rent again.
I looked in the window this morning and the whole inside of the place 
is getting ripped out.  I will be curious to see what they do with it.

Walked 6.2 miles
🌸     🌸     🌸
The last of the puzzles has been sitting on the table for weeks now without
being worked on.  This time of year is just not the time to be working on
puzzles so I took it apart what was done and put it away till the snow comes

Speaking of snow there is just a tiny bit of snow left up on the ski slopes
in McHenry.  Snapped a picture of it yesterday.
 Ken went up to Happy Trails but I thought I'd better stay home for a day
and get some house stuff done.
There were a few showers throughout the day and a bit sunshine too
late this afternoon.

Spent a little time reading too.

A happy day to you.
happyone 🎈

"A kind word is like a spring day."
~ Russian Proverb
Comment replies:
BettyC - Yes, the tailgate can be raised and then the whole trailer tilts back.  I'm sure I'll be taking pictures of in the not to distant future!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A beautiful sunny day

Yesterday at Tractor Supply I saw this cute chicken coop.
Every so often I toy with idea of getting some chickens.  
Wouldn't this be a great little home for a few of them?  

🐓     🐓     🐓
35 degrees this morning and sunny when I started walking but it warmed
up nicely later on and was another beautiful sunny day.

Walked on the roads behind my house, through town and up
Barn Sale a ways.  Then down toward HT, back to town around
both cemeteries and the ball park loop and then home.

Lots of people tooted and waved at me today.  Seemed like more than usual.
Gail was out walking but I saw her from a distance and we never crossed paths.

Such a pretty morning to be out walking.
Walked 6.5 miles
🌻     🌻     🌻
Got some laundry done and hung up on the line and a few other chores around the house while Ken was up at HT getting some tools and things he needed for 
some things that still needed doing around the church.
He picked me up and we went to church.
While he did his work there,
I worked on getting the little garden weeded and cleaned up by the
radio station.  Started the garden a few years ago and now I try to keep it
neat and tidy.  I plan to plant some marigolds and sunflowers in it later on.
 We finished around lunch time at the church and stopped at Burger King
and ate sitting in the truck.
While we were there a truck drove by trailing a little dump trailer.
We both said that is something we could sure use, so on the
way home we stopped at the Garret Automotive to see if they had any
for sale.  They did and we bought one.  It was last years model so they gave
us a good deal.  We pick it up Thursday.
When we got back home, Ken went up to HT and I stayed home and started
weeding another garden in the front yard and got about half done. 
This one is down by the road on the left of the driveway.
 I took a before picture and will post it and the after when I get done with my
garden plan.  Never got around to it last year but this year
I am determined to get it done.
 I'm going to put some stone pathways in it and maybe a
bird bath and some other things.  

So that's it for today.
Another busy one and I like that. 
 Certainly better than sitting around being bored.

Hope your day has been a happy one.
happyone  🎈

"It is not easy to walk alone in the country without
musing upon something."
~ Charles Dickens

Comment Replies:
Thanks Robin and Aritha for telling that the blue flowers from yesterday were called
Dead Nettle.  I'll try to remember that. 😊

Monday, April 17, 2017

Kept busy today

Picture is the back of the old building which was posted on Saturday.
 Kim, in answer to your question, I think it is an old chicken coop.
 🌻     🌻     🌻
 Woke up to a rainy morning and it was supposed to clear up so 
I put off my walk till later.

We went out in the morning doing some errands.
Got home mid morning and by then the sun had come out so I headed
out for a walk. It was 65 degrees.

Walked over to the post office first and mailed off a package
to you BettyC.   

Passed by the day care center on the way to the cemeteries and all the kids
were outside playing.  There must have been a dozen of them about 4 years old
all running around and laughing.  
One of the little boys saw me and yelled,  "Hi Gramma."  I said, "I'm a
gramma but not yours."  and we both laughed. 

Walked around both cemeteries and the ball park loop too.
 Walking down the street a street away from my house
I looked at my house and there was Ken sitting on the porch.
I zoomed in and took his picture.
 Don't know what these little flowers are called but
they sure are pretty little things.
 Got back home a little after 12 noon.
Walked 6 miles

After lunch we went out to Tractor Supply and picked up
some farm gates that were on sale.
Next stop at church to do a few little fix it jobs that needed to be done.
We had a nice little break and stopped at McDonald's and had ice cream cones.

Then up to Happy Trails to put up the farm gates at the entrance.
 By this time I was almost supper time so we came home and I made supper.
One of my favorite meals is Sweet and Sour Chicken but
I made it with shrimp instead of the chicken.
Added a green bell pepper and some chunks of pineapple too.
It was very good.
 So now it is about time to relax for the rest of the day.
Reading, Netflix, knitting and even though I already had ice cream today
I'm going to have it again.  😊
Hope your day was a happy one.
A smile from me to you.
happyone 🍦

"Always be a little kinder than necessary."
~ James M Barrie